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About RodgerTheGreat

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  1. I don't have any conditions set at all. It's completely puzzling. I suppose I could post the plugin but I'm slightly reluctant to, and I'm also unsure anything would be discovered from it. No scene has ever done this for me but it's also my first time using two people to talk in a scene at once. Still, surely it should work? I'm completely baffled
  2. It's Ghostlink, correct. And I'll try that console command thing but I'm 99% sure the aliases are filled correctly, as like I said, Ghostlink carries out all the packages just fine, it's *only* dialogue that I'm having trouble with. I've even tried generating the SEQ file and all that but nothing has seemed to really work. It's all just very odd to me.
  3. I set up a scene and it works perfectly fine, but for no reason that I can find, the second actor in the screen will not talk. The packages work fine, but whenever it comes time for him to say something, it'll just skip to the next scene and the other actor will begin speaking. Here's a screenshot of the scene: I've tried to erase the "whimpering" dialogue that occurs at the same time as Ghostlink's dialogue, but that didn't do anything. Does anyone know a fix?
  4. The problem is once I set up a function for an alias, the script then tells me "[whatever command I'm using] is not a function or does not exist". I think it's expecting an object reference, but surely it's possible to use a reference alias there?
  5. I feel so dumb posting about this but I've looked literally everywhere I can think of and just simply can't get this right for some reason. I basically want an item from a character's house to appear over his head using the MoveTo command and then he runs over and picks it up using an activate package. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set up the reference aliases in the actual script. Again I feel dumb for asking because it seems like common knowledge, but how exactly do I go about this?
  6. It's working just fine! I've been struggling with this for like three days so it's a huge relief. Thank you again!
  7. Oh my goodness I figured out what tat load order position prefix thing was and that's literally what's been causing me all this grief. It's been loading all this time. Thank you so much you beautiful angel, you are a god among men and the man of the hour.
  8. Ok for the ID are you using the Form ID number or the editor id? The console command requires the Form ID number including the load order position prefix. You can check with xEdit to verify the scene is actually saved into the plugin. Which if you were to close and reopen the plugin in CK and it shows up, then it's safe to say it's saved. There could be a number of reasons why it may not properly start. Firstly, how are you trying to start it? Using a quest stage? A trigger box? A dialogue fragment? You also need to check the flags for the npcs in the scene. I had a problem where the scene was being started from a dialogue fragment, but had the npc I was in dialogue with as one of the scene actors. The scene kept failing because the actor was tied up in dialogue. I forget the specifics of how I fixed it. I think it was setting pause flag on dialogue which made the scene pause until the current dialogue ended, then it did the actual start up. However that made it so the scene could be interrupted by trying to talk to the npc. I'm using the form ID. However, I am not sure what the load order position prefix is. Can you explain how to go about doing that? From what I understand, the way I've been putting in the console command works for all the default Skryim scenes, but if I put my mod scene's form ID in it just says it doesn't exist. I checked xEdit and it shows up there. The scene is definitely saved, it just seems to not initialize in the actual game or something? I have no idea how that sort of stuff works. I'm quite confused. As for actually starting it, I've tried quest stages and dialogue fragments, but neither were working and I wasn't sure why. That's when I tried the console command to find that the game didn't even acknowledge my scene was loaded, which is bizarre because it shows up in xEdit and literally everything else in the mod works.
  9. Hey, I'm having a small problem with the creation kit and I've googled for hours with to no avail. I'm trying to create a fairly simple scene, and while I know I'm doing it right, my scene has failed to start at all. Eventually, I tried the issceneplaying command in console and put in the id for my scene only for the console to tell me that "(the id) not found for parameter 'scene'". Per my limited understanding, it appears my scenes aren't saving at all? I have no clue what's happening but any help would be appreciated.
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