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About TheDrunkenSoviet

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    Fallout 4
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    Fallout 3 / 4

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  1. Tried this, the strobe light itself only has the one "flash" within "Stage2", getting it to repeat is a nightmare !
  2. I'm wanting to add a sort of a general alarm in a mod of mine, I want to link several strobe lights to a series of buttons, when anyone of these buttons is activated, these strobe lights and an audible alarm will sound. When another of these buttons is pressed it will reset. I've tried several play.animation via a GetState script but i just cannot get this strobe to work. Anyone have any ideas or point me in the direction of a script that would work ? Thanks !
  3. Ahhh but these are BIG exams haha these are so hard these ones 22 hours of extra study doesn't give much time at all to even play Fallout !
  4. Sorry for a delayed reply to you guys, I regret to say that I'm going to have to drop progress on the mod for the Exam season that starts in a few weeks. As a student the workload will become to much to bare with study and the mod. Progress has been made with NPC's and fixing bugs that have arisen but sadly, Until further notice I cannot carry on with the mod. Once exams are over progress will resume !
  5. If you have the time i could send you all ive done so far, its not much to look at but if you want them i could send the files and stuff to you.
  6. I've been incredibly busy over the last few weeks but i do still put in some work when i can, Don't worry guys its still in the works !
  7. I'm afraid things have been so busy at the moment all progress has come to a real halt for now and its a little work here and there but the mod isn't dead !!
  8. History A-Level is hard, Its post 16 education for you US lot haha Grade 11 for you US lot but Year 12 for the Great old Great Britain, well i don't live in Britain but we use that system I just had an idea by talking about Education that i may include a classroom of (Unkillable) children kidnapped to learn the Nazi ways ! (Possible quest to rescue them)
  9. Ahh the American education system. I'de like you lot to try Great British A-Level Exams ! I have no idea what 6th Form is equivalent to in the US
  10. Thanks, I'm planning on the main release being Censored without Swastikas but an optional file with all the nitty gritty stuff to give people the choice. Haha, Dylan's just been waiting for a while and he seems very enthusiastic for the mod. :) However being a student means time can be very weird and busy most the time but the mod is still in progress.
  11. Slowly but whenever I can work on it i do but things are getting busy atm but i do try to get as much work done as I can.
  12. Its only a mod Rasputin haha do what you like when it actually gets to the point when i can release the thing !
  13. And im a communist/major socialist AND I live in an island that WAS OCCUPIED. I know people who's grandparents were taken as prisoners some to Auschwitz . Hell there is an old concentration camp on another island like 45 mins away ! I see bunkers and everything on a daily basis and im making this mod ! ;) I understand you have your reasons but wouldn't you shooting them make them just as bad as them ? Persecuting people for there beliefs ?
  14. That is a little too far for the mod. Nazis are one thing but that would defiantly cause some issues upon release ! There will hopefully be some new guns but getting permission is difficult due to the nature of the mod.
  15. Rasputin you're really hell bent on whooping there asses ! ;)
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