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Posts posted by SakuraMahal

  1. NMM uses a folder inside itself to store mods along with other files. For example. My NMM is installed in C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager. In that folder you will see a "mods" folder and "install info" folders. If you copy the contents of the "Nexus Mod Manager" folder to your new NMM install it should given that Skyrim and NMM are installed in the way it was on your HDD.


    I hope that was at least somewhat helpful.



  2. I'm assuming you are running SKSE? Its probably a mod conflict. If it modifies something in Riverwood and another mod does something similiar like horse placements, weapons, items, etc. I'd suggest disabling mods one at a time until you solve the issue.

  3. I've rarely had problems out of texture related mods. I noticed that you said you have your game installed into the "Program Files" folder. That can cause a few problems with NMM. Can you copy and paste your entire skyrim folder (to a different location for backup) and manually install the texture mods? You should be able to just drag and drop into the DATA folder. See if that helps. There are also other mods that do a great job with textures if you can't get this one to work.

  4. FIGURED IT OUT! So it seems that even though i compiled the latest PEX and such that it wasnt writing correctly. I deleted the pex file and recompiled from source and made a new pex file. moved the pex and psc to their respective foldersm and BOOM! works fine! thanks for the info about bsa files.

  5. I moved the loose pex and psc files. pex to data/scripts and psc to data/scripts/source. It still does not work. I really was hoping to understand this and have fun making some simple mods but it seems nothing i do works. am i missing something? thanks for your response though!

  6. So, this spell works perfectly on my pc, when i copied the ESP file to my fiance's computer, however, everything about the spell works, including effects, sounds, and even the tome. However, the script aspect of my spell, that adds the money, doesnt work. I cant figure out why. Aren't scripts saved into the esp file? Really would like to understand and fix this.

  7. Okay, in the property window, I added a new property and called it "Gold" then in the list to the right I chose "Gold001". Then I used the event you mentioned and it works just as iwanted it too. :) I knew I would learn something today! :D <3

  8. What do you mean by "auto-filled"? All I really want is for the gold to be added to an NPC. Equivelant to using the console "Click, then additem f 10000" and I know that's easy enough, but I thought it would be fun to make a simple spell to do it and help myself learn more about Papyrus. Well, I will keep trying! Thanks for the input! First time posting here or at any forum in a long time. A relief to see friendly people. When i'm not so pre-occupied with this gold thing, I will definitely look over your MODs. :)

  9. I copied and pasted that into the script. It compiles successfully but when I click the properties buttons, it throws an error that it has trouble re-loading it. Still doesn't seem to work in game. I tried throwing this FF which is aimed, at Lydia, and it doesn't work. I feel this should be working but it's not. I will keep trying. I saw somewhere that someone used "Gold001" and "GoldBase" instead of just "Gold" like I have. I'll see if that works. I have also noticed some scripts use MiscObject" instead of "ObjectReference"

  10. I am very new to Papyrus. I am trying to figure out how to simply give an item, like gold, to any NPC in Skyrim. I have decent experience with the Creation Kit and have made followers and such. I am stuck on the script aspect of my new spell, which is, for the most part complete, all I need to do is attach this new Papyrus script. I've already tried my hand at it, and even though it didn't throw it back at me with fails, it doesn't work. Here's what I have.


    Scriptname AAAPurseFill extends activemagiceffect

    ObjectReference property Gold Auto

    Event OnEffextStart(Actor Target)
    Target.AddItem(Gold, 10000)


    I am attaching this script to my new spell, which I have tested and all that stuff, it will cast and has the animations and sounds I want. However it doesn't give the NPC money. I know it's probably silly, but I really want to learn how to do this.


    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help! <3

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