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  1. Now that is a shooting sound I can relate to how good it looks. Works great, Thanks alot.
  2. Man, that was a fast and clarifying reply! Here you go http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Wpn_antimaterialrifle_fire_2d_01.ogg .Reckon the Anti-Material Rifle will do : p Thanks alot for doing this, Cheers!
  3. Hello everyone, I really enjoy That Gun style and its my main weapon of choice most of times, however I always felt the way it sounds could be a bit more loud to emphasis it's power more. A good guideline for the sound I was looking for would be the sound of the Manurhin MR96 by 1uokuoruokuok (here's the link http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47578/?), but anything along those lines would be awesome. Well that's it , if someone could do this I would be most grateful.
  4. Thank you so very much! Besides my personal aesthetics taste, I never understood the reasoning of the same object having a completely different look depending on the wearer's genre. So my male cowboy has a horned helmet but when he lends it to veronica it magically changes shape and loses the horns? I wonder how they justified that break in immersion when they made the game. Again, thank you very much for taking your time to do this , cheers!
  5. Hello everyone. I would like to ask if anyone is interested in making the female version of the metal helmet be the same as the male one, so instead of looking like this: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110405235239/fallout/images/thumb/6/62/Metal_helmet_reinforced_F.png/185px-Metal_helmet_reinforced_F.png it looks badass like this : http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Metal_armor,_reinforced Thanks.
  6. Hello, does anyone know where is this sword from? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/11880-1-1194075645.jpg
  7. I would love to see a ridable raptor, or any bipedal well animated light armored mount; A Dewmer Steam-powered buggy for example would be great too; An war-armored Dragonfly (which kept the wings beating when floating on air) Some badass Giant Scorpion too. Lastly, an Humongously huge War-armored diplodocus !!!!!
  8. I see. Thank you all for your answers, you've been most helpful.
  9. Hello, I have purchased some time ago the GoTY version of Oblivion, with Shivering Isles and Knights of Nine included,and, for the past couple of years have been experiencing the vanilla world(while patched with Shivering and the latests unofficial patches ) with a load of mods. Recently I heard that the Knights of Nine expansion Included a lot of the official DLC released, but I haven't found any documentation in the files within my Oblivion, nor have I received any content , besides Knights of Nine, when I do load Knights of nine. So I wanted to ask you folks if you do know if I'm doing something wrong, or if that Knights of Nine includes Frostcrag, Horse Armor etc. is just a rumour.
  10. Hello, a couple of years ago I remembered having installed a mod which added a big underground cave-like space which featured some roots in the ceiling of the caves(as in tree roots hanging) some vegetation inside the cavern complex and druids, if I'm not mistaken. it also featured some questlines. I'm sorry if I'm being to generic but that's really all that I remember of the mod, anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows this mod I'm looking for.
  11. Hey, thanks for the reply, awesome two mounts you linked me too. Still, do you know who was the author of the rhino?
  12. Hello, would anyone know from what mod is this Rhino-like beast? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/25773-1-1247471070.jpg
  13. Thanks for the reply Fodric. I believe, though, it isn't the Lost Spires one, it was one with only that dungeon space, albeit being huge. and it isn't in the 100 top anymore. Also, does anyone know the name of the mod that imported an elite plated armor from Morrowind to oblivion?
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a mod I saw once on the 100 best file list a long time ago but have been unable to find it now since i forgot its name. It was basically constituted by a huge underground open-space dungeon (alike the game Arx Fatalis) where there was some druids if I am not mistaken. it had some furniture and rooms in some of its space and even some trees around, while still underground. I never played it just. seen its screenshots, so bear my description with a grain of salt.
  15. Im a dude, and i play as one in most of times, mainly on Melee characters(my main role in almost every rpg is the roguish one). However, when i do caster type chars, i usually play chicks, dunno why.
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