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About hero4682

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  1. hi guys, im trying to put some General Stores items in my lakeview manor, but theres a lot of yellow boxs (collision markers)! how do i get past these collision markers so i can swap activators within them? like swap a chest for a barrel?
  2. hi, this usually happens to my setup when skyrim updates, and i always forget how to fix this... ive tried verifying the files in the steam properties, but no luck,.... im rocking wrye bash 296; default any help would be awesome,..
  3. awesome,... it took me months to make a sword (the way i liked it).... armor took even longer,... but the textures! man, where they awefull
  4. hi guys, just messing around here but, whats harder to do; making a model or making a texture? i played with blender about a year ago and made some crude, but fun stuff, but i could never make a decent texture for the life me.. i was just currious what u guys think?
  5. correct,.. i rebuild it every time... except, i just got the winter is coming cloaks mod after the 1.5 update, so all my mods are in my bashed patch except the new winter is coming mod,.. i would go ahead and rebuild the patch, but when i start up wrye bash, i get this corruped "update.esm" thing?? but i dont think its busted? but yeah, im still doing thing the same way ive been except until the new wrye bash comes out, im not gona be modding my game,.. oh well it happens
  6. hmm,.. im kinda on your boat here but not really?,.. i just got the 1.5 update, and my wrye bash is giving me guff too, something about the Update.esp being missing whatever?? (the new load order system) anyways, because of that i havent tried to "rebuild the patch", im not sure what would happen? or if it can? try playing with the new load order thing in the skyrim launcher, and make sure you put your "bash patch, 0.esp" is last, with your helmet hide mod right before that. and keep the bash patch active. for now, im not sure if u should keep trying to rebuild the patch. but this is just if your rocking any of the new updates with Wrye Bash..
  7. cool,.. thanks for the advise..
  8. hi guys, thanks for the time,.. ive been away from skyrim for about a month now, and ive been reading up on mainly the new load order system,.. ive figured out a bit and i have my game working fine, but my question is about the Bash Patch, 0.esp you get when u use Wrye Bash. right now, i have it active. but im not sure what to do with it? any advise would be awesome.. ive been using wrye bash for a long time and ive gotten used to it,.. cant wait for the next version..
  9. i feel the same way,... Script Dragon is working fine,.. no issues.. but the messages are anoying... i die a lot, and sometimes i die before the messages are even over (i know, i stink,.... but thats beside the point)... and... im using the Revides Horse mod, its a nice mod, i like it, but again... the messages! it would be fine if all it said was, your horse: will stay here or :will follow you. but no.. it has to says " Script Dragon [Revised Horse Mod] Your horse will stay here." every single time,... makes me pull my hair out.....
  10. ahh.... this is taking too long..... hey, my copy of morrowind came with the construction set,.. did oblivion come packed with one?(i had the digital download of the game)
  11. yeah, it happend to me at riften too,.... try and remove everything the dummy is wearing,.. hopefully they go back to there original position.. worked for me...
  12. hi guys, i've always liked looking at everything in vanity mode, i got used to it (oblvion).... in skyrim, its a lot tougher to do, heck you cant even check things out while on the horse... and to make things worse i'll try to look left, and the camera goes right... is it possible to change left to right and right to left while holding down the "f" key?
  13. hi,.. one thing that keeps bugging me, is that even though my vanilla settings are on ultra, i hardly (more like none) get any shadows!!! yeah, i get shadows outside,... but ive noticed that 9 out of 10 rooms dont have shadows for me!!! even the showcase rooms like where a jarl sits, i get none (u think those rooms would be all decked out?) what can i do to make sure every room has shadows?.... ini tweaks, console commands... SHADOWS!!! i did just update my nvidia driver to try out that AO.. but i couldnt get that to work,.. but who cares about that..... i wonder if its the new driver thats giving me crap..... p.s. it sucks that skyrim needs steam,....
  14. hi, before skyrim came out, i was assuming that the "vanity camera" would be more like oblivion, and new vegas, very loose and fast, which i hated... thats why i was basically planning on making the same mod i posted for new vegas, which slows down the camera speed while admiring your characters look... but that wasnt the case.. skyrim has this new way of doing this compared to the other games, so i figured, meh, who cares... personally i feel like the speed is just right, but seeing as how you would like the camera speed slower, i can totally check that out for u and maybe post the initial mod idea... only thing is, i would need the construction set/ creation kit for that..
  15. ill make u a adam west version just for spite.... jk...
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