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About MaxGreen5

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  1. It's baffling to me the fact that it isn't included in the game, not even basic stuff like hairstyles and facial hair... Pretty big oversight
  2. Well Excuse me for invading your beloved forum with my ignorance. Not everyone in the modding community knows how to properly mod the game without having crashes, errors, ctds, freezes or frame drops.. I really had no Idea about the wolrdspace changing stuff.. I didn't even know that THAT mod changed the world space... You knew it ?.. Good for you.. But you don't have to be an asshole about it. I guess the time you've clearly spent in the forums/ nexus with your 12K posts has gone up to your head and you think everyone knows everything you know.
  3. Do you have a mod called Scrap everything?... It might be causing you a lot of problems with your framerate Here's my testimony So I Recently deleted ALL my mods and uninstalled my game just to start all over again, testing my game for compatibility and stability.. Just to have everything clean as I was having a lot of crashes and ctds.. The thing is.. I remember always having horrible frame drops around the area of downtown boston and specially bunker hill, more specifically from 40 to even 25 FPS. I always thought it was just poor optimization mixed with my mid end PC having just the required to run the game properly and not more. I realized when starting the game with no mods at all going to that specific area, I had absolutely no framedrops.. 60 FPS to 52 But not lower than that (the normal ammout for my PC on the rest of the gameworld) obviously nothing compared to the monstrous 30 frame drops from before.. So I started installing all my mods again... When I was done, I had the exact same frame drop problem as before.. I Disable ALL the mods.. And started enabling again in groups of 10 to 15... Until I found the one that was laggin the s#*! out of the game.. It was "Scrap everything" And because this is one of the first mods I ever installed I really didn't notice. I believe that because this mod has to clasify a bunch of objects in the world to make them "Real" and not just props so that you can scrap them.. The item rendering doubles... I have no Idea so take that asumption with a grain of salt... So If you have the same problem as I did and you have this mod installed try disabling it and checking your frames.
  4. So, I recently deleted ALL my mods, savegames, reinstalled the game.. I had so many crashes and CTDS and what not... I started modding my game on august 2017 and I didn't have any of the DLC's so I obviously downloaded only mods without DLC support I recently just got the season pass and things started getting worse.. Before, I would just lose my audio ingame for a couple seconds, after that it was freezes.. that resumed after like 30 seconds the the freezes became permanent and i had to close my session to close the game.. The It was the CTDs few seconds into the game.. So Today I decided to start all over again.. Sorry for not going to the point.. If you guys have anny suggestions on mods to avoid or anything Id be thankfull to read them
  5. Welcome to the club buddy.. Unfortunately, the game is not very well optimized.. Downtown boston is always laggy and it drops your framerate.. It's like that for everyone.. Even with strong PC's.. 45 fps is pretty good for that area tho..
  6. Well.. I Actually feel like the building system in fallout 4 is like.. Unfinished.. It lacks so many things that could've made it perfect... But oh well.... We have mods I do strongly recommend you to use these two mods.. Homemaker: It adds a TON of new items to build stuff with.. like walls, doors, more generators that produce more energy, foundations, floors, roofs, columns... Super Etc... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1478/ Place everywhere.. Simple mod that saves you from a lot of frustration.. Basically allows you to place items anywhere.. Doesn't matter if they clip, it will be up to you.. If you want to clip items all together you can do it.. It pretty much removes the red highlighted item that doesnt let you place an item that's too close to another one https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424/ They are both inmensely endorsed mods as you can see... And last, I don't know if this came with one of those two mods or if it is part of the vanilla game... But if you press 1 or 2 while in buliding mode you will be able to turn off surface and item automatic placing.. You know that thing that places an object next to another automatically.. Which will mean you will be able to dig items into the ground if you want... Just remember that you toggled them when your items dont clamp together.. You just press 1 or 2 again and reopen the item category you're in (arrow key down, arrow key up). As I told you, I don't know if this feature is in the vanilla game (probably not) but if it came with a mod, it's probably "place anywhere".. I hope i helped you And I almost forgot.. If you're tired of seeing s#*! in the streets and leaves and junk and trash that you cant remove... Don't worry.. Scrap everything is for you.. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320/
  7. So, I've always been very nitpicky with gunshot sounds.. I'm just a bit too critical about them sometimes, but that's just me.. So because of that, I've customized some gunshot sounds, even some of the ones popular mods like the AK5C have by default... I just could'nt bare those sounds so I decided to replace them with my own.. I Mostly have customized single shot weapons because they are super easy.. Just replace the audio file and that's it..... The problem comes when you try to replace automatic firing sounds... I have realized that the game uses a set of 5 tracks of automatic spraying for about 3 seconds that loops when you keep firing for the automatic weapons and it's measured in RPM's (400, 500, 600, 700 and 900)... which in game, if you have a certain reciever, the auto firing sound rate will actually be faster or slower. And if you use the sound of a single shot for the automatic fire mode, it will just not work.. In most cases the gun wil just fire and the sound will play once but the gun will keep spiting bullets without sound... So.. If there's any modder out there who can tell me, I would really like to know how to make these automatic custom sounds, and how do you higher or lower the firing speed of the track without making it pitchy or super low.. I've tried with audacity but it just doesnt work.. Because I have a library of gunshots that i would really like to use in my fallout 4 game, But I just don't know how to make those automatic firing sounds with the different RPM' Variations.. I don't know why the made it this way, it's just so complicated.. If you see other other games audio files, most of them use a single shot recording that repeats when you keep firing but oh well.. Bethesda.. (Note, the sounds I have are single shot recordings, not automatic.. If that doesn't work, Is there any way you can edit the single shot recording to an automatic one?...
  8. I recommend you this one. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6443/ Read it's features, You won't be disappointed.
  9. I like to roleplay my way through games like fallout because I feel like i'm watching a movie or reading a book where i'm the one making decisions and making my character's thinking via roleplay. So i've decided to make some sort of story about my character's experience in the brotherhood of steel questline. NOTICE: This is not a fanfiction or any of that stuff.. Its not so much a custom story and bit more of the mental progress my character went through during her experience with the brotherhood of steel as i said before. Although. you might find some added elements to it. I made female sole survivor and male sole survivor (Basically only changed the "She, her" and "He, his and him" in between the stories) just for the pure sake of roleplay if you want to read the story imagining your own character going through the story. I apologize if find my story writing skills are not that great, It's actually the first time I write any story at all.. But anyway... I would really like to read other people's comments and oppinions if you read the story :smile: And eventhough I hate to influence or intervene with other people's experience or roleplay I must give a list of some of the things in my game that are important for the story to make sense. And HUGE SPOILERS ahead (Obviously) Female Sole Survivor Male Sole Survivor
  10. (With all the respect for the many people who died because of this horrible disease ) I've always been a big fan of the Bubonic plague medical oufit.. i think it Displays a combined artistic side with one side a bit mysterious and sinister mostly because of the mask Wich is redundantly a primitive gas mask that was stuffed with substances in the area of the beak (such as spices and herbs) thought to ward off the plague away So, i think it would be a welcome armour mod in the comunity, i would totaly endorse it.. if i knew how to make mods i would definitely do it.. But anyways i'll leave this to you guys give it a try.. i'll leave some pictures too
  11. It worked just like i wanted thanky you very much ;)
  12. Hi, i open this topic because i actually dont like to take off my armor and see my character (female) nude ( i have DIMONIZED DNP female bodys) is not like, in the gay way theres is no problem shes nude. but it would be awesome to have an underwear you can actually wear under the armor.. im not sure if there is already a method to have the underwear and also see your nude character. if it is like that please tell me
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