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Posts posted by mac33c

  1. Thanks for the help, kudos to you both. Unfortunately it didnt work, still getting the error. Moved all of my steam files outside of program files as instructed above. Everything still runs fine but FOSE still isnt being detected by FWE. Tried reinstalling everything, still no luck. Can't seem to figure this out. Might it have anything to do with Windows 10? Every time I launch the game I do get warning that its not compatible with this version of windows (because the game usually requires Windows Live, which wasnt made for windows 10. Couldnt even run the game through steam until installed it. got that fixed though).

  2. So FOSE is not being detected by Fallout 3 goty (I have it on Steam), according to the Wanderers Edition mod. I know i've got the right version, and I know its in the right location and I'm launching from FOSE launcher (im not a scrub, I've used script extenders before including FOSE). For some reason its just not being detected. I even tried using v1.3 b2 which is the most current beta version. Any ideas? I cant figure out why FWE isnt detecting FOSE.

  3. Hello friends,

    I've been looking around for what I believe to be a farily simple mod (or so I beieve).

    I've been hoping to find a simple staff, one that kind of looks like this (the oaken defender), or perhaps a simple restoration staff skin.



    I thought it would be cool to have a staff that had the power of the "unrelenting force" shout. Staves in this game are pretty useless. I want to make a mage character who can actually have some use with his staff. So yeah, if this is as quick and easy as I think it is, would someone be willing to make it?

    Thank you!

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