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Everything posted by Dohkaviin

  1. Hi I just had an idea. How about the player doesn't die when health reaches zero and instead, just becomes ragdollized. The player will be ragdollized when health is 0 or lowThe player will only get up if combat is doneThe player will get up after 60 seconds if he did not die of combat (falls, traps, etc.)Godmode when ragdollized so I can jump off the throat of the world, fall on a rock like any dumb dovahkiin and actually roll down onto riverwood then get up when all was said and done. Optionals or future features MCM Configurable Please, I think this is simple enough... Right? No death mods downloadable on the internet are just immersion thingies, like teleporting you to another place, leaving you bare on the coast of the north sea of ghosts, and other stuff. This just makes the player ragdoll when he "dies" and making the character actually godmode when he is in ragdoll mode.
  2. Also unequipable til you get less than 20% health. I was thinking of headcrabs in half life, lawl.
  3. Yeah but I want it as an enemy and when I wear it I get +50% damage and -50% armor rating.
  4. I don't really enjoy watching the same burly white ape for hundreds of hours, ja feel?
  5. Uhhm.. Thanks for the reply but I erm already have that and I am disappointed because it curves to the body. I'd like it to drop straight.
  6. enter TMM on console for togglemapmarker
  7. I would like the blue hair of the girl on the last panel. If possible, equippable using different slots and / or with HDT. http://media.oglaf.com/comic/meltwater1.jpg
  8. Ermhh... Heh heh heh, that would be NSFW....
  9. Well, it's weird but I'd like this to be made as an enemy. It drops the stormcloak officer helmet or if possible it drops a flatbear armor. It's a stormcloak officer helmet combined with a matching cloak http://media.oglaf.com/comic/northerner.jpg
  10. Facepalm? You guys are stupid I swear, think outside for once in your life and realize it's just a game. Now, now, let's not be rash.
  11. You don't have to know how spells come out of your hand. It's magic.
  12. I don't really know where to post this, so please redirect me. Anyway, I would like this mod Ties that Bond and I tried it on nexus but it doesn't download. I get 439 bytes/second which is impossible cause I can access other sites and such but this is particularly slow. Any reason for this? Any fix?
  13. Thinking Dragon Knight from DoTA 2 :P
  14. This is a relatively new instrument and it sounds wicked and ominous and I'd like it to be implemented in skyrim. Also, if bards could play this that would be great.
  15. I don't know how this would fit in skyrim. Care to elaborate?
  16. I think it's pretty awesome. I mean mods aren't restricted to certain people's tastes. You guys only think frostfall, hypothermia, and other immersive mods. CK is supposed to be freedom of creation.
  17. There would still be map markers. And also, if you do that, distant lands will turn completely black or white as stated.
  18. Okay I am manually compressing and recoloring the whole tropical skyrim mod for personal usage. I can now play with ok fps but I have this issue: Imgur.com/cdZudXK Where did I go wrong? What's the filename of that texture? I presume it's the same as default skyrim so if you can tell me the filename of the road texture so I can fix it, that would be great. That pic was shot near whiterun stables. Edit: btw, I'm not talkin about the normal stone road. I was talking about the dirt road and this problem was first encountered outside the helgen cave. Oh and if the link doesnt work please tell me cause I use mobile to upload it there amd I had to manually type the url here.
  19. Hello I have some questions about textures and photoshopping it. I'm turning the 2048 textures of tropical skyrim into 512. You might say horrible, but I am not exactly the person to look at leaves. As long as it sets the atmosphere, I'm good. -whats the diff between DXT5 compression and DXT5_NM besides spelling? -what are 2d textures, cubemaps and volume textures? -mipmapping in textures?
  20. The updates I'm talking about are the client updates. I have the slowest internet cause I live in the phuckin phillippines. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
  21. Alright, I dunno if this is already made but I want the camera in skyrim to be head bobbed but in 3rd person. Also, is there a mod that smoothes out the camera panning?
  22. Probably URWL. Or just a horrible ENB preset
  23. Go look up "fixing shadows" on the nexus. I use a laptop too and I may get around 20-30 fps only, but its ok with me. Go try it. Also try settng your games to high priority
  24. Alright, I dont get how you guys put up with this. Steam always updates everyday and when you open it up after an hour of updating, you dont even notice anything new. These types of heavy scripting will cause more bugs in the future because of its complicatedness. Believe me, I know. Anyway the question is, can I buy legal skyrim without affiliation with steam?
  25. Look the counterparts of fireball to the other elements is lightning bolt and ice spike or the triple ice spike thingy. Imagine if theres a lightning bolt that causes lightning explosion. AoE damage that never misses. Its overpowered. Its done for balance
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