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About Elaneith

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  1. Hello, Everything is in the title: Doest K enb work with Climat of Tamriel (and ELFX)? It's not written in the "read me" I have, that's why I ask, sorry if it's not the right section for this question, but I didn't know where I could ask it...
  2. Hi! I have an issue with a strange mouth texture or whatever it is... Look by your self: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/05/1391112005-2014-01-30-00088.jpg As you wan see, it's like there is a strange thing beyond the lips, but it's only when my character is profile or when the camera angle is above my character's face, as you can see here: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/05/1391112350-2014-01-30-00086.jpg That drives me crazy... I use seductive lips, better make up and Smile in hd (normal maps and textures), someone can tell me if it could be one of that mod which make that strange thing? Or juste How I can make this stop. Strage thing, there is nothing when some other camera angles: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/05/1391112014-2014-01-30-00089.jpg No trouble shooting here! Anyway, thanks if you know how to remove that awful strange weird texture, that's not on every lips, but on most of them.. Guess it depends. Thanks for your answer in advance! PS: I tried without enb and facelight. I use: Chargen, seductive lips, better makeup, Smile in HD normal maps and teeth textures, sg normalmaps for the face and the body, Mature skin for skin texture. I don't know if it could be one of them... I hope not!
  3. Actually, I think it's just because I don't use any ENB... And I turn off Better Female, In fact I didn't need it, I juste have mature skin and EEO, with a combination whith sg textures... I don't post any screen shots because it's not really usefull for my current mind problem. Thanks for your help!! :)
  4. Ok, I'll watch that! Thank you!
  5. Hi... My title is not really good for my request, but It's really hard to explain what I want... Here is my problem: I'm perfectionist, almost maniacal! I have Better Female, Nuska's ethereal elves, better make up and mature skin, and I have this, I love my character, for me, it's juste the most beautyfull in the world! But there is these "angles" in both coner of her mouth and that's turn me mad! I see just that and it's... it's... !!! (sorry, maniac!) http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2013/18/1367359948-here.jpg* I'm not shure if better make up works... And I don't know if you'll see the imperfection I see... these angles... Anyway! I hope if you can tell me how remove it or just tell me "you're crazy, it's in your head, go wash your eyes, idiot!" Thank you!
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