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  1. Apparently the money is very difficult to make a mod for. I also spent a lot of time looking for a mod, then a Cheat Engine cheat table. This process is very very simple (for someone who uses Cheat Engine regularly). The one place where I think people need more direction is right at the start, when he says 'select your process'. DO NOT use the drop-down from File menu bar; instead click on the flashing monitor. That's where you'll find your process (and others that you're running.) Where he says to enter the number of orens you have, he wants you to put that value in the text box labelled 'Value'. It's immediately above the 'Scan Type' and 'Value Type' dropdown menus. Ignore the word 'Hex', he's using Ascii, not Axii. The 'First Scan' and 'Next Scan' buttons are just above the text box. I hope that information helps you make it an easy process.
  2. The Blade of Tidarion schematic produces a much lower DPS than other tier 3 named staves. Would it be possible for someone to correct this problem; allowing it to produce the name kind of DPS as the staves? However, there is a small problem: in http://forum.bioware.com/topic/569645-bug-mod-request-blade-of-tidarion/ DomeWing333 pointed out to me that if we increase the base damage, we risk overpowering the wielder's spells. He (she?) suggested buffing its normal attacks rather than the base damage; perhaps giving it a special property for those attacks. While in the Tidarion schematic, there are two other possible modifications. * One would be to change the rune type to be consistent with other staves. It is consistent with greatswords at the moment. In the Bioware forum, it was pointed out to me that since it's a 'sword for a mage', the sword rune type is appropriate. So this mod would be for people who prefer to treat it as a staff, and only some people would want it. *The other would be to modify the schematic type text. Currently, it reads "Tier 3 Staff Blade Schematic", identical with the upgrade text. It 'should' read "Tier 3 Staff Schematic". Folks in the Bioware forum pointed out to me that it's a joke. Apparently I lack a humerus. (I'm 'armless, I promise.) I truly appreciate the time of anyone who looks into this. Thank you.
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