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  1. Surprisingly, now mods do work with vortex. Maybe it was some update that fixed it behind the scenes. I appreciate all the feedback and ideas and the desire to help.
  2. Yes, I guess the mod structure in your case is also kinda like mine. Than why won't my mods work in the game if they are installed by Vortex? I am using Hardlink, and my Downloads is F:\Vortex Mods\Dowloaded mods in the interface tab in Automation I have everything set to ON except Run vortex on startup. I Don't think this is the culprit :\ I just don't get it. everything looks like it should work, but it doesn't. Here's another peculiarity: I have a LUT mod installed manually. it doesnt even have a Vortex version. When I go into my starfield\data\texture folder i see __folder_managed_by_vortex, and inside it I see another folder called LUT and in it there is also a __folder_managed_by_vortex. However, in my Starfield\data\Interface folder there is no such "file" or "link". If the "__folder_managed_by_vortex" thingy implies that vortex is linked into that folder, than it is linked to folders that i dont have vortex mods for, and it doesnt like to mods that I DID download mods for.
  3. I watched about 4 vortex tutorials, all rather short (about 4 minutes each) and all explained to do exactly what I did and none said anything about Deploying, none about changing the settings->mods folders etc. So the help I need isn't that basic. And even though I dont know what's happening behind the scenes, I do know that the mods don't work. and when I click the tiny arrow on the mod line in the mods tab, and then click the option "show in file manager" than I expect to see the mod in the game folder (in data, for example) and it isn't there. my folder structure for better HUD, for examples looks like F:\Vortex Mods\starfield\BetterHUD - Disable Enemy Health and Hit Marker-214-0-3-1693581306 now, maybe that's how it's supposed to look like and Vortex doesnt place the files in the actual Starfield/Data folder, but it isn't working none the less. So something is wrong. i can place the files manually inside the game Data folder (and in the interface folder, with the HUD mod) and it works fine. but with Vortex - it doesnt. So I really wish to figure out the Vortex issue before I have 200 mods that I will never know how to manage manually :P
  4. That didnt work well. I dont know what I did wrong. In vortex, I clicked "settings" then "mods" and in the staging folder option I chose F:\vprtex mods\starfield but when I go into the mods tap and click "Deploy" nothing happens. and if I download new mods they get extracted into F:\Vortex Mods\starfield\Mod-name, instead of F:\games\Starfield\Data What am I missing?!
  5. Hi guys. Didn't have this issue with Skyrim not FO4 but having it now with Starfield. In Vortex I selected the game folder on my F: drive (F:\games\starfield) with the assumption the game will install all mods into the Data folder there, but instead, all my mods go into C:\Users\topeira\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\starfield\mods\ therefor - do NOT work in game. I can't seem to convince the game to extract the mod content into the game folder. and I would also like the archived mods to be on my F: drive and not my C: drive. What should I do?
  6. hi everyone. i have a problem i find hard to describe, both because its hard to put into words and also im not savee in technical terms and 3d graphics. if im not mistaken "normal maps" are what can make flat textures recieve lighting and shading as if it was a 3D object. if so, than i think these textures look weird in my game. where there should be shadows on the normal maps i see black. normally nit areas are bright and none-lit areas on the normal map should be just slightly darker, but i think in my game they a completely dark when i shine light at them. if i turn the flash light ever so slightly to the side of the effected are these black areas become slightly more lit and recieve a more normal slightly shaded hue. check these two screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/mKLoo the best example is the first two pictures - In the SECOND picture form the top you can see im shining light on the edge of the cavity on the road and there are really dark shadows there. in the FIRST picture i move the light slightly to the right and the extreme dark shadows from before are now gone. i dont think i had this issue before. i think it appeared really recently. Am i hallucinating? is this fixable? I am also experiencing z-fighting. maybe its related. RIG: Win 10 8GB ram R9 280 3gb vram i7 2.4ghz
  7. that might be the case indeed, but it took me more than 100 hours to get to a point where this became a problem. even if i will need to fix this once every 25 hours just be cleaning the spawns made by the mod (a 10 seconds workaround) or by uninstalling the mod and reinstalling it (a 15 minutes workaround) than i will gladly do it as many times as needed. its a small price to pay for such an important mod. thanks again for both of you. :)
  8. I am already using only a 5% spawn rate with the mod so only an occasional group of 1 to 5 entities spawn here and there. i find it the best mix of random action and suspension and some downtime exploration in between so the commonwealth isnt crowded. OK, so here's an update: You were absolutely right.... not that i ever doubted you, of course.... using the mod's Holotape UI i deleted all the spawned entities it created, stopped the spawning process and then uninstalled the mod. did a new save. loaded that save and the lag was gone completely. everything works as smoothly as it used to. i then reinstalled the mod and everything is still working smoothly. if i ever get this issue again i will try this method a second time and hope it will help once more. i will not play without Endless warfare. the game just isnt fun for me without it. it's one of my two must have mods for FO4 so im glad there is at least a fix. and a rather simple one. Thanks you very much, guys! you saved my game and my enjoyment. very VERY much appreciated you coming back here, posting and reposting to help me out. cheers!
  9. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jyoZ2JcCwU0/UePApTnfEKI/AAAAAAAAAGE/w6biuvhooUY/s1600/tumblr_mnmo4tt2sL1s3an0xo1_500.gif lol. that hillarious gif... i played with endless warfare for more than 100 hours without issue. strange that this happened all of a sudden. Can you figure out why? I read a post on the "endless warfare" posts page that said something about this mod combined with a follower mod is causing a script bloat or however you might call it. i am using a unlimited follower mod as well, though i am only having two followers at a time. no more. but who knows? this combination could be the culprit. OK. i will uninstall these mods for now, but tell me - what do you mean by "If it has any loose scripts, delete them"? do you mean loose PSC files? and thank you very much for helping me this far, guys. much appreciated.
  10. Can anyone take a looksee at the papyrus logs in the post above? or just guess from my load order what can be done to alleviate the problem?
  11. http://www.filedropper.com/scripts_18 http://www.filedropper.com/scripts_18 thanks you very much for trying to help, mate. the above link is for two papyrus logs. maybe you can spot what da heck is wrong :smile: thank you, again!
  12. [General]sLanguage=enuGridsToLoad=5uExterior Cell Buffer=36bDisableAllGore=0 [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=0bEnableTrace=0bLoadDebugInformation=0 does that help?
  13. the survival options mod and NPC spawns mod were there long long before the lag started, and what makes you think survival saving has anything to do with lots of scripts? P.S. the weather mods ESP is there but they are all turned OFF in NMM.
  14. 1. this game has about 6D 15H, so i'd say roughy 150 hours. i have 150 mods. Here is my load order: My hardware is: Win 10 64bit 8gb ram i7 2.4ghz R9 280 3gb vram i should have mentioned that i had no lag what so ever up until around 10 to 20 hours of gameplay ago. it suddenly happened. so it's not my hardwares fault, IMO.
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