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About Blackstreak

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

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  1. I personally use the mods labeled 'Enhanced City/Village: [name].' Becareful with this because some of the external city locations may have alternate mods you can use. If you use more than 1 they will not be compatible as they change the same cell. The name of the enhancement mods are not consistant w/ each other so you may end up w/ 'City/villate Enhancement: [name]' or some variant.
  2. I am looking for a comprehensive tutorial about setting up my own worldspace cell. http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_a_Custom_Worldspace_with_LOD This wiki page might have been useful except I don't know where a heightmap comes from or how to start one. I joined here hoping to find a tutorial that can explain things to a new modder that has no exposure to developer terminology. My search on this forum has produced only topics asking help on other mod problems and how to fix them. One topic regarding worldspaces had no link, so I am led to believe there isn't one.
  3. Hi there, I am working on a mod and had an idea to create racks/plaques that would only accept a bow, and others that accept only staves. To be honest, I don't understand all the scripting commands, etc. Would someone be so kind as to create two scripts for me...and anyone else who would like to use them? One script focuses on equipping only a bow weapon, and the other focuses on equipping only staves (similar tothe onlydagger script used on dagger display cases). Many thanks in advance.
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