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  1. I'm not trying to be negative, however why does it really matter?
  2. Ah okay, they didn't post any specs for a graphics card, so I thought that it did not have one. Good thing you found that then. Makes my other posts totally irrelevant.
  3. Not sure how to actually fix it via crafting, however you could spawn the helmet in via console and drop the items required to craft it if you are really desprete to get it. You'd do that by pressing the "~" key and typing help "helmetsnamehere" Where helmets name is the helmet you can't seem to craft. That should give you the ID of the helmet. Press the "~" again to close the console and go to third person. When you are in third person press the "~" again and click on your character. After you have clicked on your character type additem "helmet's id" 1. Where "helmet's id" is the idea you prevoisly searched for. This should place the helmet in your inventory. Not sure if you already knew how to do that or not, but if you really wanted to get the helmet you could do that.
  4. Nice shot! The dyed red colour isn't really my thing (prefer the more natural red colour) but it looks fabulous on your character! Especially due to the nature of the screenshot, with the blood everywhere. The hair colour kind of adds to it in my opinion. By the way, which blood mod are you using?
  5. If you are doing a life of a druid series, may I suggest some mods: The Dryad Race mod (adds some nature related spells), here. Wrath of Nature, here. Druid Essentials, here. Lilium (not for the follower, for the spells), here. You have probably already looked at all these mods already, but I will suggest them nevertheless. They all have to do with nature/druids in some form so I hope they help.
  6. Right here. It is not as hard as it seems for most mods. If you want to manually install them they are mostly drag 'n drop. It's the more complicated ones you need to do other things for. You can also use the mod manager which basically takes care of the process.
  7. Haha, I guess so. I agree though, its stunning on female chacacters :)
  8. Have you tried using BOSS to check your load order to see if you have any sort of conflicts?
  9. Might be better, because that laptop has an APU. However the processor is not as fast nor do you have as much RAM. At the moment really depends on whether the first laptop has either intel 3000, 4000, 4400 graphics.
  10. Heh, yeah I agree, male dryads do look a bit weird in comparison to their female counter-parts. Could also be because the actual mythological dryads were female. :P
  11. Smaller is better! *Ahem* Personal opinion aside (had to say that) you could try using the CBBE bodyslide utility found on the CBBE page, here. This would let you customize the body based on your preferences. You could also try UNP Blessed (UNPB) found here. As I know it has larger "assests" as you mentioned. The seveNbase body probably also has what you are looking for, here. Well I hope that helps. And I'll say it one more time, smaller is better!
  12. Did you get the correct ENB binary from the ENB dev website? Also have you tried using both the wrapper and injector versions of the ENB? I know for my laptop this particular ENB only works if I use the injector version. However it could be different with yours.
  13. Would this be the notebook here? If so it doesn't appear to have a dedicated graphics card. This means that you most likely have either intel 3000 or 4000 intergrated graphics - probably not the best if you want to run an ENB.
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