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Everything posted by ethanv131313

  1. You could add a custom projectile with an explosion that will spawn the bloat fly, like how the synth relay grenades work, but this will spawn a bloat fly every time you hit something with the weapon, not just when you kill something.
  2. Update, Problem solved! just in case anyone else has the same issue i was forgetting to copy the BSshader properties into the Skin section in Nifskope, mesh is now showing up with a texture in game.
  3. I was hoping someone would be able to help me with a custom mesh issue. I created a custom mesh in blender and am attempting to get it in the game, however, I can't get the texture to appear in Nifskope and when i load the Mesh in the Creation Kit/Fallout 4, its completely invisible. I have followed this tutorial- As far as I'm aware, there are no flipped UV's, I copied the .DDS into the BGSM and made sure the path is correct/spelled right. The BGSM is set up identical to a working vanilla one, I'm exporting it as an .obj out of blender and into bodyslide (it turns dark after the export like in the video) The Mesh Triangulated, unwrapped, and has textures via BGSM file. I have also tried exporting out of blender with the following both ticked and unticked (Write Normals, Write Materials) I also made sure i was copying the mesh into the same type that I'm trying to make ( Grenade to another Grenade) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Guys :)
  4. I have been having a weird issue with the GECK lately, hopefully someone has some Ideas. I have been trying to edit the Compatability patch for EVE and project nevada, but every time i save, the plugin seems to get corrupted. What is happening is the gun will fire, make the noise, spend the ammo, but no projectile will come out of the gun. Any ideas would be appreciated. Solutuons I have tried so far. -Reinstalling and redownloading both Project Nevada and EVE -Verfiying gecks Game cache -Running the GECK as adminstrator -Redownlaoding and reinstalling the GECK -Useing the GECK power Up mod. -Deleting GECK INI files and relaunching the GECK What I am loading in the GECK -Fallout: New Vegas -All DLC's (icludeing preorder packs and GRA) -Project Nevada(all moduales) -EVE-All DLC's -Project Nevada Rebalance Complete -Project Nevada ALL DLC -Project Nevada EVE All DLC Not using any ENB so i can't disable one. Thanks in advance.
  5. You can change the leveled lists in the GECK. Just look under world objects, leveled lists, and play around in it. It looks confusing at first but its not to bad once you get the hang of it.
  6. Maybe they have an effect on them that causes them to ignore armor? Kinda like the deathclaw gauntlet in fallout 3.
  7. Genas more complex chems may intrest you. Has some of what you want http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50357/
  8. I suppose you could simply place them in random spots through out the wasteland, kinda like the enclave camps in fallout 3. As for random apperance, you could make several armors and put them in leveled lists.
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53168/ This guy is good.
  10. You need the 3D model to be an NIF file. You need to download NIFSkope and import the 3DS file in it. As for the textute, that needs to be a DDS file and I guess you could use paint.net to covert it.
  11. Weapon mods expanded gives the auto rifle expanded mags if you download the dead money patch for it.
  12. You need to add ot to the actual vendors list as Well.
  13. You need the author's permission to port any mods. Also, make sure its a NIF file.
  14. Should be easy enough to do in the geck. Just edit the destruction data for the object. If you dont know how to do this, send me a PM, I can probably make it for you.
  15. You need to get permission from the author for someone to do a port of the mod. Try finding the fallout 3 mods author and ask him.
  16. I believe if you want to change the muzzle flash, you need to either edit the projectile data or select a new projectile for the weapon. As for the recoil, I would change the attack animation to something you are happy with. If you want to edit the mesh, you need something called NIFSkope, witch i cannot help you with. Sorry.
  17. You can also go into Art and Sounds section and mess with the attack animation speed.
  18. I use the Hunting Shotgun. If you build yourself for it with Shotgun Surgeon and Stay Back perks, it gets op as hell.
  19. If your trying to add more Damage Threshold to a creature what i do is give them a perk with the desired DT. IDK if their is a better way though. Good Luck with your project.
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