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Everything posted by plectrius
Hello guys, I missed the opportunity to get the grenade recipe from the disciples in Nukaworld, I just remembered it after I wiped them out and I don't have any previous saves since I play on survival, is there any way I could unlock the recipe using console commands or any other way? Thanks! PS: tried to give myself the recipe and read it but it did nothing.
elex My eyes won't survive the lighting of this game
plectrius posted a topic in Mod Troubleshooting
Hello, I'm trying to enjoy the game and I can forgive many things but oh god the lighting is killing me, my eyes literally hurt from the horrible transitions from exterior to interior and vice versa, it's like light does not diffuse outside of a certain radius which is a totally unnatural way of handling light, even in corridors it's horrible, an open window will lighten a small area but the adjacent area will be totally dark, it puts a huge strain on the eyes and it's totally unrealistic. Is there a way to alleviate this? Thanks in advance. -
Save survival progress before changing difficulty
plectrius posted a topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Hi guys, I want to do some testing by switching from survival to very hard difficulty but since this would prevent me from going back to survival I want to know if a backup save files of my survival playthrough (made before the difficulty switch) would be usable again? Thanks. -
Yeah I also noticed this. Sometimes the containers respawn but not the enemies. For some reason finishing vault 88 quest stop the insta respawn for Quincy and its surroundings.
Selling your special stuff you don't want to sell.
plectrius replied to jjb54's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
All my armor pieces are marked as favorite so I can use one macro button to fully gear up after using hazmat suit or charisma clothes. The heart in front of each item is usually enough to avoid selling or tossing them out. -
Survival Mode Bug - Game Freezes During VATS Mode
plectrius replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
After hundreds of hours of observing the circumstances leading to vats freezes I think I've identified the source of this bug, It comes from debuffs of survival mode, mainly hunger debuffs (it's the one I noticed don't know for the others though). When the debuff happens when entering vats it causes the game to freeze, as long as you're lucky enough to not have debuffs happens when you activate vats you'll be freeze free (for me at least). That could explain why this happens only on survival mode and with such variable frequencies. One could try to deactivate hunger/thirst/sleep debuffs to test this out... -
I built a pretty nice vault in one of my playthroughs, took me days, then I realized something: why have I done all that? Why bother? Ok, I have the satisfaction of having finished this thing but other than that it's POINTLESS, utterly pointless. Even for building settlement fans, you have this huge area but the settlement size limit will barely be enough to finish the first cave. On my latest playthrough I did the absolute minimum to finish the quest, not a single wall or floor, the vault dwellers are basically cavemen and I love the irony of it.
Hi, I'm pretty sure my high level character has wrong/bugged stats, I believe food/chems buffs on survival mode have something to do with it, these are the numbers: Level 160 SPECIAL: all set to 11 (10 + bobblehead) HP: 1422 / AP: 220 / Carry weight: 535 (naked, no active buffs) Damage reesistance: 80 / Energy resistance: 150 / Poison resistance: 5 / Rad resistance: 35 (naked, no active buffs) All vanilla magazines and companion perks unlocked Lone wanderer 4 / Strong back: 2 / Rooted: 2 I believe 150 energy resistance is wrong and HP should be 1407 according to Wiki formula, don't know if I'm right though may be I'm missing some bonuses from quests, can someone help me figure out what would be the correct stats for this character so I can change them accordingly? Thanks in advance!
Hi guys, I was wondering if a usable boat could be created with the same mechanic as FarHarbor boat in order to fast travel, particularly in survival mod. I really don't understand why Bethesda didn't include this mode of transportation in the game, there's boats everywhere in a pretty good shape, land travel is 100 times more dangerous, it would make perfect sense if Commonwealth people used boats instead of walking through enemy infested places...
I've found all weapon classes having their use except for pistols, bad at sniping, average for medium/close combat, supposed to be good in vats but they aren't really (in survival I mean) because of their weak dmg/shot compared to a rifle for example. If had to choose I'd take an explosive radium rifle scoped and silenced (or the unique version): uses .45 common ammo, good for any situation/combat range and benefit from very a wide range of perks (sniper, demolition expert, nuclear physicist, gun fu,...), one weapon to kill'em all!
Survival Mode...ridiculous or just not fun?
plectrius replied to Burnout122812's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
A "real" survival mode is not fit to work well with Bethesda Fallout, this game is all about hoarding, stockpiling a metric ton of items/food/weapons/armors/teddy bears... Water for example, in a true survival setup the real challenge should be to FIND clean water not to drink every 10' overabundant/easy to obtain water, same goes for weapons/ammo/healing items, can we talk about survival when you can have more equipment than the US army? In my opinion an enjoyable survival mode would have: - No annoying drink/eat every 10 minutes, instead a extremely hard to find resources, - Give us back weapons/armor conditions/ need to repair. - Rethink the loot system, no armor looting may be? Need gear, buy it. - Rething the inventory, reduce the carry capacity, may be add slots STALKER style, having 2 rifles and 3 missile launcher + hundreds of items is NOT survival. - Radiations should be more dangerous if unprotected, as it is it's just a nuisance, radstorms for example could be revamped to a real threat that can kill you if you don't find shelter in time, even a game like MadMax has this mechanic. -
Coastal cottage not Mahkra Fishpacking
plectrius replied to Rattlerx5150's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yep, probably one of the best places for a settlement, add to that the fact that there is only one way in, which is a bridge, but hey why settle in solid concrete building when you can just stay in the wilderness surrounded by monstrous beasts. Also never understood why people are totally ignoring the perfectly fine hundred of building/houses around the world? Oh right a wooden plank is blocking the entrance, no way anyone in the world could destroy such invincible obstacle, also why settle in a an actual vault with purified water and electricity when you can just settle in the open in the nearby ghost town... -
What's some of the stranger stuff you've seen in Fallout 4?
plectrius replied to Servalion's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I don't know if this has already been posted (sorry if it has) but I found this during my latest playthrough, never noticed it before (Behemoth slam dunk??): http://i.imgsafe.org/e615be4ca4.png -
That's what I feared, if I install a console enabler mod and I use the fov command it definitely solves the problem, I have no choice I guess. I thought maybe there were some ini settings that control the distance between the pip-boy and the screen sparing me the need to use a mod...
Hello, I've changed the FOV on the ini files to 100 and it fits my liking, the only problem is that the pipboy is too small, I know this can be addressed via the console but I'm playing on survival and I want to do a 100% vanilla playthrough with no mod whatsoever meaning no enabling the console with a mod. Is it possible to change the pipboy size using ini edits?
Unlock and activate don't work, disable make the door disappear. I unlocked the "inaccessible" terminal next to the door, it has a door control option but it doesn't work either, it says something like "locked, impossible to override". The devs clearly didn't want anyone to access this area outside of the quest, no button, no terminal entry, it's scripted I guess, if so I wonder if there's a way to emulate the trigger using the console.
Hi guys, I had to complete "Liberty Reprimed" quest using console commands because I had already started the "Mass Fusion" quest for the institute which involves the same BoS character (Proctor Ingram) and causes some dialogue problems, basically you can't continue BoS questline unless you side with them which I don't want to do right now. So during the "Liberty Reprimed" quest the depot door is opened by Ingram after initiating a dialogue with her, since I used console commands to advance the quest, the door remains closed and the terminal nearby is tagged as "inaccessible", this closed door is really starting to bug me out, does someone know if there's a command console to open it? Thanks!
Increased damage against robots with "Robotics expert" perk?
plectrius replied to plectrius's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Appears to be true: http://i.imgur.com/QQh0CK0.jpg Thanks! How did they miss to point out this info in the perk description? +40% dmg is not negligible particularly in survival mode! More importantly, this bonus disappears at rank 3 which means rank 2 is basically superior since you get the best of both worlds (hack & wack!). -
Hello, I've read this info on fallout 4 wiki: "Rank 2 of Robotics Expert gives a 40% damage bonus against robots and synths, however, it is conditioned to stop working if you have rank 3.". Can someone please confirm that? This seems weird since it's not mentioned in the perk description, I'm not interested in this perk but if the +40% damage is real I may change my mind.
Nope it doesn't, how many times I found myself bashing thin air because I was out of grenades, btw what a great idea to link bashing attack to explosives, add to that non supported AZERTY keyboards and you have all "game of the year" ingredients...
Tried it, didn't work, the grenade icon fade away as the ammo count do, the difference is that whenever I want to know how much ammo I've left I just hit the reload button and the ammo count reappears...
Hi guys, Is there a way to have the grenades/mines not disappearing from the hud? Having to navigate through the pipboy is tedious to know how many grenades are left is just plain tedious... Thanks for any suggestion/mod/tweak!
Yeah I know crops/turrets/generators/... can be destroyed, I'm pretty sure they auto repair though. My biggest concern is losing crafting junk stored in the workshop hence my questions. Auto repair? Are you sure about that? As far as I'm aware, crops/turrets/generators get damaged and stay damaged. Could be wrong though. I did read somewhere that if you let things like bottlecaps (from stores) and purified water build up in your workshop it increases the chance of raids. And yes, as far as I'm aware attackers will take stuff - but I'm guessing they won't go for junk as they don't put the same value on it as the player does. Instead, they target bottlecaps, water, food, etc. Pure conjecture on my part. Yes I've seen multiple times broken turrets and generators magically restore themselves, sometimes I leave settlements with broken stuff and when I come back I find it all repaired, don't know if this is intended or a bug though. I've read somewhere that they do take junk (and in relatively large amounts) but have no evidence of that...