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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by gentester

  1. delete the new nav you placed by going to the mod in Tes5edit and just deleting all references to nav within the mod, this will automatically regenerate the original skyrim nav. Then look at how it looks in the ck in that cell. make a note of the format like 11 nav with id number "Whatever it is" 364 with id number "whatever it is" keep hold of that as its the quickest way to work out which navs you have changed. Then delete the nav triangles where you need to make changes re do the nav as you want it. Finalise the cell, also finalise any cells directly adjoining, north south east west, ignore diagonal corner touchings. Make a note of which cells directly adjoin yours. Check in Tes5 edit remove all cell edits and navmesh edits EXCEPT in your cell and the ones north/south/east/west. Reload the mod in the ck and then save which will sort out saving the edited nav. Run Tes5 cleaner and see if there are deleted navs. If there are Use the link to the solution posted above in afk mods. with your notes made from the vanilla nav in the cell as an aide memoir to work out which ones you have changed. Then do the refinalise in your cell and directly adjoining cells again. Check in Tes5 edit remove all cell edits and navmesh edits EXCEPT in your cell and the ones north/south/east/west. Reload the mod in the ck and then save which will sort out saving the edited nav. Run it through Tes5 edit cleaning one last time to make sure all is sorted.
  2. Can spot one thing straight away in your load order without even knowing the rest of the mods. Your Unofficial Skyrim Patch is in the wrong place, it should be immediately after Skyrim.esm. Then Update, then Dawnguard, then Hearthfire, then Dragonborn. Also get the rest of the Unofficials, place each one immediately after the esm it refers to. Run Loot to get your load order sorted out.
  3. Coming to this a bit late but I wonder if the problem isn't so much one individual mod then, but rather too many extra spawn points. I think both SkyTest and Birds of Skyrim add extra spawn points. It might simply be overloading cells. I do also have Animalica, Sky Birds, Birds of Skyrim, and Birds and Flocks. I had this issue of no animation for speech with NPC's (mainly followers), then I installed the version of Skytest that doesn't add any extra spawn points http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46495/? then stopped Birds of Skyrim spawning in cities in its MCM menu and reduced the number of birds it spawns to 4 down from 5 and the problem went away.
  4. you shouldn't have to ditch it, just clean it with Tes5edit and it will remove all identical to masters.
  5. both the links I had for it have vanished :(
  6. I can get to the download page but not download anything, it seems to not be able to link to the servers.
  7. If you are using a pc there is a console fix. Stand in Breezehome but near the table or something out of the way. Open the console (click on the tilde key to the left of the number 1) Just start typing Type the following as shown: prid e4ef9 disable prid e4ec8 enable cick on the tilde key again to exit the console and it should all appear.
  8. If I click on my map the game instantly crashes to desktop. Spotted a previous thread about this from some time ago - however the fix found in that didn't work for me. I have tried deleting all the ini files and reacquiring them to get them to vanilla. Made no difference. It started today, as the last time I played I didn't have the problem. Anyone suggest a fix - or a reason?
  9. If you know which mods you originally downloaded redownload them manually to your desktop - not into the game folders. Open them and look at the file structure in them - and then you will know which files you need to delete in your game folders. :)
  10. In my game the Meshes are in Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data/meshes as TERAarmors Textures are in Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data/textures as TERAarmors they show up in the smithing no problem at all. If your files are in those places and the mod is checked in the data launcher then it should work. Just a question here, what other mods have you tried? If they are all texture mods with no esp's then its possibly a problem with your ini file configuration.
  11. Has anyone come up with a method to get the dialogue to come up for the Hearthfire adopted children to move to a modded home or even to be adopted to that home in the first place? Or failing that a way to force them to move there without the dialogue option? Not as good maybe but better than nothing. I have tried by adding 2 childs beds and a chest using the same models as in the Breezehome HF add on (copied and renamed etc) and also tried by marking those items as BYOH adoption child owned but no joy. Any help appreciated :)
  12. Hi If anyone who knows scripting could assist me in something I'd be eternally grateful. For a new mod I want to make a new resource respawn just two items (same thing just 2 of them) every day in one container. I'm afraid my scripting knowledge is zero and although I've tried to follow the various tutorials they don't seem to cover what I want - plus I find them very hard to follow :confused: If anyone can help I'd be ecstatic :smile:
  13. Your save games are located (usually) in C drive. c/documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves
  14. You could try My Home is Your Home http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18045 and/or this one Followers can relax http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9504
  15. It's Oriental Weapons&Armor http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16977
  16. Dark Ranger (works for females as well) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14716
  17. If anyone can make some comfy looking padded chairs and sofas I'd be eternally grateful..... Hard wood or stone furniture in a cold climate (not even a fur slung over them) brrrrrrrrrrr :sad:
  18. Try Autumn Lodge by Brendan62. Gorgeous location near Ivarstead with possibly the most fabulous views in game. Large entertainment area and master bedroom upstairs, load door to basement which has 2 double beds for followers and three singles for servants, there are servants there but if you need the beds for your own you can just change ownership of the single beds by using a console command. Swimming pool in basement. Or Clinsters Dovakhiin Lodge, which has 3 double bedrooms and a room with 3 single beds, nearish to Riften with a kick arse horse in the stable also no load doors throughout and has a swimming pool in the basement next to a massive display and workshop area. Nice house and not massive. I'm guessing that the bigger mods of the nature you mention for the Oblivion one haven't been made yet, but I doubt the Oblivion one was released very quickly after the game came out, that sort of thing takes a lot of time and Skyrim is still bedding in and getting the bugs ironed out, I would expect someone is working on something like it though
  19. If anyone in the modding community can do this I would be eternally grateful I just can't stand the "Stupid Dog" comment from housecarls etc those dogs fight for me and for whichever of my ungrateful followers is trailing along that day, and it just makes me want to slap them :( Can someone save me from a lifetime of paying off murder fines on my own followers and do a stand alone mod that either removes that sentence altogether or changes it to something else, don't want anything fancy just that sentence consigned to an oblivion gate.
  20. Apachii Sky Hair has one or two quite similar to that, one is slightly longer than that - just above shoulder height, another is long hair tied up in a loose chignon at the nape of the neck but the front is pretty similar to your pic
  21. I couldn't do this myself my modding skills aren't up to this but maybe someone could take this idea up and run with it. Just an idea for a mod/mods that I thought about when I saw a recent mod for Milk on the nexus here - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=17836 I thought it was a good idea as there wasn't anything for all those children running about in the cities to drink in the vanilla game, or anyone else who doesn't want alcohol at breakfast. So it occured to me that maybe a nice mod would be camomile plants dotted round the place and available to other modders for their gardens and camomile tea to be a brewable in the cooking/crafting (I would really love coffee but not terribly lore friendly - whereas camomile I think would grow anywhere in skyrim). Perhaps the tea could have mildly restorative and calming properties although nothing major. Something suitable for all ages at any rate.
  22. Doubt it's got anything to do with NMM - sounds like its the .ini files being incorrectly set up. Possibly loose files isn't set to load or something like that
  23. Not 100% sure but last time I uninstalled and restarted. First thing I did was make sure that Steam Cloud was disabled. Then after uninstall normally I went into my PC and I deleted all the files inside Documents/My Games/Skyrim then the Skyrim files in User/AppData/Local then had a good rummage around in my steam folder and deleted everything that was Skyrim related. I can't remember now if there were any files in those places to delete after the uninstall but I know I checked them all. I had tried uninstalling normally before but had left Cloud synch in place and that caused me endless problems (I had never used it - so didn't understand what it was doing). Don't know if that helps at all.
  24. I'd say it was a script conflict issue that caused the problem in the first place. Had something similar myself a while back and figured out that a couple of mods that I believed were uninstalled had left stray .pex files that conflicted with my new stuff.
  25. Also in the creation kit check that she hasn't been assigned gender opposite anims, it's a tick box on more or less the first page - Traits - you get when you open a character in the CK. It's how I fixed Mjoll in a mod that only changed her appearance and didn't change her walk.
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