In response to post #9090658. You just about summed up my thoughts perfectly. I actually had the pleasure of playing Planescape: Torment for the first time last year and it blew the pants off of any RPG I've heard of or played to date. Sad considering it was released 13 years ago and still has the best story ever told by a video game. Bioware and Blizzard have been forced into these awkward fast-cash project for Activsion and EA while Interplay died out a long time ago. Out of the big elites only Bethesda is left and boy have they not only done well but they brought back an old classic and have revived much of the Interplay team with having them work on Fallout NV. I feel like Borderlands though is the real successor to the Diablo franchise with its RPG style skill trees, loot system, and character options. It focuses mainly on shooting but even then the damage and accuracy are calculated much like an RPG (such as Fallout). Also Gearbox has brought back the Homeworld series and team much like Bethesda did with Fallout which to me restores a little bit of faith in humanity hahaha. And while I'm not a fan of GTA, Rockstar has completely surprised me with games like Red Dead Redemption and L.A. Noire. There are also all the kickstarters finally coming to fruition for RPGs and with shooters ARMA3 Beta is amazing and I can't wait to see its full release as it already kicks the crap out of BF, CoD, and Halo.