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  1. Sounds like it could be more a package issue. Aside, more detail would help, like the script calls you are attempting, and how it's attached etc
  2. Could add a silent track when applicable. There is one called _None that you can invoke after removing yours (Game.GetForm(0x1BA72) as MusicType).Add() Or ofc attach the _None music record as a property. Might as well Alternatively, combat music in the game uses conditions. Could definitely play with that instead/also
  3. Sounds like are you are describing exactly what many doors do. Like the "door" at a cave entrance where you simply walk until you enter the cave. Basically take one of those and add a portal visual
  4. There's a magiceffect condition you could play with. In theory you could apply that effect to a cloak ability with no damage. A script or shader or whatever else would then apply, but only as long as IsCombatTarget is true Not tested... and could well be one of those dormant conditions that do not do as they sound like they would. Basically just try it out
  5. Likely won't be able to "port" the mod, but rather reproduce it as feasible If I was tackling this project today, first approach I would go with, is AI ObserveDead routine where the NPC using this routine, will approach lootable bodies and perhaps perform a search animation like they will when saying "What happened?" etc. Let scripts handle the actual looting, and also have the script apply some sort of tag to prevent NPCs from trying to repeat loot, etc I was curious so played with above for a little bit. ObserveDead override pack apparently is a dud or has quirks and too many hoops to jump through to be a viable approach. Aside, I found a mod you can use as a template for the concept you want. Haven't tried it myself but it can at least get you started, if not completely do what you are wanting https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4744
  6. This is a lengthy to explain process which some searching will yield good results for Aside, I have a mod for LE called Blueprints which spawns a NPC with your appearance. You can use the facegen it generates for a CK follower. I made it a long time ago and offer no support for it
  7. Can be done by basically using a cameraman approach. Place someone wherever you want, angle them, etc, then use Game.SetCameraTarget(Whoever) Has to be an actor. Will not work on objects without using a SKSE-based mod Helpful: The actor does NOT have to be enabled to set camera onto them. Lets you set their elevation and other handy things that would be trickier to deal with if they have loaded 3D
  8. You likely have to check the "Allow Dead" box for this to work Otherwise ReferenceAlias automatically releases NPCs from being aliased when they die, and I never tested if OnDeath script triggers happen before that Aside, there is OnDying() which you can mess with too. Just a reminder that exists too Unrelated but yeah: I would avoid naming a script the same as an event name. Maybe that's my coder-OCD triggering but I avoid syntax overlaps like that
  9. Can't shout if it doesn't HAVE any shouts. To make this problem go away you can have a routine in place to simply remove all their shouts for x time, then re-add them. I'd probably find another way if it was me, but that would def solve your issue for the time being. Can always tweak approaches later once you get something working at all, as you are wanting
  10. This is one of those things if you mess around with it enough you will start to figure out how things tick, and likely also learn some new things you didn't expect to find useful Def explore nif files and play with copy/pasting collisions and NIControllers to other nif models, and make new nifs too. CtrlC and CtrlV in skope is def your friend I'd have to give myself a refresher session with the creation side of things, to be more helpful. But do consider what I suggested. It's pretty enjoyable imo just experimenting with this stuff
  11. This type of project is incredibly more time-intensive than it may sound like it would be Amongst many other lengthy steps, you need copies of all the smoke and fire fx nifs you want to green-ify, since you are not wanting to replace regular fire. Several of these fire and smoke nifs, have a number assigned called BSValueNodes. These values have to be changed, to match whatever you assigned your green addonnodes in the CK to. Green gradient and decal textures will need also be needed in this project If any of above makes little to no sense to you... You would be highly advised to simply download a mod that already does most (or all) or what you want, and use that as a base for what you want
  12. If you spawned it at runtime, yeah I'd see that going away after a while. I believe you are okay. The body should*TM be there permanently since placed in the CK. As for loot, I believe when the cell resets, so do all refs
  13. You would have to dive into the controller manager in each nif you want to modify, and it isn't simple Each sequence has interpolators and various data like transformdata, floatdata, and others. You MIGHT be able to get away with changing the speed of the controller at the top level and call it a day, but probably not tbh. Been too long since I messed with that stuff, I just remember it's finicky and tedious Very niche area of modding you are asking about. Sorry to inform, your goal is not an easy one
  14. Refer to ArmorAddon.psc for all the commands related to what you are wanting Would need to also couple it with OnPlayerLoadGame() events to make custom changes persistent In short, it's an annoying process but doable if you want it bad enough
  15. Sounds like you'd have to wing it with map menu listening tied with OnLocationChange() Or evaluate your project and ask why such a niche event is needed, and if there are substitute approaches to consider
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