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About vulpediablos

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  1. Yeah i was wondering if it was something like that, like somethings being heavy on his pc. Interesting the fact his Skyrim and Witcher works without a problem :/ Id suggest doing what dubiousintent said and give that ago, but the fact dynavision is having such an impact says its something down to your pc rather than a game from looks of things :/
  2. Its fine, glad to try and help because nobody wants a broken game :sad: Just wished one of those might have fixed the issue, hopefully in a couple of months it might just work :tongue: Im glad i was at least able to give you some help with it, just a shame it didnt work out fixing it :smile:
  3. No me neither lol, its a strange one ive never seened as its a vanilla game with an enb, so shouldnt be dropping like it is. Your pc must not like this game lol Tried everything i can possibly think of sorry :(
  4. Alright then as long as u know thats its 100pct gone before you reinstall it, should be okay. Im hoping a reinstall fixes the issue tbh :P
  5. textures might still be there just check in ur steam common folder, and make sure its all deleted before reinstalling
  6. I think so considering your getting the issue with nmc aswell without an enb is interesting. Is something else eating at ur vram when your running new vegas, check ur processors? Also might be worth trying to reinstall it *Edit2* Might be a chance somethings gone wrong with your game somewhere down the line and giving you issues. But certainty something isnt right, as you said Witcher and Skyrim are working fine for you. Im guessing somethings happening to your game. You havent got many mods so i cant see that being the issue as its pretty much vanilla. Id recommend doing a fresh install again and then try the enb on a fresh install with no mods just nvse, 4gb patch + nvac + Stutter remover.
  7. So even when you drop in NMC textures ur getting the same issue? Thats interesting then its likely to be your running out of Vram it seems. Hmmm
  8. Yeah its really weird cause thats pretty much everything i can think of. I hope so too for you, but not sure if there will be another one :/ I mean you tried Old World Enb and that had the same issue which is a lower performancing enb. So its something on your PC that doesnt like your game hmm so weird indeed lol Shame that non of these things helped your game its so strange though, but im guessing ur game is fine without an enb?
  9. Yeah cool, i know i had an issue with an enb and had to rollback my drivers a while back think it might have been: Driver 375.86. Try the other thing above with the INI tweaks and see if that helps also :D *Fingers crossed* Im currently using: 376.53
  10. Fml... Only other thing i can really suggest is to rollback your nvidia graphics card drivers :/ Other thing might be to try: Search through your fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini which should be Documents-My games-Fallout New Vegas. Once in there search: bUseThreadedAI=0 and change the "0" to "1". Once done copy INumHWThreads=2 and paste that below BUseThreadedAI=1. Pretty much tried practically everything i can think of now: Tried older version of the 4gb launcher, Put Nvac and stutter remover in right place, Put the Nvse_Conig in there and right place.
  11. I believe so, but i shoved the entire enb and the d3d9.dll into my exe folder aswell, just to be on the safe side. Best way would be to test and see if your enb text is popping up in the top left of ur screen :smile: *Edit2* Thats so weird i dont get that when i run that fnv4gb.exe with that version i linked :/* *Edit 3* Well least we are slowly getting there, black screen hmm untick all ur mods(esm/Esp) in your load order and try run it then see if the same issue occurs.
  12. Yeah install them manually, seems ur nmm isnt putting them in the correct place. They should be where i said they are. Also try my *edit 3* out above see if that helps and run that launcher if u try that mod out.
  13. I still use his older one, but i think that gives a new exe called " FalloutNV4GB" i think, is that the one your using to run the game aswell after using that patcher? Also have you put those following files into the plugins folder? Nvac.dll + sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll, sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini there. The nvse_config should be in nvse not in the plugins folder aswell. Its a bit different from skyrim and the skse.ini :tongue: If you dont have that exe then im not sure where that exe has come from on my end xD *edit 3* http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35262/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D35262&pUp=1 Give that one a try, believe that uses a fnv4gb.exe, i think there should be a folder called exe, thats where your enb will go i believe.
  14. Thats weird lol in that plugin folder you should have at least: sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll, sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini < Thats from stutter remover, Aswell as the nvac.dll should also be in that plugins folder. Which 4gb launcher are you using btw?
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