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Everything posted by jbwenu

  1. I also do not use 2FA, but use Firefox as my primary browser. I noticed this a few days ago, and have updated my Firefox at least once recently. It is annoying, but I haven't tried opening the log-in into a new tab. Hope you get it figured out/fixed soon.
  2. When I click "Restart and Install", Vortex closes but never restarts (I tried twice and waited 2-5 minutes). When I restarted it manually from the desktop shortcut, it still says there's an update to install. Is there a setting I need to change? Edit: FYI, the Changelog says version 1.2.15
  3. I have a question/suggestion: Is there a way I can see which files I have voted for in the File of the Month area? If not, can that be added? I was going to vote for a file last night, and it said it would remove my previous vote; but I don't remember what I voted for previously. It wasn't one of the other top files displayed, but just because my earlier pick isn't winning doesn't mean I want to take my vote away from it. PS: If that's not available, it would be appreciated if a staff member could PM me and tell me what I voted for this month. :-D
  4. This is probably a simple question. After years of playing Skyrim, I have never followed the civil war quest line past the Battle for Whiterun. I'm thinking about trying it again; but I like running vampire characters. I also use Better Vampires; and although I know I can turn off sun damage, I prefer not to (I really wish the 'reduced damage' setting did a little more damage, but I don't like the dead-in-10-seconds that my low level vamps experience with it set to the 'more damage' setting either). So my question is: if I use a vampire character to follow the civil war quest line, is it possible for the battles to occur at night; and if so, is there anything I need to know or do to make that happen? Any input is appreciated!
  5. A few suggestions: - On the file download screens (where you see which file to download if the mod offers multiple choices), it all kind of blends together. A better option might be a list of files similar to the old version with drop down tiles to show the details of each file. The current new design also reduces the number of files you can see without scrolling - drop down tiles would help this, too. If not that, even making the font for the file name a different color and/or larger would be very helpful. I honestly find the old design much superior on this particular screen - and I would consider this screen one of the most critical screens to be user friendly. It kind of reminds me of when you wonder if Microsoft changed a Windows feature just to change it, because it's definitely not an improvement. - On the front page, it's much harder to see the separate sections than the old design, Again, it all kind of blends together. - On our Download History screen, allow us to sort it by the various columns. If a sort option already exists, I didn't see it. It needs to be intuitive, such as clicking on the column header. - When viewing the various pages/tabs of a mod (Files, Images, Description, etc.), if you click the browser's Back button to get to the original Description page, the web address goes back to the original page, but the content does not. This happened frequently with the old design; but with my limited exploration of the new design, it seems to happen every single time. I'm using Firefox, if that makes a difference, and have no plans to change browsers any time soon. - On the Posts pages, going to the next/previous page puts me at the bottom of the page; so to read them in any kind of sequence, I have to scroll up to the top of every single page. - I'm not a big fan of tiles in general, so I have to say I'm not sure I'll ever like the new design better than the old one; but I'll get used to it. Maybe more choices allowing smaller tiles would be a nice option. - I agree with another post that mentioned that this is a PC game, not a phone game. This design feels like it was intentionally made to be easier to view on a phone, but I think the design should be centered around PC use. Like the other post said, one of my biggest complaints about the original PC version of Skyrim was that the UI was designed for a game system instead of a PC. - To me, the best part about a new design was to get new or improved functionalities than the old version had, ESPECIALLY in the mod search screens and in sorting methods. As I understand the release notes, new features will be in a future unveiling, so I hope to find some jewels there.
  6. Disclaimer: The only 'modding' I've done is to play around with brightness/color of textures, and some simple attribute adjutsments like changing clothing to armor (with recipes), enchantments, etc. I downloaded a mod that changes the cultist robes. I like it; but was thinking about changing the texture from the brown cloth/leather look to dragon hide. My problem is that the mod doesn't include any texture files, only meshes. So I'm not sure where to find the original cultist textures (I think they're in "Skyrim - Textures.bsa" in my Data folder), and I'm not sure where to find the dragon hide texture I want to put on the cultist robes. If that's where they are, I'd need to extract them from the bsa, right? Does anyone know what they're called so I know what I'm looking for? I'm guessing there are a ton of textures in that bsa, and I was hoping to verify that I'm on the right track before I start. Are either of these textures already available for download as modding tools/assets? Any tips or advice would be appreciated!
  7. Good point - sorry 'bout that! :-) http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1731/?
  8. Hello! I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in making an adjustment to an armor from a mod for my personal use only (it won't be released or posted anywhere). I know almost nothing about modding, and downloaded Blender; but haven't even figured out how to open up the armor (it comes as an .erf in a .dazip). I sent a message to the person who uploaded the mod to Nexus; but according to their profile, they haven't logged in here since October of last year. Alternately, if someone could explain in layman terms how to do it (or point me to a 'for dummies' tutorial), that would be appreciated, too. I might be wrong; but to someone like me, who knows nothing about what they're asking, it sounds like it would be easy for someone with some experience. The armor in question is the black version and the white version of the Furufuru shooter armor (I'll never use the pink version). I'm only interested in getting the 'ammo skirt' (or whatever it's called) removed. If you're not familiar with the mod, it's a net-like skirt that holds some vials, that sits over the top of the normal 'skirt' of the armor. I like the skirt underneath, it's just the 'net' that I'd like to be gone. It looks 'puffy' to me, and clips over the hands of the character; but if it was gone, this would probably be one of my favorite armors in DAO. I found someone who had done exactly what I want for themselves; but all they could remember about how they did it was that they shrank the net skirt so small that it was hidden by the rest of the armor. Since this mod has a separate dazip for Awakening, it would be nice if it worked there, too; but I would be happy if I could just get the black armor fixed in DAO only. Thanks for your time and consideration!
  9. I'm in the process of an entirely new install of Skyrim after a hard drive replacement; but I don't understand enough about how the profiles in NMM work. I've watched Gopher's youtube videos on the new NMM, but I'm still not sure how I should proceed. I want to create a profile for my daughter, another for my son, and probably several for myself (I'm thinking a Requiem profile and a screenshot profile, and a third without Requiem). I've run into a possible conflict though, and I don't know how to get past it. I love the mods Epic Elves and Better Vampires, and want them in all of my own profiles. My son and daughter want neither. I wasn't going to include either in my 'base' profile; but Epic Elves recommends a manual install, and Race Compatibility has options in the Installer related to Better Vampires. Better Vampires has options in its Installer for Requiem. If I add Epic Elves, Better Vampires, and Race Compatibility to the Base Profile (solving the issue of a manual install of EE and the options for BV in Race Compat), what happens when I switch from a Requiem-included profile to one that doesn't use Requiem (or vice versa)? I don't want Requiem in every profile. Can NMM handle things like this, or is it beyond the scope of NMM's profile system? Should I be looking at a different approach to including these mods being in some, but not all profiles? Once I get past that, I don't know how sticky ASLAL is going to be; but I think we all like using it, so that might end up in the Base Profile (which might not end up looking very 'basic'). Any advice or clarification anyone could provide would be welcome. If there are any more detailed reviews/tutorials on the profile system, that info would also be appreciated!
  10. For some reason, LOOT now wants to put my Post ReProccer Patch in front of ReProccer. If I try to edit metadata to tell it to load it after, LOOT hits an cyclical error and stops working. I tried removing Reproccer and reinstalling it, and the pre/post patches; but if there are specific ways to correctly do that, I might not have done that right. I run a lot of mods (200+), and might have caused my own problems by adding/removing some; but have no idea how to fix this, and am hoping I won't have to do a clean re-install of Skyrim. I also recently updated my version of LOOT; but that was after the issue appeared. Anyone have any suggestions? Any help or tips would be appreciated!
  11. Are there any tutorials that show this? I haven't used CK much, but seem to have figured out how to change cloting into armor. However, I haven't figured out how to make that new armor upgradable or craftable. Any help would be appreciated; but I'm not very comfortable in CK, so instructions would need to be fairly detailed... Thanks!
  12. Does Wrye Bash not have the 'sync to load list' option that I used in Wrye Mash on Morrowind, or have I just not found it yet? If not, how do I sync or update my saved games to my new mods? I'm new to Skyrim and Wrye Bash/Smash because I just recently upgraded my computer to one that would handle Skyrim and a lot of mods. Previously, I had only played Morrowind (with lots of mods) on PC and Oblivion on PS3. I've been adding mods to Skyrim, and using Wrye Bash/Smash to work with the order, activate, etc. Some were installed with Bain, some manually. I don't have NMM because I can't get the download links to work (I get a white screen pop-up window), although all but 1 of my mods came from Nexus. Any help would be appreciated.
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