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Nexus Mods Profile

About Pinkwolf666

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Thank you for the suggestions, but I have no idea what exactly to tweak in oblivion.ini, kuertee cleaner didn't help. I installed a tool called messagelogger which should log error messages the game is experiencing, when i opened the file i saw an insane amount of warnings, but they seemed minor, and the file had no actual errors (the logger differentiates between an ERROR and a WARNING).
  2. Hello I've recently started experience crashes every time I fast travel (location doesn't matter), or move into the exterior world. I can coc to testinghall and enter Hawkhaven, but if I for example coc to weye, then exit, the game automatically crashes. There is no error message, it is as if i ALT + F4 out of the game. I have recently updated better cities and unique landscapes, but I don't think I have made a mistake during installation. I had this problem some time ago, but I don't remember how i fixed it. I'm also using Oblivion stutter remover, 4GB patch, engine bug fixes.
  3. Hello, I've noticed that in some of the armors added by mods that I have, the gloves disappear when I switch to 1st person and equip a weapon, however they are fine if there is no weapon equipped. Anybody has an idea what could be causing this? Thank you. examples: Magic equipped: https://ibb.co/RpBZc95 Unequipped: https://ibb.co/F43RynH
  4. Hello everyone, looking for the horns in this picture, thank you! edit: found them, they're called Horns of Ifrit
  5. Hello, does anyone know the name of this armor mod or the link to it? Thanks!
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