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Nexus Mods Profile

About Freekahzoyd

  1. I will give you feed back on that monkey, thanks! In light of the Resident Evil 2 remake ive been recreating my game in spirit of the franchise. I really want a mod that captures the old school feel, down to where they even hold 2 handed weapons "from the hip" when you hip fire. Similar to fallout 3, New vegas came close to how the pistol animation was, they just didnt have 2 hands, similar to a mod out now for 3rd person (a 1st person one is seperate, by wardaddy i believe) Ill let you know how the mod works. Edit: after research i successfully found a mod containing RE4 camera angels, its called- "camera presets" featuring 'life is strange' camera angels too, which isnt bad with the wide field of view. More info to come on animations, Final Opinion: after doing research, and actually crashing my system a few times, WAR is not what we "evil" fans seek. The author admits to not being able to identify the issues with the left arm not properly working. Ultimately, in my opinion, there are better mods.
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