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About ashjunan

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    United States
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    Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins
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    Mass Effect 2

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  1. Well, somehow, the file hud menu overwrites was missing from my DEF UI installation. I reinstalled Def UI, then patched the file, and got this issue solved.
  2. I'm not sure what is causing this or how to fix it. I can post mod list if that would help, I am using Def_UI, but never seen this.
  3. So, I noticed there are a lot of buildings that are made with buildable walls, floors, etc. My problem is, I can never get other pieces to snap to them, even from the same build set. Is there a mod that will allow me to remove broken walls and replace them with new ones without having to painstakingly wiggle it into just the right spot?
  4. try downloading k-lite codec pack, it could be an issue with sound codecs.
  5. Only problem with the way leveled quest item mod does it is, that keeps checking your level to your items and when your level is as high as the next better version of the item it replaces them. If this is a mod just for you, you could make your scripted weapon powers scale based off your stats so the weapon would never need to be removed/replaced, and you wouldn't need extra script checking if its time to swap the item. Such as its attack power could be fire dmg multiplied by your destruction or whatever desired stat. I'm not much into scripting myself, but you may need OBSE to achieve that.
  6. On all of my previous installs, yes I installed all three UOP files, main, SI, dlc, and then the MBP stuff, and it always crashed on load/new game. However,this time as I stated, I forgot to install any of the UOP files and MBP works fine, I'm dumbfounded as to what could be causing this. Edit: I am very seriously considering never trying to play this again at this point, completely uninstalled and reinstalled. 1. Install game and all dlc 1b. everything works fine 2. Install UOP, UOP SI, UOP DLC, checking to make sure the game works in between each. 2b. Everything works fine. 3. Install UOP supplementals 3b. Game crashes trying to start a new game. 3c. Uninstall UOP supplementals and all UOP since supplementals replaces esps 3d. Game works fine 4. Reinstall UOP 4b. Game crashes on new game. I have been wrestling with this damn game since saturday, please someone tell me theres hope.
  7. Ok, on my latest attempt, I forgot to install the unofficial patches and everything worked fine.... however install unoffocial oblivion patch, boom can't load games, uninstall, voila, loads fine, what on earth could cause this kind of incompatability? Active Mod Files:
  8. If I want to simply remove the mods I have already done that. Yes, removing the mod will make my game work. However, my goal is to get it to work, as I haven't found anyone talking about the same exact issue, I think I Must have done something wrong. To be clear, I have already cleaned my install once, and got the game working vanilla. Now I need to figure out where I am messing up.
  9. So I followed explicit instructions on how to install Modular Beautiful People 2ch plus plus, and my game crashes on loading when trying to start a new game or load a clean save (clean of ANY mods save). I tried unchecking the boxes and it still crashes, can anyone help me get this working properly? Active Mod Files:
  10. Please would LOVE if someone could transfer over the Amy armor mod from fallout 3: Amy Armor for Type 3 I would love it as is, would be even more awesome if it could be made for alice body type.
  11. In fact... Beware of Girl body mod supports alice body already too, its what I use.
  12. would it be legal to share a mod like that if the only files transfered are the ones to make it work? cause I already have blood dragon armor in mass effect 2, though I never use it cause I like seeing my character's face when they talk, although there IS a little novelty value to the helmeted voice sound.
  13. A weapon that is only useful against creatures with souls? You do realize darkspawn are soulless? It explains why thats useful to the archdemon at the end of the game.
  14. So, I was lookin through the top mods and in a screenshot to a mod completely unrelated to armor I saw someones dragon age character wearing a helmless version of the blood dragon armor as it appears in mass effect 2, and I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find the mod that adds that as it looks WAY better than the normal DA blood dragon armor. Here is a screenshot http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images...-1265420869.jpg
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