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About jiroslash

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  1. Hi, what is the guy wearing in this picture? It looks amazing and I've been trying to look for it for awhile... thanks! http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/829312-1302980760.jpg
  2. I love huge swords... does anyone else know of any other swords in the vein of this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21924
  3. Anyone know where I can get this hair? http://i.imgur.com/txCc4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bYMuH.jpg Thanks!
  4. How do i stop companions grinning like crazy? I tried actors in charge, but what setting should I use?
  5. Hey everyone, I finally got down to using CM partners, and am looking for a suggestion for an adventure/quest mod to download and play :) Throw me some suggestions please!
  6. Shiki armour can be found here. I have the original shiki armors 1 and 2 installed... and this mod seems to be only for female bodies.. what im looking for is hugeass male pauldrons.. thanks anyways
  7. Thanks for your suggestion lux, but those arent big enough for my tastes XD Im looking for pauldrons in the vein of this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/21568-2-1235312709.jpg except for males! basically HUGE and oversized shoulder plates.. thanks in advance
  8. Hey guys, I've been looking all over for male armor that has really huge pauldrons or shoulder plates... can a kind soul please suggest me some armors like that? Kinda like WoW - ish short huge pauldrons. Thanks in advance!!!
  9. May i know what weapon the girl is holding on the top banner of this site? http://obliadv.blog66.fc2.com/ its a warglaive like thing... much thanks!
  10. Seconding this... anyone know what mod gives you wings like these?
  11. I really need help guys. What is the mod that lets you hold your sword in that particular 'reverse' style that is in the video above?(Its from the DMC Stylish mod) As in the girl in the video is dual wielding but check out the sword on her left hand... its 'reversed' the blade faces backwards... I suspect it is Romuska's Fantasy Store but I installed and tried to look for the sword there but it isnt there. Searched through every post on the DMC stylish thread for a clue but couldnt find it so Im finally posting here.. really hope someone can help me out Thanks in advance
  12. Can anyone recommend me some swords that have extremely good textures... like hide's blackluster weapons and sanwa's 2680 (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167) Bonus if the weapons are HUGE and large! Ive spent hours trying to find swords like those but with unsatisfactory results :( Thank you in advance!
  13. Hi all, I have followed Tomlong's excellent guide (http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/installmods/obmm-installation) and took his advice in creating my own OMODs whenever I download mods that dont come packaged as OMODs. I downloaded a few weapon mods, mainly Sanwas 2680 (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167) and Soul Edge (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11473) , and followed his instructions closely when create OMODs of those mods. I added the mesh and texture folders, and added the esps before clicking 'create omod'. I then activated those OMODs, opened Wyre Bash and BOSS to let it set the load order properly.. and started the game.. The modded sword was located in front of a statue, but when I got to the statue, a huge 'WTF MISSING MESH' yellow thing was there instead of the weapon.. (this happened for both weapons) Im pretty sure I created and packaged the OMOD correctly, and double checked.. I decided to try something different and install those MODs manually, by pasting them into the oblivion data folder... and SURPRISINGLY, the weapons appeared normally, in front of their respective statues What did I do wrong? I know it is a good habit to install everything as an OMOD, so I would like to know where I erred so I dont have to install mods like these manually again... Thanks in advance!
  14. Can a kind soul please email the mod to me please? It has disappeared for quite awhile on nexus and I cant find anywhere else to download it.... My email is [email protected] Thank you in advance :D
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