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  1. The interactivity of War Fire reflected in the following points: 1. Players can chat in the world, legion and private channel. 2. When players click buy, quicken and other operation, there will be a select box for reconfirmation. 3. When the chief of a legion declare war to another legion, they can choose to accept. 4. There’s mail system in the game, if you apply for joining a legion, you can receive the reply in mailbox. 5. When you attack a place or been attacked by others, the system will send detailed reports to you.
  2. The interactivity of War Fire reflected in the following points: 1. Players can chat in the world, legion and private channel. 2. When players click buy, quicken and other operation, there will be a select box for reconfirmation. 3. When the chief of a legion declare war to another legion, they can choose to accept. 4. There’s mail system in the game, if you apply for joining a legion, you can receive the reply in mailbox. 5. When you attack a place or been attacked by others, the system will send detailed reports to you.
  3. Rational development is the most important thing in early stage of War Fire. In early stage of City development, players can do different kinds of construction according to the brief introduction. We suggest players to do systematic construction (especially in RSRC area and City area, players need to construct at least 8 Houses in City area) The development of Resource area and Military area are connected to the level of Civic Center, so it is better to upgrade the Civic Center to level 10 for other areas’ development. Meanwhile, the upgrading of Civic Center is connected to the level of City Wall. Players can upgrade the two instructions in accordance with the requirement. The Development of City Area The development of City area is skillful. Houses should no less than 8 (because there are task requirements for the quantity and grade of Houses), and the construction of RNDZ, TRNSP CTR, Market and RES CTR is a necessity. Players can refer to the game guide and official site (www.war-fire.com) for the function of different constructions. (Suggested grades: Houses LV6, RNDS LV1, TRNSP CTR LV 5, Market LV5, RES CTR LV6) The Development of Military Area Players must construct the following constructions: LPTI, AFTI, INT CTR, MLT ACAD, CMD CTR. Players can construct several LPTI and AFTI according to their need and arrangement, thus can save time when training armies. (Suggested grades: LPTI LV6, AFTI LV5, INT CTR LV 6, MLT ACAD LV 3, CMD CTR LV5) The Development of Resource Area The Resource Area has total 40 blocks after the Civic CTR upgraded to level 10. Players can do available arrangement of each quantity for the City’s development. (Suggested grades: Farm LV6, others LV5) PS: In early stage of the game, players can recruit an officer with high Logs as Interior Minister if with enough gold coins. Interior Minister can enhance the resource output and construction speed through Internal Affairs Properties. About the rate in City, players can raise the rate to 20%. If the rate is more than 20%, popular support will be reduced, the population growth speed will be decreased and the army may escape. Don't be a tyrant. When city development stabilized, players can train their own troops. Most time are used for upgrading in early stage, so the time left for research is little. Players only need to do researches that needed for training Light Tank and Heavy Tank. Players need to train a relatively large amount of Infantries and Rocketors and some Light Tanks and Heavy Tanks for conquering wilds. Troop forces need officers. Players can recruit an officer with high Military value and learn some useful skills (like Artillery Rapid Fire, Missile Crit). Learning skills need gold coins, so players need to be prepared for this. The choosing of wilds is important. Players may be less of Ore and Oil in early stage, so players can choose wilds that can increase production. We advise players to choose wilds lower than level 6 because it is very difficult to conquer with the disposition in early stage if the wild is higher than level 6. Please choose carefully. After conquered the wilds, players can pick jewels. The acquisition time should better be more than 24 hours, in this way, players may gain high class jewels needed for Military Rank tasks.
  4. Dear players, War Fire has joined facebook and twitter! We would like to collect your questions and suggestions for our game and prepared rich game awards for you. Please click like on our page. Let’s play the great game together! Links: https://www.facebook.com/WarFireOL https://twitter.com/WarFireOL
  5. http://a904.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/060/Purple/v4/cf/d2/57/cfd25758-e29c-7b37-1b02-bfc66749cf8d/mzl.elwwmiqb.480x480-75.jpg http://a1382.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/084/Purple2/v4/c5/aa/fb/c5aafb83-bcfa-0cc8-abbf-66842362eb79/mzl.vmlbomde.480x480-75.jpg http://a1135.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/078/Purple2/v4/3d/be/63/3dbe6389-9a1b-3026-f9b3-0de3bfe09f2e/mzl.tooninxi.480x480-75.jpg <War Fire>, developed by Lingyu Dongli,will bring you with a brand new battle system and a deeper level of diplomatic interaction. With new characteristics, you will be immersed in the joy of developing your own kingdom and conquering the world. The biggest surprise for players is that <War Fire> brings deeper strategies, more real game experiences and circumstances. <War Fire> uses HD pictures, all battles and constructions will be informed without delay, the battle system is impeccable and interactive. These all make players feel the glamour of <War Fire> in maximum. It is better to create or join in a legion for a better development and more fierce wars. The <War Fire> has started to spread, come on to seek for allies and battle. Download:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/war-fire-hd/id641853151?ls=1&mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/war-fire-ol/id641485596?ls=1&mt=8
  6. Find us on Twitter and Facrbook: https://twitter.com/Earth2037_2. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Earth2037-2Android/449315371818811?ref=hl.Let's have more friends.
  7. Find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Earth2037_2 . Let's have more friends.
  8. When a new player built the Commander School, then you can recruit a commander. The commander could lead troops attack and pillage the Barbarians which are outside your city to get resources. It is random to select commander, player can refresh to select more powerful commander, but refresh will cost gold coins. The competence of the commander includes four parts: ATK, DEF Markup, Research Markup and ATK Markup. The whole amount points of their four parts are 100. At firstly the points in each part are automatically distributed. Once upgraded to a high level, the system will give you 4 points for each level. You can change and enhance one skill with the points, but the total numbers are 100 without change. That is to say, if one skill was enhanced with points, other three skill parts pints will be reduced to keep balance of 100 points. All heroes in this game have equipment which contains attached skills and hiding attributes. The attached skills have two colors: white and golden. The white icons feature the common abilities and the golden ones feature the advanced skills. Due to it is random to recruit the heroes, so you may recruit the heroes who are very powerful may not. So you can refresh with gold coins to select powerful heroes. But there is numbers limitation when you make recruitment. When you have only one city, three heroes are available. If not very lucky to recruit powerful commander, you need to build new cities to create more chances to recruit heroes. Wish you recruiting powerful and excellent commander at the first time!
  9. would absolutely love it if Dragon Age had a comeback worthy of Origins but with EA in the picture, I really doubt it's possible. I can't think of one instance where a company purchased by EA has gone on to become better and not worse. Traditionally, quality turns to s*** when EA gets involved, so sadly I think Bioware's days of glory and stellar products are over. I really hope I'm proven wrong, but I don't think I will be.
  10. We will reward 30 gold and 30 airdrops for the new registers from May 9 t0 May 15, 2013. New registered players need to send us emails with game account and server to [email protected]. Earth2037-2 is a SLG network game. While offering wonderful PVE, it enhances PVP part, which will let players who love alliance battles get great fun. Earth 2037-2 includes various aspects such like military, diplomacy, science and technology. Players could select camps like Human Alliance (Both in attack and defense), Rising Sun (Powerful defense) and sharp Hawk Horde. These three camps have their own troops plus their own features and strong points. Especially in an alliance battle, the troops will play different roles. In PVP settings, the game offers perfect failure protection, so you will not feel upset when one battle was lost. Fast recovery of the wounded troops and speedy building repairing help you establish wonderful power system. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  11. Earth 2037-2 is a simulating internet game on Android which focuses on battles among three camps: Human Alliance, Rising Sun and Hawk Horde. CSB is one important playing mode in Earth 2037-2. The battles are about 10 Chinese players VS 10 European & American players from different servers. In the battle, players need to cooperate well and make excellent plans and actions. The first CSB started from 10:00 am on May 4, and lasted 24 hours. The European& American players relay on long time excellent experience, positive arrangement to attack while defense. Chinese players displayed excellent strategies, and they were paired up with European& American team. Finally the winner is European& American team for their basic had more 24 blood drops than the Chinese team. It is really hard to win this battle for so minor difference. CSB details: CSB battlefield is on a 40*40 map, the two teams are divided by the central 8 resources stations. Each team has 10 capital points, 3 defense towers plus 1 base. Team needs to destroy the other’s base to be the winner. Resource Stations: Conquered to increase resource production. Capital Points: Each point stands one capital. All resource buildings are at level 10. Defense Tower: To dispatch troops from time to time to your opponent. Base: Only after the 3 defense towers were destroyed, the base can be attacked. The faster team which destroyed opposite base will win. After CSB launched, players need to select the camp, and then go to the 10 points to locate his capital. It is amazing that the speed in resource production, building upgrading and troops training increased a lot in CSB Dear players, come to Earth 2037-2! Fresh and unique game experience and battle more await you! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  12. When a new player built the Commander School, then you can recruit a commander. The commander could lead troops attack and pillage the Barbarians which are outside your city to get resources. It is random to select commander, player can refresh to select more powerful commander, but refresh will cost gold coins. http://www.aungame.com/public/game/earth2037-2/cover-1.jpg The competence of the commander includes four parts: ATK, DEF Markup, Research Markup and ATK Markup. The whole amount points of their four parts are 100. At firstly the points in each part are automatically distributed. Once upgraded to a high level, the system will give you 4 points for each level. You can change and enhance one skill with the points, but the total numbers are 100 without change. That is to say, if one skill was enhanced with points, other three skill parts pints will be reduced to keep balance of 100 points. All heroes in this game have equipment which contains attached skills and hiding attributes. The attached skills have two colors: white and golden. The white icons feature the common abilities and the golden ones feature the advanced skills. Due to it is random to recruit the heroes, so you may recruit the heroes who are very powerful may not. So you can refresh with gold coins to select powerful heroes. But there is numbers limitation when you make recruitment. When you have only one city, three heroes are available. If not very lucky to recruit powerful commander, you need to build new cities to create more chances to recruit heroes. Wish you recruiting powerful and excellent commander at the first time!When a new player built the Commander School, then you can recruit a commander. The commander could lead troops attack and pillage the Barbarians which are outside your city to get resources. It is random to select commander, player can refresh to select more powerful commander, but refresh will cost gold coins. The competence of the commander includes four parts: ATK, DEF Markup, Research Markup and ATK Markup. The whole amount points of their four parts are 100. At firstly the points in each part are automatically distributed. Once upgraded to a high level, the system will give you 4 points for each level. You can change and enhance one skill with the points, but the total numbers are 100 without change. That is to say, if one skill was enhanced with points, other three skill parts pints will be reduced to keep balance of 100 points. All heroes in this game have equipment which contains attached skills and hiding attributes. The attached skills have two colors: white and golden. The white icons feature the common abilities and the golden ones feature the advanced skills. Due to it is random to recruit the heroes, so you may recruit the heroes who are very powerful may not. So you can refresh with gold coins to select powerful heroes. But there is numbers limitation when you make recruitment. When you have only one city, three heroes are available. If not very lucky to recruit powerful commander, you need to build new cities to create more chances to recruit heroes. Wish you recruiting powerful and excellent commander at the first time!
  13. Earth 2037-2 will start CSB soon! Take battles with players from various countries and servers! Great reward awaits you!
  14. SLG Game Earth 2037-2 for Android http://www.aungame.com/public/game/earth2037-2/20130412-news-banner.jpg 2037-2 is a SLG network game. While offering wonderful PVE, it enhances PVP part, which will let players who love alliance battles get great fun. Earth 2037-2 includes various aspects such like military, diplomacy, science and technology. Players could select camps like Human Alliance (Both in attack and defense), Rising Sun (Powerful defense) and sharp Hawk Horde. These three camps have their own troops plus their own features and strong points. Especially in an alliance battle, the troops will play different roles. In PVP settings, the game offers perfect failure protection, so you will not feel upset when one battle was lost. Fast recovery of the wounded troops and speedy building repairing help you establish wonderful power system. Sparkle features of Earth 2037-2: Specially developed for Android playersSmooth and accurate game screenLow power consumption and calorific valueSimple interface and easy operationsTroops in 3 camps have restriction for anotherVersatile teamwork to completely display your wisdomPerfect failure protectionCompatible with Android 1.6 and later Updated: April 15, 2013 Size: 15.7 MB Category: Free SLG Requires Android: 1.6 and up Company: JTG INC. Forum: http://en.earth2037.com/ Download: http://www.aungame.com/game/earth2037-2/
  15. Games can publish their own company?
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