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About WesSeH

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Skyrim, Red Orchestra 2
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How do I setup a mod from bethesda.com to be handled by NMM
WesSeH replied to BurnSixSixSix's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I understood the issue when I read it and I was a bit surprised by the suggestion of Wrye Bash as the answer to the (original) question. It just seemed odd that this whole misunderstanding was based on saying you don't need Wrye Bash to fix the original problem, it appears it was in no way said that you should never use it. It seems the whole thing was blown out of proportion by conflating an entirely different grievance. Which is a good recommendation to be using Wrye Bash for bashed patches. I run through my check lists of things to do when installing and updating mods of running all the tools when I need them like running body slide after I install new armor that require them and run loot and Wrye Bash last.- 14 replies
- uso addons
- importing files to nmm
(and 1 more)
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Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
"Dirty" edits do not cause harm, they only take some space, which is very very little. (at least in the DLCs, cleaning mods is a different topic.) Deleted Refs can be a problem, but its very unlikely that you run into issues with those. It happens, when a mod user does something with a tree for example, that bethesda deletes with a DLC. The engine tries to do something with the tree and runs into a hole. As many people use DLCs those issues are detected by mod authors and they are fixed. So in the end, there is no need for that. Correlation does not equal causation and as I pointed out the crc of the uncleaned master files will get this error. I really don't think having the latest f4se caused this. I had been given notice to cleaning my master files prior to this and I cleaned them accordingly(because cleaning is easy and takes 2 minutes at the most) and I am fairly sure people who are making this speculation are wrong. This seems like a long excuse for the possibility that a mod maker may know about the issue before hand and you are certainly taking more time to do this than it takes to clean them. That aside, what if a mod maker has cleaned their files and create a mod and they release it with out being aware? Moksha has told me that it made fallout 3 and new vegas much more stable after doing so, but pointed out fallout 4 was already stable. I mean there are pretty bright members of the community that recommend it in the step project for skyrim, the loot people obviously recommend it and obviously gopher did too and provided a quick easy tutorial on how to do it. However I still have to brush all that aside for the off chance you are completely right and it would only be a 2 minute project to clean them. So I think I will choose the non lazy route here. I mean this is a bit off topic, but more to your logic. I never thought arthmoore's unofficial patches would break my skyrim game. It however did. At the time when it was discovered by people on the forums what was going on, it was believed to be unfix-able, however with the advent of the script scalpel, they were able to correct the error. Well I started over with fresh new mods at that point and arthmoore had corrected that error in the mod itself. So my point about this is, I can trust nothing will ever happen or like moksha had mentioned to me, this helped stabilize his fallout 3 and nv games. -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
As for tarran61, you had mentioned items listing twice in your build menu? Do you use any mods like home maker or SSEx and SKE with them? I know home maker has something to remove duplicates. If you are experiencing it with out the use of any mod like that, then I am unsure why that would be. However that is the only reason I can think of as to why you may see redundant items, possibly under the mod's name? -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Checked LOOT again, seems its just the DLC's showing the messages. None of the 255 mods Im using show the message. My bad. Right now I will live with it but will following this topic to see where it goes. I apologize if this seems like it was directed at you. It was not. I was trying to get to the bottom of the other claim in this topic. I wasn't trying to suggest any other mod should show this, except for when people from the loot add suggestions to the list for offending mods. -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
http://i.imgur.com/AYavq7z.png If I am wrong, it sure looks like it functions that way to me. My dlc's were cleaned and my CRC value differs from the one that the dirty plugin info was expecting. Maybe people are really going out of their way to "game breakers" here. It's an awfully big conspiracy that only the Illuminati could have concocted and I thank you for bringing it to my attention. -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943456144 While this guide doesn't preclude foreknown knowledge of "game breakers". It does appear many individuals are happy with the guide and have followed it's advice to achieve nil benefit. Even if the guide does insist on the idea that there is benefit. Loot also detected these issues. Now I may be going out on a limb here on how I assumed loot works. Loot is based on a master list that in this case of the dlc's has a CRC value from the master list and if that CRC value in your mod list matches the one in your fallout 4 directory, it will give you the warning that is in the master file database. I am not an expert in how loot functions, nor am I suggesting that is the only way it functions. So if I am wrong, I apologize for the assumption. So if that's the case and loot is trying to be helpful by including this message, is there anyway loot and others could be wrong and you have some information pertaining to this mystery? I feel I am left in the dark to what you know that others do not. -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
So, besides the argument that there is zero benefit, is there any consensus on that having deleted references are intended and should remain for specifically fallout 4? I know identical to master records aren't needed, but not entirely necessary. I want to be clear that you aren't just telling me this and you have some sort of empirical or authoritative answer from others on this? I understand what an error is and I understand what a deleted reference is and an identical to master record is. Which is what the cleaning consists of correcting. I mean gopher seems to understand what he's talking about. Howeveerr the opinions expressed here seem to be differing on this. Gopher provides me with valuable information and you guys seem to know something I do not. If you can share that information, I would really like to know. If this is a general consensus expressed by most people in the fallout 4 community, that would be good to note and I will gladly take that into mind and revert my files if it will break my game. Loot says one thing, and while gopher doesn't have a fallout 4 video covering this, his information still seems highly relevant, but that doesn't mean it supports the case here. You might be right. This might be my fault for not discovering that I shouldn't clean my fallout 4 files. -
Updated F4SE to newest version, error messages show up
WesSeH replied to Tarran61's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Would you mind expounding on why one might not clean the dlc's with fallout 4? This is the first I am hearing of cleaning fallout 4 dlc will cause "game breakers", this might be technical jargon that is going over my head. You see, I have cleaned bethesda's dlc's before with skyrim as it is highly recommended and it never hurt the game. It is known that bethesda retains dirty edits and it''s dlc's have identical to master records that are unnecessary, their stuff isn't perfect as is, meant to never be cleaned. It was to prevent issues from arising because of it. I have cleaned my dlc's and played through fallout 4 with out any "game breakers". I would like to know a little bit more about this for my personal benefit. -
I don't know what to make of skyquest32's ramblings. Also note, I am not judging him for his grammar, I can read through that fine. However you spoke clearly and tried to imagine a plausible deniability scenario and tried to make sense of it. So I will reply to you. You are right, anyone can use skyrim as escapism and it is what keeps the game strong and exciting to mod makers and gamer's alike. It is even quite a nice sentiment that elderly or disabled people can relive youth through or live an almost reborn life in a way they could experience new things in such means like a role playing scenario. It's great people can experience that level of impact from a game and it can make them happy. Your take on the situation sounds reasonable and fine on the outside, but it is an imagined scenario of whats going on and even if it does apply to a few individuals, it doesn't account for the rest of it. It in fact ignores what the OP was asking about. It's child like mods, not teenage nearly adult mods. If it were that of 16yo+ mods, I don't think this topic would exist. Even then that is a topic for it's own discussion on the rationale of an old man wanting a 16yo girlfriend. I don't think someone would mistake or go for a prepubescent or early puberty teenage girl for a 16yo girlfriend. That's on par with the game tera, if you say they are 100, then it's clearly ok and society are the sick individuals who don't understand? Now I know I don't watch anime or understand most of its appeal. It all just disinterests me. What confounds me is how the underage waifu's must be defended and pretend like nothings going on. Loverslab has strict rules against the stuff from what I understand. I must admit I was unaware of most of these mods as I never really bothered going into the section for additional npc's or whatever other category, I just only informed by other members who watched for new mods of all types more than me. So it just seems to me that hiding a mod in plain site with no abject content seems to be the way to get around the system. I feel I will never understand it, but I guess underaged waifu's must be defended.
That's nice, but OP didn't ask about anime, but rather the aspect of 'loli' mods contained here or elsewhere. You can argue the legitimacy of them or even claim to be Chinese and you were yearning for a younger sister as yours was killed, but they kept you. However the geographical location that started this craze and you notice it from the faces is Japan. By that I mean the face is nearly always similar in looks. A sweet young innocent waifu. No one is empirically or falsely stating that all anime lovers are into hentai or other similar subjects and art styles in a sexual category. However I know there is a great chance that those two things overlap for a great many anime lovers. If you aren't of that category that shares all interests in it and instead defending the parts you do like and dismissing the parts you don't like. One could argue, why do you care about defending the entirety of it? Why not move along. However for those with a reasonable dispensation to discuss or argue might realize you can view things in other categories besides black and white. You can be for anime and even hentai and still find the topical misuse of the art form to be offensive, disturbing and wrong. Unless of coarse you are intent on defending that too. Off topic, but to support my point, I will start off by saying that I dislike 4chan, yet there is always a thread going on there with indecent images of young anime characters on that board, maybe it's when mods are offline? I used to know a group of people who were ethical hackers and they used to go after these chan sites a lot for content that was posted and hold them accountable. This was long before anonymous was even formed. Yet 4chan changed their ways of hosting it all the time in its own category and yet these threads only pop up occasionally, so they still exist. It confused me when 4chan became widely popular knowing this group that used to go after websites and send them to authorities as much as possible and 4chan was often their target. The parallel here is that, yes I do know and I am aware that most people don't go to 4chan for that and avoid it and try to get mods to shut down these threads. I wouldn't begin accusing everyone as that site is very diverse and has produced good things too, such as memes. However the mods in question for skyrim by the op may have in some cases plausible deniability, but I am not blind to the intent or what users are doing with the mods. It's not a mystery to me. If there is a market for something, someone will come along and produce content for it. Which is why such mods and images and videos exist. A little more off topic, but somewhat relevant. I once tried a game called Tera after it went free to play, because a friend wanted me to join him on it. I began leveling with him on his role playing server. I brought up the obvious question about elin's and I kept receiving the same answer. It's cultural differences that I wouldn't understand and that they were 100 years old according to the games lore. I am clearly blind to that they look like a prepubescent girl. I get to town during the leveling and I see a group of elin's standing around the city showing off their sexy and very skimpy outfits to each other. I can't prove it, but I know they are grown men behind their screens and I witness them discussing how cute and sexy their outfits they are showing off are while dancing and role playing with their waifu's. I logged out and never played again.
Maybe someone already pointed this out, but from what I am reading in the comments is people missing the point of mods being disabled. I think it's a clear sign GECK is being readied for this patch. Which they said april is the launch date. I remember all the mods for skyrim that users patched over to CK and later CK versions. The CK broke skyrim mods pre or prior versions of the CK and it was probably for the better. I don't technically understand the reasons why, but I think I am seeing a pattern emerging with GE(CK) and incompatibility. So there is a good chance there is a technical reason and not just a testing practice they are only forcing for this patch. So only opt for beta if you know what you are getting into. Uninstalling mod's and or running a repair on fallout 4 might be a good idea if you want to go for it anyway with a previously modded game.
To enable modding in Fallout 4 you will need to add the following line to the Fallout4Prefs.ini file below the section marked [Launcher]: bEnableFileSelection=1 You will need to change the following line in Fallout4.ini: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\
I should also mention, monitor how much memory skyrim is using. If it's nearing 3.1gb from all the texture mods you have, it will crash going over 3.1gb. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/? That is also a useful mod to help prevent ctd's that happen after awhile of use, but isn't needed if you are using the 1.7.0 alpha skse. I am not too sure the exact reason you see mauve/black[blank] textures. It means the texture didn't load and it could be a memory issue or some conflict, but apart from reducing things in your load, it is something that is pretty much only fixed by a restart of the game. I know I have overloaded my game before and had to reduce on something to prevent that from happening. I had a lot of textures, and armor mod's. Also, simply unchecking mod's doesn't make for a good uninstall, scripts can linger and cause issues. That's why you should try save game script scalpel or other various mod's that have been released to handle scripts.
I would have recommended making sure you have the latest vilja update. However I think it is probably unrelated to the CTD. I always try to diagnose with turning on all functions of papyrus to examine the logs. There are some pretty nifty tools out there now that can also help. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/? Also I try to run tes5edit to see if everything loads before I start a game after updates and boss sorting and apply custom sorting to unrecognized files. Also read any notes boss or loot may have for me.
Did you try not one shotting him with an overpowered arrow? Perhaps try on a harder difficulty so that doesn't happen. Infact, don't kill the dragon, let miraak do that like hes supposed to.