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  1. I'm pretty sure I remember it existing but in the now-defunct BioWare Social Network. There's a lot of mods that allows casting with weapons drawn, which, arguably, I can just enable when I have Spellweaver equipped. I like the theme to be within the weapon though, anyone know if a mod exists?
  2. I fixed it now! WorkshopREF = akFurnitureRef.GetLinkedRef(WorkshopItemKeyword) as WorkshopScript InvisibleFurniture.SetLinkedRef(WorkshopREF, WorkshopItemKeyword) If (WorkshopREF && WorkshopREF.OwnedByPlayer == false) WorkshopREF.CheckOwnership() EndIf
  3. InvisibleFurniture.Activate(PlayerRef, True) It was 'True' that was blocking the event being sent. My test script on one of the new workbenches works, but wouldn't workbenchscript also work now?
  4. Ah, to the furniture themselves? They do have the workbenchscript attached. Should I try to make a different one and try OnActivate in it? And just for full disclosure, here's the current script that I have. ScriptName SimpleCraft:sc_qust_StartupQuest Extends Quest ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- ObjectReference InvisibleFurniture ;-- Properties -------------------------------------- Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const Perk Property sc_CraftPerk Auto Const Furniture Property sc_CraftbenchArmor Auto Const Furniture Property sc_CraftbenchWeapon Auto Const Keyword Property sc_kywd_AnimArmor Auto Const Keyword Property sc_kywd_AnimWeapon Auto Const ;-- Events --------------------------------------- Event OnQuestInit() If !PlayerRef.HasPerk(sc_CraftPerk) PlayerRef.AddPerk(sc_CraftPerk, False) EndIf EndEvent Event Actor.OnGetUp(Actor akSender, ObjectReference akFurniture) Utility.Wait(0.2) InvisibleFurniture.Disable(False) InvisibleFurniture.Delete() UnregisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnGetUp") EndEvent ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function CreateFurniture(ObjectReference akFurnitureRef) If akFurnitureRef.HasKeyword(sc_kywd_AnimArmor) InvisibleFurniture = akFurnitureRef.PlaceAtMe(sc_CraftbenchArmor) ElseIf akFurnitureRef.HasKeyword(sc_kywd_AnimWeapon) InvisibleFurniture = akFurnitureRef.PlaceAtMe(sc_CraftbenchWeapon) EndIf Utility.Wait(0.1) RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnGetUp") InvisibleFurniture.Activate(PlayerRef, True) EndFunction
  5. Can I if it's just a variable? ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- ObjectReference InvisibleFurniture
  6. Thanks! I was doing this before I came back and checked my thread: RegisterForRemoteEvent(InvisibleFurniture, "OnActivate") If !RegisterForRemoteEvent(InvisibleFurniture, "OnActivate") Debug.MessageBox("Failed to Register") Else Debug.MessageBox("Registered") InvisibleFurniture.Activate(PlayerRef, True) EndIf Does it have to be akFurnitureRef? With this, I was able to compile. In-game was showing a message box with "Registered" so it seems the event is registered but OnActivate event isn't happening: Event ObjectReference.OnActivate(ObjectReference akSender, ObjectReference akActionRef) Debug.MessageBox("Hello") EndEvent
  7. I am trying to trigger the workbenchscript so my invisible workbench can access it and use items/components stored in settlements during crafting. Function CreateFurniture(ObjectReference akFurnitureRef) If akFurnitureRef.HasKeyword(sc_kywd_AnimArmor) InvisibleFurniture = akFurnitureRef.PlaceAtMe(sc_CraftbenchArmor) ElseIf akFurnitureRef.HasKeyword(sc_kywd_AnimWeapon) InvisibleFurniture = akFurnitureRef.PlaceAtMe(sc_CraftbenchWeapon) EndIf Utility.Wait(0.1) RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnGetUp") RegisterForRemoteEvent(InvisibleFurniture, "OnActivate") InvisibleFurniture.Activate(PlayerRef, True) EndFunction All these works, but I'm stuck on Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) EndEvent I can't compile it. CK throws this error: sc_qust_StartupQuest.psc(31,0): new event onactivate cannot be defined because the script is not flagged as native I tried doing ObjectReference.OnActivate but CK threw out a different error: sc_qust_StartupQuest.psc(31,0): the parameter types of function objectreference.onactivate in the empty state on script simplecraft:sc_qust_startupquest do not match the original script objectreference
  8. The prologue's main quest ends with the Ingvi decision. Please wait for the next Chapter. Alrighty. Thanks!
  9. Was the fight with Ingvi the conclusion of the prologue? Do I have to wait a bit more for a trigger?
  10. Hope this gets read! What mod is Project Nevada-StealthSuitMkIIPwnt .esp=1?
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