The title basically says it. Bandits in Skyrim are shockingly organized in their sense of apparel, all of them wearing leather, fur, Nordic, or an other set of mundane armor from a criminally short list. But this doesn't make sense, does it? So, if you decide to make this mod, here is what I think would be a good distribution model, however feel free to do whatever you like, it'll be your mod, after all 50% of bandits would have standard bandit attire/weapons (what the game gives them already) 25% of bandits would have scavenged armor/weapons (soldiers uniforms, elvish armor, companion armor, dawnguard armor, falmer armor, etc.) 10% of bandits would have no armor/weapons (farmers clothes, monk robes, etc.) 10% would have pretty nice armor/weapons ( steel plate, orcish, ebony, etc.) 4% would have armor that is pretty hard to get (dwarven, Ancient Nord, Blades, etc.) 1% would have armor that would be very, very difficult to get. (daedric armor, mythic dawn clothes, Psijic Monk Robes, etc.)