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Everything posted by edgeburner

  1. Amen to that....Only thing is, Obama is not Clinton or Bush...I'm not sure that he will make that sort of effort to 'get along' with a congress that is aligned against him. He is a divider instead of a uniter, An ideologue instead of a realist, A man whose self righteousness and ego may utterly destroy any sort of dialogue that could develop out of a split... hope I'm wrong....
  2. What foreign policy? If he actually has one, I like to know just a few of the details......the aspects, what he trying to accomplish? Does he have a vision? Personally, I think he does...a thought that terrifies me. He wants to reduce US influence to the point of a glorified bystander. The man is simply not qualified for the position he ha been elected to undertake. elitist idealouges never make good presidents. Oh so typical....Those who have it rough are shat upon, those who worked their tails off to better things for themselves are the dumpers. I live paycheck to paycheck and I'll damned if i'm going to blame all of my shortcoming (at least financially) on "that rich guy". Utterly lame It also brought us Obama, Pelosi, Holder, Reid, McConnell, ect. Howabout Jerry Reubin, howabout Charles Manson? EH? Anybody who lets "icons/celebrities" influence them without proper delving into said celebrity angle is a moron who deserves what he/she gets. I agree that bonifide heros like MLK where a huge and good eye opener, but, today you have race baiters/perpetuaters like like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder slamming those eyes shut to actual justice again.
  3. Actually, I wasn't saying we should rehydrate the constitutional congress, just that I was curious to see how it would function today, or, at least the basic concept. Although, I don't see any reason to assume that officials elected in that fashion would be lacking in legal understanding, and, or stupid. The same people that vote now would still be casting the votes (God help us all). Just look at the relics fat-catting in Washington now....Google quotes from Nancy Pelosi, John Conyers ( the doozy of them all, lol) to see just how bad the disconnect really is. The fact is that these relics spend decades developing their power spheres.....And they're not going to relinquish them without a fight of nation changing proportions. If the people stand up and demand accountability, demand that the maid stream media stop being banner bearers of partisanship and re-develop some integrity...who knows? That "quarter" of the nation would also stand by the Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the divisive, side taking Holder (who recently spit in the face of the law enforcement organizations he is supposedly leading) if they walked onto their front yards in lock-step, dropped their drawers, squatted and defecated on their gardens. Also, you aren't going to stop the money flow by limiting campaign contributions from corporations and others whom wield power. Our system of government needs some serious tweaking. Perhaps a major overhaul.
  4. Back in my day (and that's going back a little while) every team in a children's sports league did not get a trophy. My little league baseball league gave out trophy's to the first, second and third finishing teams.....the others got a 'certificate of participation' (and a free invite to an awards dinner). Now, there are well meaning (i'm sure) folks that want to give trophies to ALL teams, regardless of their performance. Is this wise...to reward mediocrity and/or failure? Does this promote mediocrity.....lessen motivation and striving to be the best that you can be? Personally, I don't approve of all inclusive trophy (or whatever) rewards. I think you should be rewarded for excelling, whether it be in an individual sport, or a team sport. I just don't see how rewarding folks for mediocrity can help child or a teen. Not to say you should degrade those who don't excel....just that you shouldn't reward them. Your thoughts?
  5. No, it don't things would change much either, but I would like to see Obama neutered (politically, of course...I can hear the racist cries already:) ) Because he is the A-typical ideologue elitist that thinks he has all of the answers in spite of all his failures, plus, we need to separate the racial aspect from the office of president.....far to many media types are afraid to speak their minds because Obama is bi-racial with dark skin. Look no further than when he threatened to clobber Syria. Where where all of the Anti-war liberals then? According to Ed Asner(?) the leader of the hollywood liberal elitist old boy network, they kept silent because they were afraid of being perceived as racist....In America?? My God?? Sometimes I think we'd be better served by a 'continental' type of congress.....guys/ gals that weren't full time politicians, but, worked just like the rest of us stiffs and only trekked to Washington a few times a year to make laws.....Probably impossible, but, just imagine....one of 'us' actually writing and installing laws?? t
  6. I disagree on the' party of no'... as well as your war on woman take. Again, remember that Reid is sitting on over 400 house proposals (many of which are bi-partisan) that he won't even put to vote in the senate.....Why? Who's gonna get the credit if he actually puts them up for a senate vote and the blue dogs vote "yea"? Obama is not the first president to have the house opposed to his proposals, just because they disagree doesn't mean they should be tagged with the moniker of the "party of no" . After-all, the majority of Americans are against most of the legislation proposed and/or passed, such as Obama care and unfettered amnesty for those who have entered this country illegally. This "war on woman " is absolutely nonsensical. It has no merit whatsoever. It is akin to saying that woman are only good for child-bearing. My God. they will base the most nonsensical statements on anything for political gain....this is amongst the most absurd. Especially the part about birth control that doesn't control conception, it kills the fetus after conception and is passed off as a form of birth control.... In my opinion, The lengths we Americans go to to kill our innocent unborn is the single most disgusting aspect of our society. On that count. ISIS has nothing on us.
  7. Your charity shop exploration has given me an idea.....Over here, we have what are known as "garage sales"... Basically, this consist of people setting up tables in their driveways, front yards (or whatever) and selling their excess wares, or 'junk', if you prefer, lol. "one mans junk is anther mans treasure" These sales usually occur in the spring and the fall seasons in my area. May have to go crusin' this fall. :) "I do miss the old days where games came in proper boxes with all the manuals, maps etc. I still have a ton of those boxes in the attic collecting dust!" Amen to that! I have game manuals ect, dating back to the late 1980's that I have recovered after digging out my old Commodore 64, lol. The progression from then till now is absolutely amazing. I buy most of my games on Amazon also, my DSL connection is not conducive to large game downloads. A lot of good deals there, but they can fluctuate daily.
  8. Not to nit-pick, but, in my original post, I stated "the Republicans aren't much better". My intent was to include both parties into guilt, but, also to show that one is a bit more responsible for the 'escalation ' of the partisan divide that the other. i stand by that statement. The dems ARE the major obstacle here. If for no other reason, then the fact the they hold all (Or most since 2010) of the face cards, and have since 2007, and have based their execution of said cards on political terms.....Make the other side look like the bad guy....along with a culpable media. Some of their methods include; painting the republicans as racist, invoking that 'war on woman' nonsense, care about corporations over the people (they are right on that one, only thing is that the dems do that exact same thing, just with different corporations) Thow all of that in with Obama's "my way or the highway" atty and.... All of that crap is decisive....It detracts from the dialogue. It pits one side against the other instead of focusing on common ground and moving forward on whats best for America. google the quotes.....Mitch McConnell/ John Boehner vs. Harry Reid / Nancy Pelosi. Even the MSM cannot distort them. It becomes blatantly obvious.
  9. Never said it was just one party. I said that Pelosi and Reed set a precedent during their combined reign over both legislative bodies from 2007 thru 2009. Both parties are guilty of putting/playing partisan politics over the overall good of America. One was to start remedying this is to place term limits on both senators and representatives. i firmly believe that the democrats are worse than the republicans when it comes to patisan gamesmanship....they are also better at it.
  10. Game Banshee still has a walk-through up http://www.gamebanshee.com/dungeonlords/walkthrough.php But sadly, they seem to have taken the forum down. I am no aware of a modding community, or if the actually mod-able...there is, however, a character editor available. Just be careful where you download from.. if you decide to dive in. I got the Collectors Edition on Amazon. If I remember correctly, it was about $5.00 American. just about the same a the shipping cost, lol It's a shame that the 'big box' stores are moving away from selling PC games (at least in my area, mid Atlantic region of the USA). You could get find some real gems in those "bargain bins".
  11. Reed and Pelosi set a precedent that has changed the face of American politics. With all of their back-door dealing, changing statutes that have stood for years that apply to congressional balance, total denial of the opposing party proposals.....Reid is currently sitting on over 140 republican and some bi-partisan proposals that he won't even put up for a senate vote....This sort of partisan hack crap is indicative of the democrat party and it's absolute and insatiable lust for power and control. The republicans are not much better, though they are often misrepresented by the American MSM....Term limits in congress!!! We Americans can start in this years mid-terms....at least we can put a bit of a collar on Obama. Vote these self-righteous, puffed up know it all elitist (who never actually walk their lofty talk) out of t he mix... Get the split between the executive branch and the legislative.... Remember, one of the of the constitutional duties of the United States house of representatives is executive branch over watch. The IRS included!! Oh...what the hell is the sense of passing an immigration bill before you secure your borders?? Do you paint the boards before you nail them to the barn?
  12. Just exactly does that term refer to? Non whites? If so, how exactly to you brand a person/race/nationality as to whether he has 'color' or not? What is the defining criteria? Don't mean to be a nit-picker, but, doesn't this term indicate that white people have no color? Place the proverbial "shoe" on the other foot for a moment, dark skinned folks lack "color" and lighter skinned folks posses "color". Let's face it, literally it could go either way. What do you think the reaction would be if we 'flipped' the term? Just curious.
  13. When I am exploring mods, I definitely consider lore (though I am not that well versed in TES lore, I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim) that being said, I will use a mod that looks interesting and could also deviate from 'strict lore' adherence....If it doesn't spin the story off in a totally different direction, or conflict, or mess up the lore aspect completely. In other words, I think that "Lore friendly" is different the "lore obsessed". JMHO. Plus, it seems to me that with every TES game that is released, different aspects of the story arise. I mean, if the next TES episode is ever released, who knows what it will add to lore? Rather than adhere to a strict lore code of honor (as far as I can garner) on my tenth play through, I may deviate a little to rehydrate a game that may be getting a little stale...
  14. It's time for Obama to break out his red sharpie and draw another red line. His problem is the same that many on the far left in the US suffer from...separating head-in-the-clouds ideology from heels-on the ground reality. Throw in a little PC pandering and you have his delimma......How not to offend the minority Muslim population in America while not pissing off the vast majority (90%) Christian population? Obama is not a leader. He is an ideologue who is always 'campaigning' and never taking responsibility for anything his policies result in. It's Bush's fault, it's the house republicans fault, it's FNC's fault....Never his. What other president has constantly berated, insulted, and otherwise demonized the "other" party and yet expected them to support his proposals and his "my way or the highway" attitude? Remember his campaign promises to "unite America, Democrat and Republican, black and white" he's done the exact opposite, at least in Washington....he's driven the partisan wedge further into the crack. Kerry is not stupid, he is just a liberal elitist who is set in the fat-cat ways of Washington and is not used to being challenged. It's no secret how Obama despises Netanyahu, look no further that the hot mike incident a few years back. IMO, Israel has no choice. If Hamas continues to launch missiles into Israel from populated areas of Gaza, what else can they do? It absolutely amazes me when the media reports treat this fact as some sort of minor equation in this conflict.....They are knowingly using innocent human beings as propaganda fodder!! That should be utmost in any report on this conflict! Instead, we here "Hamas wrong to do that ,but..."
  15. It was buggy, unfinished and an all-around embarrassment to it's developers. I picked it up for about $5.99 at my local Wall-mart (probably around 2006 or so) and had more fun with that game than i could ever imagine. I liked it so much that I actually upgraded to the "collectors edition" (Another 5 bucks) which still wasn't completely finished! You could restart a fully developed character in that game. I can honestly say that it was the best "bang for the buck" game i ever purchased. lol
  16. Don't you think that would get boring rather quickly? Not even a hint of a challenge? I would like to see a mod that lets you restart a character from it's current status. whether he/she be level 10 or 60, start without weapons or armor, but with all of your acquired skill points and perks intact, and all NPC's leveled according to your level. All out balls to the wall fun from the git-go, no initial character development just adventuring, questing, and battling. It would be a nice change of pace, though I don't think I'd want to play that way all of the time. I remember a game called "dungeon lords" It was buggy, unfinished and an all-around embarrassment to it's developers. I picked it up for about $5.99 at my local Wall-mart (probably around 2206 or so) and had more fun with that game than i could ever imagine. You could restart a fully developed character in that game.
  17. I'd rather drag them back to Whiterun strip them of their weapons, tie them to a post and let Braith have at 'em. Heck, let Lars Battleborn take a few pokes too, he might even grow a pair. All kidding aside, it does get annoying after a while, just having to endure that dialogue again and again. Now, if see them before they get close enough to initiate the dialogue ( you can often see them lurking down the road with both of their weapons at the ready, or, running towards you with bad intent) I put a couple of arrows into them.
  18. A couple of questions - Is there any other way to obtain details on bounties my character has incurred, other than on the "general/crime" tab of the in-game menu? For instance, one of my current characters has a thousand gold bounty on his head, I have no idea why and where this bounty occurred. All I can garner from the sub-tab is that i have committed 'murder' on an innocent (I assume), although I have no idea on whom I killed or what hold I killed them in. I wasn't even aware of this bounty until I recently scanned the general info tab just out of curiosity.....Which brings me to my next question...Notification. I have multiple mods installed in my game which add extended encounters, more patrols and more bandits to the roads, so, as you can imagine, battles can become quite hectic, with a lot of different folk involved, good and bad. It as almost impossible to see that "murder" notification popping in (amongst all of the other data) and scrolling down in the upper left hand corner of my display when you (and others) are battling multiple foes. Is there a mod out there that plays a special sound when you strike down an innocent? Maybe a mod (or something in-game that I have missed) that provides information (such as who and where) on those innocents you have inadvertently slain.... after the fact? Thanks.
  19. I think Hadvar is just a decent guy who tries to do what he thinks is right, he just doesn't want to die in the trying.....especially after watching that wood elf bolt in panic and get cut down. In my opinion, this is one instance where the addage "if you don't do something to remedy the problem, you become part of the problem" does not apply.
  20. You shouldn't have any issues with that big - rig. Just don't go tossing mods into your data folder willy nilly. Use a mod manager and install them in increments. Also, I wouldn't let Skyrim go above 60fps.....Strange things happen when your cross that threshold. I gotta admitt though, it's pretty cool to watch a mammoth drop slowwwwly from the sky. OMT, use BOSS or it's big brother LOOT to get a basic foothold on your load order. You may have to make some manual adjustments, but, what the hey.....we're talkin' Skyrim here :smile:
  21. Thank you, JangSunHee! I will download and install shortly. Quick qustion if you don't mind......I noticed while reading through the "post" tab on your mod-page that you mention possible conflitcs with other follower mods created using something called the "deck 16 method". Does "Follower Comentary Overhaul" fall into this catagory? Will these two play nice together? Thanks again.
  22. Don't mean to start a politcial debate here, but, there are more "do as I say, not as I do ...it's ok for me , but not for you" hypocrites per square inch in Hollywormvile than any other place on this Planet. Need a "grass roots" type of group to make this movie. No sublte (or otherwise) political inuendo, just Skyrim. :)
  23. No AV program is perfect. Do you have any other 'system' issues aside from skyrim/SKSE? If not, it may well be a false positive. I would download 'Malwarebyte anti malware' and see if it turns anyting up. A good bakup scanner to your current AV program. I use the free version http://www.malwarebytes.org/lp/lp4/01_r/?gclid=CI_X2fr-3r8CFWwQ7AodvR0Ahg
  24. Is there a mod hanging somewhere out there in cyber space that changes the focus of your crosshairs to 'track" the enemy that your crosshairs are laid on? I have OBIS/redone , Imersive patrols, random encounters and a few other enemy 'enhancemant' mods installed and the focus always seems to linger on the first bandit/enemy that i lay my crosshairs on....It won't release from the original target untill he is dead. This can be a bit of a pain in the ass when you have friendly patrols and followers banging with bandits and things get a little hairy.....not sure who to shoot/wack.
  25. Thanks for your reply, but...Katrina? Never heard of her, but, then again, I've only been playing Skyrim for since the end of January, so I'm sure there is plenty I've yet to discover. :)
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