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Everything posted by Sphered

  1. .Tri file is needed. And it has to be the correct compatible one. You dont need the Races or Chargen one for a follower, just the main one. But yeah assuming that facepart included a tri file, you need to point to it in the mod, for the game to properly animate that facepart
  2. If properties are correctly attached in the scripts within the mod, merging is fine since it updates IDs accordingly during the merge. Game.GetFormFromFile I could see having issues though since it is fetching a specific ID and isnt attached. Unless thats accounted for in the merge tool. I havent merged stuff in a while but I never ran into an issue with scripts personally. YMMV I guess
  3. Following != Teammate Following is nothing more or less. Doesnt even have to be an actor they are following. Just the AI pack they are using has xyz ref as the pointer. Your NPC there has a package that is telling him to follow you. Which package depends on quest priority or otherwise whichever one is "active" at that time for him, and the conditions give him a green light to do that Aliases need to be flagged as optional if you dont want issues there with empty slots causing others to not fill properly. Persistence matters here too. If in doubt make all aliases optional and fill them manually. IDK just sounds messy whatever is going on
  4. Each box is one of the tabs in the actor record. Use Factions = It will copy the faction tab info over. Etc In the CK it can be checkmarked, then immediately uncheckedmarked, if you just want to save time and copy data, without being "flagged" as using a template Health increase could be from something hes wearing I would guess
  5. You make me wonder if havok settling can trigger that event. Suppose I've never particularly looked for that At any rate, two routes off the top of my head. You could simply use a condition for akAggressor. Assuming only the player is eligible, use that. Otherwise what you could do is an OnLoad() Event where then, perhaps after a Wait(1.0) or so, then go to that ready-to-hit state
  6. Approach I would probably use is to give a blank .... line to the npc you want to not move lips, and do a Say() call with the InPlayersHead argument as true If I needed a plan B for the lip thing I might consider Actor.EnableAI(False) to freeze him a moment completely. Would have to play with things I guess and see how it goes
  7. Sry forgot about this topic then saw you posted another. Sounds like you have a kinda niche project thats stumping you. I was close on the actorvalue. Its "OneHandedMod" and "TwoHandedMod" "UnarmedDamage" etc that you can adjust to up your values while xyz is worn The "no magic" law you have rly makes this harder than it should be tho :\ If you check the CK for Fallout games, they too have a "Magic Effect" section despite being very not magic-based. Its arbitrary. Prolly a way to do it without scripts but yeah thats by far the easiest route if you were to pick up some basics. Scripts are ez just play with them a little
  8. Since its for the player, and assuming you dont expect lip movement, why not just make a full armor suit to wear. It can include head and face features
  9. CharGen.LoadCharacterPresetEx(Game.GetPlayer(),"NameOfThePresetHere",Game.GetFormFromFile(0x801,"RaceMenu.esp") as ColorForm,0) The above command requires at minimum the scripts from Racemenu mod. The plugin is kinda optional, but needed if you want that haircolor record, though you can likely put None there instead Name of the preset assumes its located in the Presets folder from Racemenu. If its elsewhere you have to point accordingly
  10. String Clarity = "This assumes you are near said reference aka its loaded etc" Form BaseToScanFor = Game.GetForm(0x940D8) ObjectReference ClosestRefUsingThatBase = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfTypeFromRef(BaseToScanFor,Game.GetForm(0x14) as ObjectReference,10000.0) Also not seeing why you would import that script. Theres zero point to
  11. BSX flags can affect this too along with being able to interact with the object, as well as enable it to have animation when placed. Reply if you still have issues
  12. NVM I think I follow what you are doing now at least partly. Appears you are providing a literal hex at runtime but the problem is at runtime you need the actual decimal SKSE has the ability to convert this and in a roundabout way does so in the MCM when resolving key codes to what the keyboard character equates to. Short version is that particular piece was hidden from us, as far as I have determined, so youd have to basically attempt to ask them how they do that or try to figure it out. Aside though, once you get the right decimal you would actually do Game.GetFormFromFile() and you need to resolve the mod name unless you provide it. Theres a RightShift call to resolve mod name from a baseobject but cant seem to locate it :\
  13. GetForm is for Skyrim.esm. What you likely are wanting is GetFormEx() which can be stored as string and read as Int Tends to be useful in relative situations where it can read a reliably available ID relative to the entity we have stored or are reading
  14. You talking about UI calls for messagebox.swf? Interesting if you can pull that off. Seems most of the time mods with listmenus bring their own shock file with custom components invoked via SKSE. They use script conditions when making the menu to adjust what the text says at that moment
  15. So to clarify, your goal is while these gaunts are worn you have +2 damage Edited since I am a noob. I forgot the values in this example are skills not damage right? Anyway just an option you could use via OnEquipped. Add whatever bonus you like when worn, then revoke said bonus when taken off. Dont have to worry with conditions really either this way since its on the gauntlets directly Attach a script similar to this to the armor ScriptName WhateverBonusFileName Extends ObjectReference Event OnEquipped(Actor Wearer) Wearer.SetActorValue("OneHanded",Wearer.GetActorValue("OneHanded") + 2.0) Wearer.SetActorValue("TwoHanded",Wearer.GetActorValue("TwoHanded") + 2.0) EndEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor Wearer) Wearer.SetActorValue("OneHanded",Wearer.GetActorValue("OneHanded") - 2.0) Wearer.SetActorValue("TwoHanded",Wearer.GetActorValue("TwoHanded") - 2.0) EndIf EndEvent Might be more appropriate to do a BaseActorValue calculation instead here or other adjustments. But basically this approach could be a good solution for you. You might prefer another route but thought I'd mention since you have been messing with this a bit now. Good luck
  16. Can you just give the follower all perks from the start? Conditions can be applied before they actually do anything. Only thing is I dont recall if "Playerlevel" is one of the conditions you can use, but you def can use GetLevel as a condition
  17. Lot of ppl dont know you dont actually need the mods for headparts at all. All you really need is a facegen nif (like an exported head) with what you want on it, and the names of the parts can be whatever, just the name needs to match something that exists Like Brows. Just name the trishape BrowsFemale01 or whatever in nifskope, and make sure they are using BrowsFemale01 in your mod. The actual brow model can be something else entirely, all the game cares about is the string in the nif matches a headpart name the npcs uses in your mod, be it them or their race. With HP heads you can do this too, but you need to point the main tri. Still dont need the original mod there either. Anyway this is just a bonus later, not needed just saves a lot of time and hassle once you see how the game reads headparts for npcs
  18. How are you writing it? Aside, ObjectReference has two unspoken subtypes. Type 61 as a normal ref and *can be* Type 0 in your bags. By that it can become "inert" so to speak depending on how you manage and track the ref. Might be a better word to describe but basically you may not necessarily be able to read its properties depending on which type it is at the time in question
  19. Enchantment is the only persistent method. Otherwise to add a "bonus" would require a script routine which also is set to refresh OnPlayerLoadGame() Might be forgetting another route but far as I recall that is pretty much the options. Almost mentioned perks, and there may be an avenue there but a lot of those are tied to magic effects
  20. GetType() tells you via Int. Container is 28. If whatever reason not wanting to use SKSE you can cast as container Refs btw you have to check their baseobject, not the ref directly
  21. Not a bad thought but its not the way this scene rolls Your green ranger model needs to exist, and otherwise just make it a one piece armor and just use all the biped slots. Basically equip it, no race change no hassle, and after x time unequip it. Not that hard but again, you need the model and basic fluency with making a mod come together
  22. That type of graph is for controller managers in nifs, not outside hkx invocation. You can invoke Gamebryo Animation by calling the actual name of the Controller Sequence in the nif you want to see WhateverIGuessABroom.PlayGamebryoAnimation("LoopSomethingWhateverItsCalledInTheNif",True); You almost always use true here
  23. The moves are the tricky part since need a lot of scripting which I assume is why you havent seen such a mod. I might look at it sometime but wont kid you, it would def require the right mood
  24. Oh, just open it in nifskope and find the Skinned area under the trishape. Right click over the BSDismemberInstance ---> Convert ---> NiSkinInstance May not solve it, so keep a backup. Its something I used to do pretty often to sidestep a lot of Skyrim skinning annoyances
  25. Doesnt happen if you use SkinInstance. Only need to keep as Dismember if you have a specific reason to want that. Skin Instance bypasses a lot of headaches so I'd say convert the mesh after taking a backup to see if it magically solves your issue. Also I suppose make sure weight sliders enabled, assuming you are using _0 and _1
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