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Posts posted by Viscaraia

  1. Zarqualyn, that's exactly the issue! Thanks for describing it like that, your description was cleaner than mine :) Let me know if you figure anything out. I tried deleting and re-installing the mods and nexus but it didn't solve anything and I still can't deploy mods or use the DLCs



  2. I appreciate all the patient responses here, I'm a newbie with this kind of stuff so there's a lot I have yet to learn. I'll check it again and see what I can do.




    Addins.xml is the file that Dragon's Age needs to determine if you have the DLC.


    I checked and my DLCs seem to be in the right files, but they don't show up when I start the game. I'm considering re-installing everything at this point but I'd rather not have to resort to that :geek:

  3. I'm seriously at my wit's end with this thing. I've been trying to fix this for hours and my head is about to explode :(


    I've been playing Dragon Age Origins (I'm a sucker for old games) and recently started using Vortex to install mods. Today, while messing around with Vortex, I suddenly got the message "failed to deploy mods". When I asked to show details, it said "Vortex tried to access "C:/Users/[my username]/Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/settings/AddIns.xml" but it doesn't exist.


    I attempted to rectify this on my own, trying anything I could think of (such as changing the file name because it seemed to only be named Addins, not AddIns.xml) but none of it worked. I opened the game at one point and found that something had happened to the game! All the DLCs I had downloaded were gone, which made it impossible to open the saved game files because I've used the DLCs in those. I also noticed that I was logged out and I spent forever logging in and trying to recover my lost DLC files, but it was to no avail until I finally found the program I bought DA:O from and used that to open the file. I don't even remember what I did with the program, I think I went to "backup & goodies" and used that to re-install the DLCs, but I tried some things in that area and when I went back everything seemed to be back to normal with my game files.


    Until I messed up and went back to Vortex, attempting again to deploy the mods, resulting in losing my DLC files AGAIN, and this time the last thing I did isn't working at all.


    I really don't understand what is going on or why Vortex isn't working. My mods are "enabled" but not "deployed" and I can't fix it, I also don't see how any of what I attempted to do could lead to losing any pre-existing files inside the game or how I can get them back again. Should I try to delete and re-install the game, delete all Vortex files, or would that lead nowhere? I'm not great with these kinds of things and I sorely need some help figuring this out.

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