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  1. So like anyone who has completed the midas magic quests and gone through the each of the gates you will know what im talking about. It seems whenever I try to enter the fire world my game crashes to desktop and I simply cannot figure out how to fix this. The rest of the worlds work fine and yes I realize that there is a patch for this bug on the nexus mod webpage for this but I have it installed and yet my game still crashes. Has anyone figured out how to fix this and could you please tell me?
  2. Yeah I geuss but I managed to move to the next part through the door and the quest didnt update, the underground one did but the lord and lady one didn't will I eventually finish that or can you give me the code to console finish it so I can get it out of my log.? The quest didn't complete even though you could move on, is that what you are saying? Uhm, how did a companion kill him exactly? He is surrounded by collision boxes, so nothing should get through. Anyway, I will make him neutral to companions, so that it shouldn't happen. I will also look into the crashing issue. Most likely it has to do with OBSE, as I tried some new commands that I have not used before, to make it smoother. Thanks :smile: and yeah the quest didnt complete even though I could move on and I think that its a bit bugged because the quest only starts with "I have entered a mansion or something like that" after you place a heart in someone. Also I have no idea how they kill him but they use magic and his knights rush my companions and get owned and he aggros on them too and pretty much gets 1 hit. xD (OP midas magic companions) Found a new bug too, whenever fast traveling into kvatch its the ruins of the city and you need to leave and go back in for the actual town.
  3. Hmm, I fought my way into the fortress near frostcraig and now when I kill the lord dude 1. I cant loot him 2. I go and hit the button thingy at the top and a voice says "Why have you come here and then the game pretty much just keeps me there and I cant move talk etc". Any suggestions? Edit- I managed to figure out why this was happening. If you have companions leave them out of the fight or they will kill him and the script will bug out. Edit 2- New problem when you are teleported after the cutscene when the fight starts oblivion crashes.
  4. Yeah I geuss but I managed to move to the next part through the door and the quest didnt update, the underground one did but the lord and lady one didn't will I eventually finish that or can you give me the code to console finish it so I can get it out of my log.?
  5. Im stuck on the lord and lady quest, not sure at all what to do I can only find the ladys heart and when I use it my quest log updates but when I try to activate the lady again it just says I need the heart again. -Edit Nevermind but too be honest considering there are no guides out there these quests should have quest markers or a little bit more info on how to proceed.
  6. f***. Thats 10 hours of gameplay lost. Edit- Saved by autosave I have one right before I officially save kvatch when I need to find the count will it still work?
  7. Hey one question, I have the older beta version and just cleared kvetch and it is still in ruins but are some walls towers etc suppose to be totally missing? If not is there a way I can fix this?
  8. I just tried to re-install heart of the dead mod and it doesnt show up in OBMM or data files either.
  9. Yeah I tried to manually update the files myself like you said before and ended up messing something up xD thanks for the info on auto updating it with OBMM.
  10. Thanks for your input but I already tried that and made no difference, also can anyone explain to me how I update a mod? For example I have 2 zips for RTT (Ruin tails tale mod) 1 for the actual mod and the second a minor patch, how would I go about updating the full mod with the patch?
  11. Hey guys so I decided I wanted to play oblivion again so I go and get OBMM again and start downloading oblivion and get my mods etc, Then I get them all in with OBMM and yet some mods like keychain say I need OBSE installed even though I do have it and followed the exact instructions for a steam installation and for some reason some mods (that require OBSE) just crash my oblivion immediately after clicking play. I narrowed the 2 mods that seem to crash it after I hit play to Knights of the nine revelation, and heart of the dead mod, heart of the dead was installed with the manual installer and knights through OBSE. I was wondering if anyone can help me to get this sorted, I dont have have many mods just around 15 and I have spent hours trying to fix this with no luck.
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