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Posts posted by Healz4Life

  1. An Action Mapping Overhaul could become one of the community's standard necessity mods to have downloaded if done right.

    Between not being able to access changing some default keybinds such as (f1, f2, f3), only being able to add new binds though mods like pressing M to open map (which depending on the mod even this can be difficult, for example I used Stewie's tweaks and set "iOpenMapKey = 50", which is M apparently, and if I want to change it, or test if I am even using the right value, I have to re-edit the ini, and relaunch the game), and just not being able to see what mods might have conflicting keys set without having to either flip through all of their INI's or mod configuration, it would be nice to have an updated replacement for the Action Mapping setting, or an all-in-one mod in the mod-config.


    I often come back to FNV after a while of playing other games and have completely forgot what my keybinds are, and there's not an easy way to test besides just hitting them all and maybe seeing what they do, but even then what if there's some kind of scenario based key I am missing out on just because it's been a while and I forgot about a mod I installed, like some kind of special melee move, or something only available in power-armor.


    Keyboy - UI Hotkeys Manager seems like a good start to managing keybinds, and does add stuff like an M key for the map. But it also changes your bindings once installed, where I'd think being able to match it with your current setup, for you to then change is necessary. I imagine it would need a section for each mod installed that has keybinds, and if there's no way to detect which ones those are and auto add them, it would probably need the ability to be patched easy to add whatever mod you wanted (Is there any mods that auto-patch based on what other mods are installed? I know there's one's like Consistent Pip-Boy Icons that lets you choose the patches, but it's a system I usually am too lazy to bother with, instead not using the mod). If it could change what the action mapping's or other mod-config's hotkeys show up as once edited in this overhaul, it would also be a lot less confusing as they key could be changed on either mod config.

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