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  1. Use a lot of water in my builds and always wish that I had a workshop light that was of "water" such as the water movement at "The Slog" pool and the mod "20 Leagues Under the Sea - Vault 120" uses in several rooms. The lighting that makes the water of the pools appear as though the water is moving. Would be great to have a mod that has a small, medium and large selection depending on the size of the body of water. Not even sure what this "ambient water" is called to be able to ask for it.
  2. Nope. There isn't an ISO. Installed from original game CD. Done with the whole affair. Followed Firefly's guide (install patch) to which is a version of the game I loath and after attempting to install the patch it broke the game again so that I cannot uninstall. Game in question is Stronghold Crusader. Appears "GameSpy" though I did not install it, has a major issue with Windows 10. (Really odd as Stronghold I can play without patch, also has GameSpy which I did not install). Only way to play this game is to update to Stronghold Crusader HD which blows and is why I attempted to use my CD from two decades ago to play the original version. DirectPlay is enabled, tried all compatibilities, no joy. Thank you both for the help! So sad to say goodbye to one of my favorite games :sad:
  3. HI ALL! Been long, long time! (Though I still very much stalk and lurk). Can't remove game from Windows 10 Control Panel > Programs & Features I've deleted all the games registry keys. Every single one! And yet one must be lurking? I've formatted the drive the game was on. I've combed the www for any answers. When I try to uninstall/change the game in "program & features" I get the message: "An installation support file could not be installed. Catastrophic failure". which I have also investigated online - no joy. Thing is I'm trying to play an old game "Stronghold Crusader" (not that yucky steam HD version). After installing the game I realized I don't wish to run the games CD to play the game and wanted to make an ISO. Instead of uninstalling the game properly my dumb &@^#^ formatted the disk the game was on, which led to all of the above. When I run the CD, it gives the options to "Play" or "Uninstall" well can't do either as the game is not installed. While here, may I ask the best ISO program to use in future? Thanks and miss ya all mucho! DK
  4. The Bleachers - A Diamond City Story https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/40267?tab=description The mod is supposed to give a cheat holotape after completing the first quest. EDIT: Mod author MunkySpunk kindly responded to me: Name of holotape is "Diamond City Story Control".
  5. Scoured mod page, Googled, tried; help Bleacher 4 and holotape - no joy. Anyone happen to know the name of the holotape for The Bleachers so I can add it to characters inventory via console? Happy New Year!
  6. Alas I have been looking for some Afro puffs. I saw one mod whose author showcased clothing and character happened to have rockin' Afro puffs, no joy finding such a hair mod. Do hope some awesome mod author will hook us up with some superfab Afro style hair, compete with the puffs! Hint hint, wink wink ; )
  7. Please delete this thread. Thanks
  8. Hello Started a new game, installed creation club mods (Noir Penthouse and Neon Flats) and I have no creation club menu. I tried Mod: Workshop Menu Missing Tabs Fix - It managed to mess my menu up more. I tried: Settlement Menu Manager - No joy. Is there a common cause / fix for this the CC Menu to be missing? TRYING hard to avoid starting a new game and going through 120 mods to find the cause, UGH! And I have tried the common fixes I know of. Having started a new game I didn't discover this issue until a 3rd of a way through game play after completing the CC mods quest =/ Thanks much!
  9. Ah, ok. Thank you. I will give it another shot. Apologize if I annoyed anyone coming to forums, all that info under posts was a lot of techy talk I don't have much use for. Thanks again for the help!
  10. I did. And still... it continues. Quite willing to live without Looks Menu.
  11. After FO4 .138 update I did the usual updating of F4SE and attempted Looks Menu: After 9 hours of downloading not completing I abandoned trying to roll back to version .130 and returned to .138 and got above photo in game: I have uninstalled FO4, clean fresh install, deleted "console" Steam shortcut, restored all files properly such as ini's and all mods back to the way they were before this fiasco, still this issue persists. Please anyone know how to fix this issue? Thank you and belated Happy Father's Day to the Dad's out there!
  12. I tried several ways to logon even with a clean install without any mods. Something is haywire with FO4 mods selection. Tried leaving plugin.txt on read only and off. Nevertheless my backups saved me. Indeed Modern Firearms is the mod I was seeking, found the esp of it in my ancient back up files. Super weird; none of 109 mods esp or esm files are placed in the FO4 Data folder now using MO2.
  13. Long time no see Dante. Yes, pretty sure it is too but can you help with the next issue, the game disabling the mod/s? Very frustrating. Good to see ya around =)
  14. Pretty sure the mod I'm after is "Modern Firearms (Tactical Edition) on Bethesda website and within FO4 game mod selection screen however, I enable the blasted mod and allow FO4 to reload, then the mod is disabled by FO4. Enable mods just to have them disabled upon leaving the mod section or going to load order which says "No content found". I have made sure my plugin.txt file is not set to read only. Used MO2 and ran the game with no mods as a clean install and still FO4 keeps disabling the mods.
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