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Nexus Mods Profile

About DeckardKain

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. as long as the nexus does not sort mods after version then modding for the latest version is the only thing that makes sense
  2. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues with save game corruption. Around day 380-400 in every campaign I play, my save games start to become corrupted and I can no longer load them without the game crashing to desktop. This happens regardless of whether I'm using mods or not. The only way I can continue playing is by never closing the game, which obviously isn't practical. Has anyone else encountered similar problems?
  3. I said you were naive as you were clearly taking an idealistic view of a domain in which ideals are fairly irrelevant and about which you clearly know very little about. I never said you were uneducated - you adroitly demonstrated that yourself. But let me clearly spell out for you what I do think and was able to prove: you are an unashamed bullsh!tter who tries to appear authoritative regarding a domain you know very little about and when the clear and obvious deficiencies of your opinion are pointed out to you, you try to weasel out of it by using slimey tactics like passing it off as a 'figure of speech'. Clearly you lack the courage to own what you wrote. No you haven't. Making mods isn't BGS development. That sounds like a line someone would use to pad their resume. Please continue posting your BS - I will enjoy continuing to expose you as a dishonest bloviator. Well, it was very clear from your very first post that you are here to pick fights. I am just here to chat, and I was simply sharing what kind of theories I have. It doesn't have to be taken seriously. I am often wrong about many things; however, I don't think I am wrong about you. You have severe personality issues
  4. I will see what I come up with. One thing I've learned from modding Skyrim/Fallout is that having heavy background scripts running is not a good thing and can be very taxing on the system. I've already noticed problems with the cargo links creating lag, so I might prefer scripting triggers with some more manual inputs instead of background scripts.
  5. Yea, don't belive the nay sayer. This is not impossible to make. in-fact quite simple, I made a quick draft for a papyrus script that will spawn in a ship with random timer, should look something like this : ScriptName SpawnRandomShipScript extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate(Actor akActivator) Float minDelay = 5.0 ; Minimum delay in seconds Float maxDelay = 20.0 ; Maximum delay in seconds Float randomDelay = Utility.RandomFloat(minDelay, maxDelay) Debug.Notification("Spawning enemy in " + randomDelay + " seconds.") Game.Delay(randomDelay) ; Calculate a random distance and angle Float randomDistance = Utility.RandomFloat(3000.0, 10000.0) Float randomAngle = Utility.RandomFloat(0.0, 360.0) ; Calculate the spawn position based on player's position Vector3 playerPos = akActivator.GetPosition() Float spawnX = playerPos.x + (randomDistance * Cos(DegreesToRadians(randomAngle))) Float spawnY = playerPos.y + (randomDistance * Sin(DegreesToRadians(randomAngle))) ; Set the spawn position Vector3 spawnPosition = Vector3(spawnX, spawnY, playerPos.z) ; Spawn the enemy at the calculated position SpawnEnemy(spawnPosition) EndEvent Function SpawnEnemy(Vector3 spawnPosition) ; Replace this with the code to spawn your enemy. ; You may need to reference a specific spawn point or create one. ; Example: EnemyBase.spawnItem(spawnPosition) or similar code. EndFunction Function DegreesToRadians(Float degrees) return degrees * (PI / 180.0) EndFunction
  6. I plan on fleshing out the trade system, but I need the creation kit. And I want to take it a bit further and make use of the underused social skills. What do you think about using your persuasion skills to strike bargains? Or even using your negotiations to bribe the authorities? I have no plans for full automatic trade links; however, as I want to enable the "space-trucker" playstyle with bulk buy/sell mechanics, and as I am mainly a level designer I also have some plans on player homes/outposts that give trade bonuses, ownable trade ports in short,
  7. Figure of speech, Board of directors / shareholders, whatever... BGS is owned by ZeniMax (now known as Bethesda Softworks, LLC), which is owned by Microsoft, which is owned by others. Sure, BGS is not publicly traded, but that does not mean there is no shareholder interest. Now, ZeniMax made a significant investment in BGS with the introduction of the Creation Club; that is what I am talking about. And no, without a dedicated scripting language for it, modding on consoles is doomed to be limited. Stop insulting me now and calling me naive and uneducated; I have been involved with BGS development for 20+ years now, so f off. You are coming off as rude. I will ignore anything else you say.
  8. Why are you being combative? I don't want to get into a fight with you. What I mean is, the shareholders loved the Creation Club. BGS's shares have never been higher, so of course they care about the modders. We aren't treading new territory here; we've seen all of BGS's gameplay before. The tactic here isn't to make a great game, it's to build an organic, self-sustaining game. For example, one reason modding is coming to Xbox is thanks to this engine and Papyrus. Just imagine if we could execute C++ code on consoles; that would never happen!
  9. If you'd thought about this for a moment, you would've hopefully realised how naive it is. No game development company would make a decision that has such a massive impact on productivity and profits on the basis of modder comfort. More than likely the reasons are some combination of: 1. Economic - not wanting to give away 5% of turnover to use someone else's proprietary technology, especially when what they've built internally provides more or less what they need at a fraction of the cost 2. Risk management - not wanting to rely on someone else to provide the platform which essentially generates the entire revenue of the company i.e. the game engine 3. Provides opportunities for team members to develop skills that are valuable across a variety of tech disciplines. Can you imagine Todd or the VP - Finance presenting to a group of shareholders that the dividend is going to be 5% less than last year because they were concerned about modder comfort.... Hello Creation Club.
  10. You know that doesn't make sense, right? Because with Unity and Unreal, they could have picked up either if they were lazy and produced greater results. I am quite convinced that they stuck with the old engine to make us modders more comfortable.
  11. You should trust this - right here. That said, I think it is extremely impatient to expect modders to "fix" a game weeks or even months after release. That takes time to reverse engineer, create the tools needed to do proper modding. On average, don't expect a game to be seriously modded in the first year - in any kind of quality quantity. Bethesda could "speed this up" immensely by releasing the CK on game launch, but they choose not to. Yes, but we will probably do it faster this time. Maybe that's why they wanted to stick with the old engine. It's so well documented now that even ChatGPT knows how to script Papyrus. We have done it all before, and we have decent tools that just need to adapt. I don't know why they didn't release the CK right away, but they did the same with Fallout. Seems to be the MO. Maybe they want to solidify the foundations before they let us loose.
  12. YES, we can fix this, and it's probably the intention. It's almost like they made a blank canvas for us to paint on. I think that's really smart because it's kind of impossible to make a game that fits every taste. For example, I really don't agree with you on exploration. I believe barren rock worlds should be barren and boring. When you find something, it should feel rare and special. However, now we have a modular game that everyone can tune to their taste with modular plugins. We both can have what we want! The only thing I believe is hard to fix is the storyline, as we don't have access to the voice actors.
  13. It's not a mystery at all. Decades of scientific investigation and space missions have equipped us with a robust understanding of gas giants, distinctly demarcating scientific facts from science fiction. Informed Exploration: Space missions, including Voyager, Galileo, and Juno, have provided us with profound insights into gas giants, especially Jupiter. We're not navigating through conjectures; we're rooted firmly in comprehensive scientific data. Crushing Pressures: The notion of "pockets or bubbles of clear space" runs counter to our knowledge of gas giants' internal structures. Before even reaching the depths where metallic hydrogen dominates, any probe—and certainly a "pressure ship"—would face pressures so immense that destruction is a certainty. Turbulent Environment: Far from being placid globes, these planets are turbulent cauldrons, hosting storms with lightning strikes far more potent than any on Earth. They are anything but calm landscapes for exploration. Gravity's Grip: The colossal gravitational forces these planets exert, with Jupiter's surpassing Earth's by over 24 times, make any form of maneuverability nearly impossible. Absent Solid Ground: Gas giants preclude the possibility of a solid landing. It's a perpetual journey downward, where conditions become progressively more hostile, without any solid platform in sight. Radiation Levels: The intense radiation fields around planets like Jupiter would devastate most electronic equipment, further complicating any hypothetical mission into its depths. Life and Gas Giants: The intriguing idea of ecosystems or floating islands within gas giants is rendered implausible by their very nature. The overwhelming gravity and pressure would pulverize anything that isn't gaseous. In conclusion, while delving into a gas giant may serve as an exhilarating backdrop for science fiction, it stands in stark contrast to our current scientific knowledge.
  14. Would you be okay with alt-tabbing into another window while playing games and still receiving in-game rewards? I was thinking about doing something with the web API
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