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Posts posted by KamariBVB

  1. I adore mods, especially those that have house mods to my liking. I myself have struggled and become frustrated with load orders. So I love the idea of collections. What I donât love is what NexusMods did in order to prepare the site for such a tool.

    So. To save this site, I think nexus mods needs to a) scrap the archive system; instead, allow mod authors to delete their mods, BUT! Also add functionality to the site to check if mods being uploaded to the site are packaged correctly. If so, let them be uploaded; If not, do not, and send a notification to the uploader to inform him or her. Data management problem solved.

    Also, Collections tool better be absolutely kick ass. Like LOOT, except something that works 100% of the time and uses vortex instead of mo2.




    Okay, thanks for answering this comment so promptly.

    I have another question though: would you or one of the other employees at NexusMods mind checking the functionality of this feature? An acquaintance of mine has told me that he was banned despite not getting any warnings at all. I suspect he is not the only one, and it probably is only adding fuel to the fire that is this backlash concerning the collections situation.



    There are a number of offenses that might result in an insta-ban.ÃÂ Admitting to, advocating for, or otherwise promoting piracy is one.ÃÂ But it is only one.ÃÂ There are others.ÃÂ And every ban cites the reason.ÃÂ And there is an appeal process, if the banned member cares to avail her/himself of it.

    You have got to be kidding me about the piracy comment. Seriously? Please tell me you were being sarcastic

    Also, I did check the thread. There were no warnings, and my friend said he got no warning privately either. Nor was he guilty of piracy. Actually, he was banned for interacting with someone who he felt was committing piracy against him


    Why doesn't your friend just appeal? If comments they made were taken out of context, that would be easy enough to verify.Â


    Also, I am in agreement with very strict piracy bans.

    I am, as well. But donât you see the irony in that policy? Feel free to PM for further clarification.
  3. Dear NexusMods Staff (particularly Pickysaurus),

    Earlier today, after one of my threads was locked after Pickysaurus gave an unsatisfactory response, I posted another thread addressing him. Less than fifteen minutes later it was gone entirely. I have not gotten a warning notification and I did not see my username mentioned in the warnings thread.

    I have not gotten any PMs either. Have I done something to warrant a warning or not? Not that I am sorry, because none of what I said was hostile or untrue. But I am not about to be banned because I was warned, when in reality no one has warned me.

  4. So, . I am someone who just got done taking a virtual/augmented programming class. And in that class, I learned all sorts of things, including how Boolean values work.

    Ergo, no, Robin, I do not buy your excuse about why you do not want to incorporate an opt out feature. In fact, adding the option to opt out of collections on the mod upload page using a Boolean value would literally take five minutes, especially if you/your employees have been properly labeling your data blocks using comments. Therefore, not only would incorporating this solution potentially prevent all the alienation from mod authors, but it would also allow Collections to work in a manner that would still grant mod authors as much control as possible. I fail to see how that would not benefit you, especially given the EULA of the creation kit as well as the TOS of Bethesda. I wonder if you knew that these changes would be a bunch of lawsuits waiting to happen. Not that it matters-according to mens rea, it makes no difference if the person who commits a crime knew it was a crime at the time.


    Ergo, I have a question for mod authors out there: how many of you would be willing to create a different version of your mods to use for the collections system?


    Okay, thanks for answering this comment so promptly.

    I have another question though: would you or one of the other employees at NexusMods mind checking the functionality of this feature? An acquaintance of mine has told me that he was banned despite not getting any warnings at all. I suspect he is not the only one, and it probably is only adding fuel to the fire that is this backlash concerning the collections situation.



    There are a number of offenses that might result in an insta-ban. Admitting to, advocating for, or otherwise promoting piracy is one. But it is only one. There are others. And every ban cites the reason. And there is an appeal process, if the banned member cares to avail her/himself of it.

    You have got to be kidding me about the piracy comment. Seriously? Please tell me you were being sarcastic

    Also, I did check the thread. There were no warnings, and my friend said he got no warning privately either. Nor was he guilty of piracy. Actually, he was banned for interacting with someone who he felt was committing piracy against him

  6. Actually, mr vampire, I saw the ban post about him. It specifically said that he was warned many times, which means that it is still probably a good idea to check how it is working. Might mean less work for you all in the long run
  7. Okay, thanks for answering this comment so promptly.

    I have another question though: would you or one of the other employees at NexusMods mind checking the functionality of this feature? An acquaintance of mine has told me that he was banned despite not getting any warnings at all. I suspect he is not the only one, and it probably is only adding fuel to the fire that is this backlash concerning the collections situation.

    And while you are at it, if possible, Iâd appreciate someone fixing the weird formatting issues that happen when people use this site with a phone. I have an iPhone 8 and it still makes me look like I might be drunk

  8. So, am I correct in thinking that the way warnings work on this site is that when an admin does not like someones behavior, they post to the thread named rules and warnings with the username in the title?

    If so, then unless someone was actually following that thread. I can not imagine how people would even know they were warned. So how about commenting on a thread someone was misbehaving on to give them a warning? PMing them? Or at least tagging them in the rules and warnings thread.




    Get over it already. Let it go. It's not as important as you all are making it out to be.






    If only you were capable of taking your own advice.....this thread would be at least 100 pages shorter.


    Said the person who is still responding too. Like do you have no self awareness?Â
    Yeah, sse, the difference is, I do not recall hard ever saying that this thread needs to die off. You, however, have said that. Do you know what hypocrite even means
  10. There's no conflict.

    Oh yes there is. I'm just not dumb enough to tell you what they are. If you wish to find out for yourself, you can check out the terms of service in question.



    I'm pretty sure that it could be done without excessive effort, although my saying "easy" might have been going too far.


    The problem is that even if they added it to the Vortex roadmap, it could very well be quite far down the list of things that need to be done and want to be done.

    Given the validity of the viewpoints of people against this change, I suspect that Robin might not be the best judge of what *should* be done


    Ask for feature, insult owner of company. Seems like sound strategy.


    Good luck with that.

    I might have more sympathy if the Bethesda TOS didn't specifically say that its terms rules over the terms of the TOS of any other entity that might conflict with it.

  12. I'm pretty sure that it could be done without excessive effort, although my saying "easy" might have been going too far.


    The problem is that even if they added it to the Vortex roadmap, it could very well be quite far down the list of things that need to be done and want to be done.

    Given the validity of the viewpoints of people against this change, I suspect that Robin might not be the best judge of what *should* be done
  13. In Windows click Settings, then Network and Internet, then click Data Usage, that will tell you how data each app has used in the past 30 days.ÃÃÂ




    The only way to make Vortex use less data is to download less with it.

    First of all, thank you for your assistance, I was already aware of that. But as I have said before, I know that as of this moment, Vortex is not able to download mods with data separate from the data given to the use by their own ISP. The point is, I have been told that Vortex could be updated to fix that, and it would be easy to do so. Given that it is Vortex that will be using collections, it makes sense to make this change, as well. No one has told me that it is not possible for NexusMods to change their app in this manner.
  14. doesn't matter who was using what - the point remains - if you're on a capped data plan then its no-one's fault but your own.

    I disagree. First of all, I am supposed to be able to boss my mom around? Really? Even if I wanted to get her to stop watching Netflix, I do not think she should have felt obligated to do so. Especially since both of the ISPs I am talking about claimed to be data cap free, so we signed a contract, only to find out that-ooops-yes they do have data caps, and the biggest package they had was 100 GB / month for nearly $170/month.


    Secondly, but most importantly, (bolded for emphasis) *the whole point of collections is to make it easier for people to download mods. But data caps could prevent ppl from downloading mods at all, depending on how big the collection is and what size their data cap is.* get the point now?

  15. You can limit the max speed of downloads with Vortex, but not the total amount of information.

    I am not sure if you are missing the point or not. I am aware that Vortex can not change the data usage. But could it be programmed to do so? Someone told me the answer to that is not only yes, but it would be easy to do


    Riggghhhtttt.....so the owners of the Dr. Seuss books were not allowed by your definition to pull the books they did? Because 'Don't ever give if you ever plan to take it away.' Pfff. Guess what? I never planned to take them away from this platform. It was kinda forced on me. Also, my mods are available. Just not here. All ya wanna do is argue.

    I think it's become quite obvious Brabbit believes Nexus to be the only modding site on the entire internet, because it's clear they think if it's not here, it's been taken away from the world.


    This is the kind of dangerous monopolistic thinking that's led us all here to this point. It's too bad Brabbit will never understand that letting one site gain such a monopolistic positions is BAD for the community in the end.



    It's not even a hard idea to grasp. Yet, here we are. 101 pages in, still trying to understand such a basic concept.


    Honestly, I'm a little impressed. I shouldn't be, but yet here we are 101 pages, 1000 replies, and a month later and still the concept isn't understood at all. It's rather... fascinating? Frustrating? Either way, it's gotta be an achievement.ÃÃÂ

    I am assuming that the reason I got kicked from my first discord server is because I explained the situation like this:

    Mod authors work hard on mods. The terms of service of Bethesda, who is the creator of the program that is most likely to be used to make Skyrim/Fo mods, guarantees that mod authors will always be the owners of their work, regardless of where it is uploaded. Robin did not help to create the vast majority, if not all, of said mods. Ergo, he does not get to decide for the owners of said mods what the owner does/does not do with the property of said mod author. The end.


    Riggghhhtttt.....so the owners of the Dr. Seuss books were not allowed by your definition to pull the books they did? Because 'Don't ever give if you ever plan to take it away.' Pfff. Guess what? I never planned to take them away from this platform. It was kinda forced on me. Also, my mods are available. Just not here. All ya wanna do is argue.

    I think it's become quite obvious Brabbit believes Nexus to be the only modding site on the entire internet, because it's clear they think if it's not here, it's been taken away from the world.


    This is the kind of dangerous monopolistic thinking that's led us all here to this point. It's too bad Brabbit will never understand that letting one site gain such a monopolistic positions is BAD for the community in the end.

    Oh for sure. Dictatorships in general prove that point, I would think.

    Also, I learned in my math class that in order to be able to be 95% sure that data accurately represents the general opinion of a community with a 5% margin of error, the researchers would need to *randomly* select a group of *at least* 385 mod authors, and then gather feedback from them. Even if you did get a sample of at least that many people it doesnât count if you didnât give each and every mod author on this site an equal chance of being selected. Thatâs not an opinion meant to spare peoples feelings; it is a mathematical fact. Not selecting a sample size in this manner would've introduced bias into your sample, which would nullify any results you would get.

    Showler is the only one operating under the delusion that Nexus will work with mod authors on the new system. The rest of us are well aware that we don't get a voice in this.

    I also believe that you are indeed correct. After the deadline, nothing will change. Nexus will proceed along their path, exactly as they have already defined. If you upload here, you are essentially handing ownership of your mod to Nexus.


    It's not a delusion at all as we are literally working with mod authors on the new system as part of the internal testing going on right now (which is also referenced in the news post even). As we're making progress, we'll be adding more mod authors to the testing group and their input is and will be shaping the collections feature.


    We do not claim ownership of any mods you upload to our site. Anything alluding to the contrary is completely false. Please stop making such claims or we'll have to moderate against it.

  19. I am aware that Nexus does not have a way to check for data caps. What I do know, however, is that someone told me it would be easy to add functionality to vortex so it will not use that data.

    Also. It actually was not usually me watching Netflix; it was my mom. She is the type to always be productive during the day, so she deserved to be able to chill for a few hours in the evening to watch Glee or something.

  20. All right, ya'll. I think we can all agree that this has been a very hotly discussed issue the past few days. Barring the legality of what is going on, and the questionable reasons why, I'd like to add a few things to the conversation. I do not claim any ownership whatsoever over these ideas; NexusMods can profit off of using them as it sees fit.


    First of all, you need to keep people with data capped internet connections in mind when developing this new version of vortex. I know the struggle of having 100 GB of data/month, using it up in a week by accident, and then having to suffer through speeds so slow that it made using the internet borderline pointless because everything was so slow and time consuming.. .Slow as in if-Netflix-even-opens-at-all-its-a-nightmare-to-watch-because-the-video-stops-to-buffer-and-takes-forever-every-three-seconds. SLow as in me using the search engine on XBOX one for mods and it taking twenty minutes for the initial results to even show up. Slow as in it seeming like a miracle that something would download from NM at a speed faster than 1mbps while using a premium account.

    Also, will people have the option to download mods individually once this is implemented?


    I also think it will be important to include a walkthrough for how to set up collections, especially those that contain mods that are particularly complicated .It would be a serious shame if a Collection got ruined because the creator of the collection didn't understand how to update one of the files.


    Setting this aside, though. Nexusmods. Really. Why? You said in the announcement post yourself that this is the biggest modding site ever. Why would it break the Collections to include opt-out options, given that there will probably be plenty of mod authors willing to participate and that a mod deletion can't break a collection it was never part of? Why risk violating the Terms of Service for Bethesda? Or is my mind deceiving me when it thinks that the fact that the TOS specifically says people can upload mods to third party sites and still retain ownership means that this is violating the terms of service? Why was the browser analogy necessary in the announcement post (literally no one cares what browser someone uses to download their mods. It makes no difference).


    I look forward to hearing your responses. But don't bother referring to that initial announcement post you made, because none of the justifications in that post made any sense whatsoever.



    They have a pretty good idea how it will work. There's still a beta phase that will fine tune it.


    What they don't know is how successful it will be at bringing in new users. They aren't psychic, but they are optimistic. Optimistic enough to risk turning the whole place upside down over this.

    Ah. And are you affiliated with them? Out of curiosity




    I don't know that showler is anything other than a mod author.Â

    To address your concerns over the collections damaging your file, from my understanding they are just a list of mods that whichever app uses to download the files (wabbajack, automaton, vortex etc) They don't change your files but they install patches that make your mod compatible with any other mods on the list. Mod lists have been out there for awhile but can become broken when an author removes a file or files.

    That being said, I am not against collections being used. I am however against losing a mod author's right to delete in favor for someone else seeing as we are the ones coming up with said mods and they are our art work and intellectual property.Â

    Same. I would be rejoicing right now about this, if Robij wasnât being such an inconsiderate dictator about this.


    They have a pretty good idea how it will work. There's still a beta phase that will fine tune it.


    What they don't know is how successful it will be at bringing in new users. They aren't psychic, but they are optimistic. Optimistic enough to risk turning the whole place upside down over this.

    Ah. And are you affiliated with them? Out of curiosity




    I don't know that showler is anything other than a mod author.Â

    To address your concerns over the collections damaging your file, from my understanding they are just a list of mods that whichever app uses to download the files (wabbajack, automaton, vortex etc) They don't change your files but they install patches that make your mod compatible with any other mods on the list. Mod lists have been out there for awhile but can become broken when an author removes a file or files.

    That being said, I am not against collections being used. I am however against losing a mod author's right to delete in favor for someone else seeing as we are the ones coming up with said mods and they are our art work and intellectual property.Â

    Same. I would be rejoicing right now about this, if Robij wasnât being such an inconsiderate dictator about this.
  23. They have a pretty good idea how it will work. There's still a beta phase that will fine tune it.


    What they don't know is how successful it will be at bringing in new users. They aren't psychic, but they are optimistic. Optimistic enough to risk turning the whole place upside down over this.

    Ah. And are you affiliated with them? Out of curiosity
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