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Everything posted by spacefiddle
I have read the Nexus' own wiki and tutorials, and they no longer seem to be valid. I've ferinstance gotten the precise versions of Blender and its Nif plugin specified in the "make armor" tutorial, and when trying to activate that plugin, which the wiki specifically advises using with Blender 2.75, it bombs out. "ImportError: cannot import name 'properties'" -_- I tried using the latest version of Blender and the plugin both, and that went nowhere fast. All I want to do is edit a slightly broken .nif, which is working perfectly in-game but has one surface with a decal submerged into another (and so rendering the decal invisible), and then get the fixed version back into the game. But it's been a labyrinth of "just follow this workflow of chaining the file through 4,397 applications and conversions" and precisely zero of them work as advertised. Plus, honestly, writing documentation is a tough skill, and folks already familiar with how this all works tend to leave out important details from their instructions. And some are just not even in the same zip code. Like, the step to import into OS - "it will be offset, transform it by these exact values," and every search result states the same values - but they're outdated, the displacement of the imported model is now somewhere else entirely. Stuff like that. SO, What are the basics I need to get started with how this was done correctly in like, 2018? thanks....
Deliberately not calling out the mod, that's why i didn't mention it. The specific mod isn't important; I'm looking for more info on the music system, so I can fix it. Or at least track it down and see if I'm capable of fixing it. Have narrowed it down to the Radio system in game, or some part of it - when music dies, you can turn on a (vanilla) radio station, save the game, exit, load back in, switch off radio -- and music is restored. Which confirms my suspicions about the Music channel being muted / ducked as the reason - but I stil don't know what trail to follow, or if i can set some kind of logging, or SOMETHING, to trace back over when and how it's being incorrectly ducked / what's invoking the "radio is playing so we should mute the music channel" effect.
This is driving me nuts, and I can't find the root cause. I can't "see" enough of the music system, it doesn't log anything, etc.... Here's the deal: Sometimes while playing, Music goes dead. And only music. Sounds play, voices play, Ambient sounds play - and all respond to the slider. But no music works, and once it dies, it never comes back - no saving / reloading / slider twiddling / fast travel / sleeping / waiting / picking my nose / nothing. Messing with radio stations (which still work) does nothing. Only reverting to a much earlier save will restore the music. And then, eventually, it breaks again. When loading a save with dead music: the main menu music plays. Pick the save, and music plays while it starts to load... but then as it finishes loading, it rapidly fades out - and never comes back. All types of music are dead at this point: area markers, exploration, etc. The behaviour on load - being faded out as the file finishes loading - leads me to believe something is ducking or muting it, that shouldn't be / playing dead air and thinks it's doing something. But once it's broken, it stays broken forever - so it's not like there's, say, a dead--air music track playing. Going to places like the Airport, the RRHQ, or the Castle - which plays its theme music 100% of the time - results in silence, in a broken save like this. Now, I know what the culprit is; there's a certain mod that, if I disable and load, restores music. But I cannot fathom WHAT in this mod is causing it. Does anyone have reference material, docs they dug up, anything AT ALL on the music system that would let me troubleshoot this? I'd really like to fix the mod that's breaking it, but hours of staring at both xEdit and CK have turned up no rational reason why it should just randomly break. And the lack of logging pertaining to the background music ain't helping. Any assistance at all appreciated. Edit: I see references to a command ToggleAudioOverlay TAO Toggle the Audio Debug Overlay. but it does nothing :(
YAY! So glad to see Inigo highlighted. It was amazing enough when launched; he's practically his own game at this point.
In response to post #46733000. /facepalm I use Take Cover and it never occurred to me to do something like Shift + Rmouse, which is much smoother and reliable than the random keyboard key I've been using. Thanks for the unintended tip!
All right, I've done something silly again, somehow. For fun, I tried making a small hidden perk that would boost melee sneak attack damage if your weapon has the keyword for Stabbing animations. Firstly, I have applied the fix for Ninja, Sandman, and Cloak such that the order you get them doesn't matter; and that they cover all weapons properly such that all melee get the melee bonus, not ranged. As I understand it, the baseline Melee sneak attack bonus is 3x. Ninja 1 makes this 4x. My perk uses an entry point of Mod Sneak Attack Mult, and the function Add Actor Value Mult to use Agility * 0.33. With an agility of 7 and Ninja 1, I would expect to wind up with a sneak attack mult of 4 + (7 * 0.33) = 6.31 But the message I got in game when executing an attack said it was 7.1.... that seems a bit beyond a rounding error... What have I misunderstood? (The goal would be to restrict this extra Agility-based bonus to traditional game-"backstab" weapons, especially knives, but ideally be compatible with any mod-added knife, like [bowie Knives by MikeMoore](http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12872). I'm using the StabAnimation keyword presently. Swords and machetes have this too, but it's the only keyword I can think of that would almost certainly be on any mod-added stabbing weapon...) I feel like a trained combatant with a knife sneaking up on you in the dark should be at *least* as effective a sneak attack as charging up with a rocket-powered cinderblock on a stick.
That seems like an odd side effect, unless their purpose is to make fire the only reliable light source in the game..? Don't have it, though. If it was something consistent, I'd be more inclined to think it's a mod. But I can leave the cell, and go back, and all the lights are fine. Or half of them. Or none of them. Or a different combination each time. o.O
So this is a Vanilla bug, and not something I've managed to accomplish myself with a mod somewhere? Thanks, that's good to know, so I don't go banging my head against my load order. Oh well. Maybe Bethesda will come back after the holidays and release bug fixes for this profitable game of theirs! And then we'll all flap our arms and fly to Mars!
Explanation how to alter a Mod for personal preferences
spacefiddle replied to Mortadella's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The Overencumberance Fix issue is weird, as all does is give you a zero-weight crafted item that, when worn, increases your carry weight by 150. I have no idea how something else could break that; it's possible that the mods or parts you're using at the station just have weirdly high weight values. Before you go anywhere, you're going to have to completely let go of this idea that you "don't have time to read." You are not pushing a magic button that will change things into what you're thinking of. This will not take five minutes. You can either learn how this stuff works, gradually, as you go along, starting with simple things that won't take too long; or you can save yourself the frustration and move on. Because just like there's no "eat anything you want and lose weight" diet, there is no "learn new things without learning" process. If you choose to go on, awesome! Learning is good for the brain. The simplest thing to do is MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILE AND STASH IT SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE THE GAME DIRECTORY. Srsly that's first. If you don't do this, no one can help you later if things go wrong. Get FO4Edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737 and read how to set it up. If you don't already have it, get one of the mods you want to change. Let's start with the Overencumbered Fix because that should be relatively simple. Open the .esp file for that mod in FO4Edit. You're going to see a WHOLE lot of things that won't make ANY sense to you. You don't need to understand it all... or even most of it. We want to identify, and change, one thing: how the crafted goggles let you carry more stuff. You know it's a crafted item, you know they're goggles, and you know the effect is +150 carrying capacity. This is a small mod. It's not going to have much in it. Therefore, the simplest thing to do is: look through these strange records until you find a value of 150. Keep in mind what we're looking for: - Something that says it affects the player - Something that says it affects carrying capacity, or weight - Something with a value of 150 Stay focused on the simple things we're interested in, and you don't need to understand it all at once, because we're not changing anything else. You're going to have to figure it out at this point. There is no one who can tell you what you're looking for if they haven't seen it. They would be looking for this record just like you are. You made a copy of your save file, right? Find the thing that looks like it's what adds 150 carry weight. Change it to something ridiculous, like 5000 as suggested above. Save the .esp. Go into your game and craft a new pair of the goggles. See if wearing them does, in fact, give you a carrying capacity of 5000. If yes, congrats! You've successfully customized a mod. If no, welcome to the club! Half of learning this stuff is breaking s***... even when you've been doing it a while. -
Every search result is polluted by the GD Workshop bug. I can't get a clean hit on anything else. This is not that bug. This happens. You can see that there's verrrry faint emittance hitting the walls - the bulbs themselves show a dull glow, but the light source isn't turned off completely, there is a tiny amount of light being cast to a small area around them. Also the overhead light in the garage area; and the office; and lots of other places. Preexisting light sources that are part of the area before I get there. I have no mods that affect Red Rocket, so I don't know why it suffers this glitch more often than anywhere else, but it's annoying. I like a lot of the already-placed lights in various places. I've seen this happen in Starlight, too. For any player-constructed items, I'm not surprised they can be somewhat unstable, but... the static lights? I don't know anything about meshing, models, niffing, or whatever you artist kids call these things, so I'm completely mystified.
Most of what I've been asking the last couple days have been related to this silly thing, which I finally got working: Scarcity - Destructible Power Armor and More If anyone wants to see what the script wound up looking like, let me know, because good grief. It's fun working in an unfamiliar system; you never can tell if you're missing something basic, or if what you're trying is just impossible. I'm happy with how it came out. And not gonna lie, pretty proud of that klaxon alarm function. The sound is vanilla; I'm not sure if it should be louder, or if that would just make it annoying. There's a bunch of related Survival-oriented, soloish changes to go with it; like rarer, randomized-charge Fusion Cores. Which aren't really random because there is no such function. So I had to add like a dozen more entries to the Fusion Core list with various charge levels to make it look more random >.> eheh. I'm sure it's going to need tuning, so if anyone has the time to mess with it, let me know what you think!
Anyone know of a mod for settlement terminals
spacefiddle replied to Jones813's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The last time I tried, a terminal affected EVERYTHING on the circuit that was physically connected. It doesn't care a whit if there are any open switches along the way. Believe me, I tried, and wound up manually moving cut-out wires around while I adjusted about a dozen different components. Even with a switch in the OFF position between the terminal and a configurable component, that component would be changed by any terminal settings I applied. >.< -
Yah, adding a keyword and adding a mod are both inventory-safe. It's silently failing because the target doesn't "know" about what I'm trying to slap on it. If I went into the CK and manually added the ap_ i made up to every weapon, it would work. So, I'm hoping to be able to add the Attach Parent to a weapon on the fly - if I can do that, then, instead of manually altering every vanilla weapon record, and having to make a patch for every mod-added weapon individually as they come up - my buffs would happily apply themselves to anything tagged as an automatic weapon, be they vanilla, DLC, mod-added, or whathaveyou.
TL;DR Fixed - using self. instead of the variable I cast as an ObjectReference seems to have gotten it working again. I keep seeing in my logs error: Cannot check for a None keywordas the result of this part of a script: Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) armorPiece = self as ObjectReference RegisterForHitEvent(akActor) Debug.Trace( "SCARCITY: " + armorPiece + " equipped, registered for hits on " + akActor ) if armorPiece.HasKeyword(ap_PowerArmor_LLegMod) ...more stuff... This is attached to every PA piece; to use one script for all of them, it needs to identify which bodypart it's for when it's equipped.I'd rather not have to make six versions of the silly thing, one for each piece, applied to all PA =/ Before trying to use the attach point, I was using the basic keywords like dn_PowerArmor_Torso for each piece. Same error. Thanks! Update: I tried switching to if playerRef.WornHasKeyword(dn_PowerArmor_LeftLeg)and now I'm getting "error: Cannot check worn items against a None keyword," which I don't get at all. So it's not the functions - either one, probably - but somehow it seems to be unable to read the keywords, suddenly. I think I need to figure out why it's not reading the keywords, and then the first method will work... I tried it to test, but using Worn will only identify the player has the piece on, not necessarily that *this* object running this instance of the script is that piece. Very weird. Update: Fixt! I think. The problem may have been armorPiece = self as ObjectReference if armorPiece.HasKeyword(dn_PowerArmor_LeftLeg) Well, turns out that this item doesn't like being cast as an ObjectReference when it's checking for keywords; using instead if self.HasKeyword(dn_PowerArmor_LeftLeg) seems to be working. It wants the Form, not the inaccessible reference of an inventory item.
Edit: HAHA YEAH HI, nice to meet you, I am Wile E. Coyote, super-geeeeeeeenyuss. Thank you for your code snippet, it confirmed I'm not completely mad, and that's how it should look. However, when you've been messing with your script for an hour, it's super-helpful to go to the object the damn thing's attached to and make sure the properties are updated... :pinch: ...half the things I run into are really obvious, and the other half are impossible. It's almost like being at work, but with more explosions!
I am attempting to call a vanilla, existing sound from a script: alertSound = OBJTurretAlarmAlert.Play(Game.GetPlayer()) I've tried various permutations of things to source it on (playerRef, nearby objects, etc.) but that doesn't seem to be the issue. I keep getting "Cannot call on a None object," implying that it can't find the sound. Can you only call Play on custom sounds you've added as a replacement file...? Or am I missing something? I have: Sound Property OBJTurretAlarmAlert auto Int Property alertSound auto alertSound = OBJTurretAlarmAlert.Play(Game.GetPlayer()) Sound.SetInstanceVolume(alertSound, 1)which I thought would do it.
Bethesda should do more to reward and promote modders
spacefiddle replied to 4allout's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Are you okay? You see a little aggressively bonkers, for a subject you chose to jump in on to tell a stranger they are WRONG!!111!11, while proceeding to quote a small fragment of state law that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. But since you ask: if you knew anything about the regulations of public corporations - which I did, in fact, clearly mention - then you would have known that of course this is in regards to the Federal, and not State, level. You might want to step away from the keyboard and take a few deep breaths. -
Bethesda should do more to reward and promote modders
spacefiddle replied to 4allout's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Um... okay. Bold text aside, we're not talking about state incorporation. We're talking about Federal regulation of a publicly-traded company... as I clearly stated. State laws do not come into play at any time. That's a nice bit of fast searching to dig that up, but the behavior of a corporate director as mandated by state law is not what I've mentioned, at all. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this work. I'd also love if a company would resist the urge to sell itself to an investment group or go for the IPO, remain private, and be free to be as generous, or innovative, or crazy as they want. So far, it doesn't happen very often. -
"when i try to place the desktop terminals on a desk or table they float above it, they dont actually sit on the desk, almost like they still have the stand attached like the others do" Reading the comments is also useful :wink: /ducks Srsly tho, that looks like a nifty idea if he can fix the floaters. Even without a fix, I might see if you can disguise the gap somehow. Thanks for the link! Now I need to recolor one to look like my old Commodore PET.
Bethesda should do more to reward and promote modders
spacefiddle replied to 4allout's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This is impossible. Bethesda isn't, like, a person who can just decide to do random things or implement some complicated affiliate program with lots of small moving parts. It's a medium business owned by a very large and publicly-traded media conglomerate. Public corporations do not, as a rule, decide to give anything to anyone else because it would be "cool" or "the right thing to do." They do, as a rule, spend a great deal of time in meetings discussing ways to further monetize their properties and customers. They absolutely do not spend time and money on things that provide a benefit to others, without a clear quantifiable gain. This is not hyperbole; this is the law. A public company is legally bound to avoid all actions that negatively impact its bottom line. It's a fact that's been used for decades to justify cutting corners, lowering quality, outsourcing jobs, and slashing costs in every area (except executive salaries). The paid-mods stuff that popped up was not someone at Zenimax saying "hey, these guys really add value to our games. We should find a way to reward them." It was someone saying "look how popular and widespread this 'mods' phenomenon is, where people provide and consume content for free! We should find a way to monetize that." Any benefit to the modders obtained along the way would be a secondary effect, used mainly as marketing for how wonderful their program is. I'm sorry to come crashing into your long detailed post, but there won't be *anything* that compensates modders in *any* way unless Zenimax sees a direct benefit to itself for it. And I mean direct benefit, not "good PR." -
Hallo! I am trying to avoid altering vanilla objects, and make something potentially compatible with mod-added weapons; so I'd like to be able to dynamically add a mod to a weapon when it's equipped. Alternately, if there's some way to get a couple of enchantments onto a weapon without them being on a mod attached to that weapon, that would do it too and I'd love to hear about it. Otherwise, I have my script adding the ap_ keyword to the weapon, which seems to work fine; but the mod still has nowhere to go and does not seem to be applied to the weapon, and I'm guessing it's because I still need my attach point referenced in the guns Attach Parent Slots. Except I can't see if there's any way to add one of those outside the CK. Which would lead me back to the tiresome workaround of manually doing it to every vanilla weapon, blargh. Any ideas appreciated. Full script to follow below. It's a mess, but it works .. until we get to the mod add, where it fails. It's based on the Furious legendary mod, using the mechanism of "increment a counter for every consecutive hit on the same target."
Well, I was looking for the solution to something else, and this ain't it. But just to clarify: an item in your inventory has no reference. The player is a container. You can see in Papyrus logging that the thing becomes "Item 3 in container 00000014" (which is the player). An equipped weapon is an extension of the player, and getequippedweapon() will not return an ObjectReference. Long story short, it's a giant pain in the ass. Fortunately, a number of things can be done by grabbing the base form, and you can indirectly refer to something by "what i just picked up" or "what i just equipped" or whatnot.