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  1. I guess I will just use that one for a different character. I was actually planning on never going dragonborn on this character. Thanks though!
  2. Wow, I didn't even realize they were being released separately. Awesome! I think it's incredible how big of an undertaking Beyond Skyrim is. Good luck to you guys!
  3. Thanks for the info! I've been following Beyond Skyrim for a while. I think it's really cool, but I'm not really interested in playing it until it's closer to completion. The second mod you linked is exactly what I am using. I'm looking for quest mods that compliment a non-dragonborn choice. EDIT: How did you search through the mod's dialogues? Is there a quick way I can do that?
  4. Hey, so I've been playing a non-dragonborn character. I'm trying to figure out what quest mods don't assume I am dragonborn without anything getting spoiled for me. The ones I'm looking at are Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Helgen Reborn, Moon and Star and Moonpath to Esweyr. Which of those assume you are the dragonborn? I'd hate to get halfway through only to have a character jarringly call me one. Also, if there are any other cool quest mods you'd like to recommend please do! EDIT: Spelling
  5. This is my current modlist: http://modwat.ch/kOfSk#/plugins. I will also use ASIS, Dual Sheath Redux and Automatic Variants, but I have removed those mods temporarily so I can test this issue without having to run SUM each time. I dunno if this helps, but there is no menu music either.
  6. I had this exact same problem. What you have to do is open the unofficial skyrim patch in TES5Edit. Then under the unofficial skyrim patch right click the cell field and press remove. Exit and save. You can then run reproccer. After that make sure to reinstall the unofficial skyrim patch in the same place in the load order it was before since deleting the cell field breaks it. Don't ask me how this work around works. I'm new to modding, I just followed the instructions posted on the SUM (I think?) forum thread.
  7. I do have SkyUI and am using SKSE to launch the program. It is the first save game and I did launch once before installing any mods to generate a full ini. What is Vtuner? I am using ENB and SweetFX, but I am sure they are installed properly. I followed the instructions to the letter.
  8. So I've just finished installing all the mods I want. I'm using LOOT and have ran SUM for all skyproc patches after creating a bashed patch without many snags. However, now when I start up skyrim I just get the dragon symbol and no menu options. Are there any known causes for this issue or am I stuck having to go through and deactivate each mod one at a time? EDIT: Issue was running Immersive NPCs without Live Another Life Patch.
  9. Is there any way to do this without creating a whole custom race? I'd think there would be a mod for something like this, but I could not find anything on the nexus.
  10. Hmm, is there really no other option? My game is pretty stable otherwise. I never CTD. My saves aren't corrupted. Could it be I just have too many scripts from mods? That might not even be possible though. Not sure how scripts work exactly.
  11. I did comb through my load order and check all my files with tesedit. The load order is not the problem. It's not my computer's specs either.
  12. So recently I've been getting weird lag upon interacting with items. For example, I sometimes get an up to 5 second delay for getting on my horse. My FPS is not dipping at all. I do have a lot of mods, but I've triple checked my load order which has been mostly set by boss in the first place. It's not making me crash either, just some interactions have a delay. I have 4GB of RAM and 1 GB VRAM. Neither say they're getting capped.
  13. I use Floral Overhaul and the Floral Overhaul ENB version of Illuminated Tree LOD. Any idea why they're showing up incomplete?
  14. Hey, I'm looking for a mod that replaces the ugly orange barren plains with lush grassland. However with my current ENB and texture packs, I'm at pretty borderline FPS. What's a good mod to replace the ugly orange textures with green grass without a big performance hit? I'm currently using all 2k size textures so I'd prefer they stay at that size. I don't need thousands of new grass objects if I can help it, just a change in color. I'm using Lush Trees and Grass, Flora Overhaul and Bigger Trees already.
  15. So what would you suggest then? Is this the end of the line you think? I feel like my card could handle more... Could I at least run automatic variants with some 2k texture pack for it? Not sure about floral overhaul because it looks like it adds a lot more objects for my RAM to think about.
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