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Everything posted by WITHTEETH

  1. Well worm. I disagree with your position, especially as a lover of wisdom on your viewpoint on philosophy. As I said before. Ill leave this argument alone for the second time. Love peace chicken grease!
  2. I think people are capable of changing their minds. Ideas are contagious, and good ones have the capacity to spread. But i suppose people really change their mind on such topics when they are forced to in that dark place, frustrated and want free. Thats how the Greeks discovered philosophy, and how after the dark ages, the enlightenment came. Such change comes from struggle much of the time. Although I don't see the harm in online religous debates, nobodies going to bring a knife. I should drop it. I will respect your wishes. Love peace chicken grease. :biggrin:
  3. Well people don't like to admit there wrong, and most likely if they do change their mind, i believe they do that later when they are by themselves and reflect. People have the capacity to learn. I don't see a reason to ban often. I can see a reason to close a thread once too many are playing in the sandbox.
  4. Then whoever is the flamer, looks bad might learn how to react next time. Live and learn. Not that its fixable. Have to respect the mod/site pwner!
  5. Hmm i find this sad. I always believed that the expression of free ideas was important for the civilization of mankind. When we stop talking, we start fighting. Just because we attack an idea, doesn't mean we attack a person. Ideas should be shaken and picked apart. What if we never challenged slavery and women rights?
  6. I just bought a 8800GT Superclocked from EVGA. I will probably run at much lower resolution though, so i should be fine. :)
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