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Posts posted by taro8

  1. There is a cheaty way of removing respawn limit, but it requires Cheat Engine.


    1. Give yourself infinite bonfire ascetics
    2. Ascetic an area repeatedly to find the value for bonfire intensity
    3. Edit the value to 1 and lock it
    4. Browse the memory region for that value to find the bonfire intensity values for other areas

    Once you get all the bonfire intensity values you can then disable infinite bonfire ascetics and use them as an item to respawn enemies.


    Not this is only ONE way of doing this, I would have much prefer if after 15th respawn enemy gave 10% of souls he normally gives.

  2. Hi, I would like to request a mod that would add different camera angles during conversations when in third person. Something like conversations from Gothic 1 and 2. With animations for player and talker if possible.


    However the biggest thing (that is not related really) I would like to see, would be making player character actually "say" the options you choose (using Fus Ro Doh silent voice), generic with animations accompanying it. I think it would make your character less of a "mime" and more like an actual person that talks instead of only listening.

  3. Hi I would like to request a mod that would add a shout that summons a hostile dragon that focuses on killing player (so you cant cheat and summon a dragon to pwn stuff for you).


    It would be cool if the shout was called "Dragon Mating Call" and acquiring it would be tricky and the quest to be humorous. You know: discovering the horrors of what happened to the last person that used it and such ;), maybe throw in Sheogorath in for extra lulz.

  4. Hi, I would like to ask if it would be possible to:

    *limit meld collection only to the robotic enemies (floaters, cyberdisc, mechtoid, sectopod)

    *meld recombination should take MUCH longer

    *cybernetics lab only available after mechtoid section (and meld recombination)

    *genetics lab unlocked after sectoid, thin man, cryssalid sections (and meld recombination)

  5. I would like to request a mod that would allow followers to be helpful outside of combat. I mean a little stuff like: gathering plants, cooking food for you, filling waterskins (RND), generally being a domestic help.


    If there is a mod like this already I would like to ask for a link.

  6. I would like to request a mod that would allow to control game speed during combat. The script should use "sgtm <x>" command and use MCM so player has the ability to tune it for himself.


    Personally I dont have good reflex and combat is a bit too fast for me. I would like to have a script that detects if Im in combat and applies "stgm" command so game moves at 0.9 or 0.85 of normal speed during combat. And goes back to normal time after the combat.


    However I think that kill cams will be a problem as they use "stgm" command so they may reset the setting.

  7. Its not about the difficulty. I have more problems with the pacing. I feel that XCOM should be one step behind aliens to feel really pressured by their technological superiority. EW just threw bunch of new toys at you giving you a bit too much, too soon for my liking.


    I think that maybe we could have branches of tech tree that would make it harder to just research everything.


    Do you want to go with cyber soldiers? Well then start by developing SHIV's and when you get Meld and Mechtoid researched you gain access to cyber soldiers.


    Or maybe you want to go with genetically modified soldiers instead? Well prepare to throw a lot of research at autopsies. Is it possible to add new research? If so then after autopsies you would need to adapt alien mods to humans.


    Or maybe you dont want to lose humanity and you decide to forgo all Meld technology and focus on developing advanced weaponry and armors that would help the flesh and blood soldiers on the battlefield.

  8. Hi I would like to request few changes to EW that would change the pacing of the addon quite a bit.


    *make meld appear later in the game

    *cybernetic lab unlocked after Mechtoid

    *losing mechtrooper means losing MECH as well

    *bulding mechs takes time like SHIV's

    *less meld or no meld in every mission

    *highier meld costs

    *no free gene mods (eyes and marrow mods)

  9. I totally approve this. This could also be used to drag out enemies from their positions as well. Still, the idea of taunting a dragon to protect a village is stuff so damn heroic I cant think of anything more awesome.


    There dont need to be any voice acting required IMHO. Skyrim already has animations and lines for taunts.

  10. Hi. I just did some testing and I have found out why any dodge mods are actually useless.


    You see even during the attack animations enemies still home in on you with makes it completely impossible to employ any kind of dodging.


    Would it be possible to make enemies commit to their attacks? I mean when they start their attack animation they are locked in direction they started it, without homing in on player.


    This would allow for more technical combat system like in Dark Souls where superior positioning and ability to anticipate and dodge enemy attacks is much more important then raw armor.

  11. Hi, I would like to request a "small" mod that would do the following:


    *replace Skyforge in Whitreun with a normal forge

    *add a real Skyforge on the very top of the Throat of the World, best if its made look cool with the surrounding props. No buildings or anything, just an ancient forge


    This way any special forging will be a journey itself that require you to climb the biggest mountain in Tamriel.


    As for Eorlund, well he is just that good he can forge Skyforge weapons in normal forge :P.

  12. Hi, I would like to request a mod that will prevent player from moving at all if he goes X times over carry weight. The X would be multiplier of base carry weight so if you set it to 1.5 then if you have 300 carry weight at 450 you wont be able to move. the X would be global.


    It is important that this mod should work with mods that change ma carry weight in dynamic way, either becasue of injuries or otherwise. So it cant be 1 check at start of the game.

  13. Hi guys. Im looking for a partner that would help me out with an armor Im making. I have HUGE problems with weighting the mesh. First of Im total noob when it comes to 3ds max, I can deal with some simple editing, but rigging is too much for me. I tried tutorials I found in the web, but either I cant get stuff working, or 3ds just crashes.


    So I would be grateful if someone could help me out. Its just the riggging, as I have textures ready and operations in NIFskope are not a problem for me.



    This is what Im working at:







  14. My gripe is mostly about the fact that you cant sleep inside the keep, something prevents you from waiting too.


    As for how: maybe after bandits move in the doors to the keep could lead to a completely new cell that would be a copy of Helgen keep, but without dragon attack ambient sounds and with functioning beds.


    Funny thing you cant go to the dungeon in LAL as ceiling crashes when you go past storage room.

  15. Hi. Im editing a mod and I want to add an NPC that will sell me a carriage. I only need to do the NPC and the quest that will let the game tell if I already bought the cart.


    However I have a problem: I need to apply a magic effect on a player that is a used by a spell from the original mod. How can I script that in papyrus fragment in dialogue editor?


    The id of the magic effect is xgfPferdeKarrenRuf


    Please help me this is the only thing that is holding me back.

  16. Hi I would like to request a mod that would allow player to live in Helgen ruins after clearing the bandits. Currently it is impossible to use beds or even wait when in Helgen keep.


    I always liked the idea of establishing my base in some ruins and Helgen just feels right.


    However Im using live another life and Im not exactly sure if bandits move in into Helgen after the unbound quest, but to my knowledge the keep has not been change in LAL.


    In short: remove anything that prevents waiting and other stuff in Helgen keep, make beds usable and make containers safe.

  17. Hi guys. I have problem with a custom armor mesh.

    I made a lot of changes to one modded armor and I decided to cut some legwork and copy a branch that contained the trishape of part I edited, then I copied shader data.

    However in game my edited armor part (the main body cuirass) does not cast shadow, nor does it revive any light. No glint, normal map showing or anything.

    Im not very good at modding skyrim, so I have NO idea what is wrong.


    EDIT: The problem starts when I add alpha property.

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