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  1. I would actually propose removing the bevor below the helmet (Is that what the neck guard is called?). Or maybe replace it with the neck guard on the temerian guard armor in this picture. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/5588-3-1340024138.jpg Just a thought though because I really do like the armor you have there TMK. @Luddeman For some reason that chest piece just looks weird to me. Maybe because its so small and has all of those leather straps securing it to the chest. Maybe if it seemed more connected with an underlying leather vest or something it may seem a bit more secure.
  2. I actually agree with removing the shoulder pad. Or possible replacing it with one single pad rather than the four plate pad that is there now. For some reason it just seems too unbalanced to have and it just seems a bit out of place. Really like the colors too. My favorites are the green and tan ones but the pink is not really my taste. Really good work Luddi!
  3. @Witcher5688 and rest of Credo Team :From my standpoint wouldn't it make more sense to not give the armors any enchantments so it can work better with the hypothermia mod FrostFall http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11163//?. I know a lot of people who like survival mods and more realism enjoy this mod (I being one of them). And I think it ties in perfectly with your making of armors that would actually keep someone warm in skyrim. Just a though guys. P.S. I think Frostfall works with any imported armor so it should work with this project, however I don't know for sure. P.S.S. Love the Alik'r armor Luddi and the Stormcloak Knight armor Witcher5688
  4. Doesn't the Warzones Civil Unrest Mod contain differing unit types than vanilla? If so would you plan on having a specific patch or version that would be able to focus on making the armies that fight eachother (stormcloak, imperial, bandits, etc.) more diverse with armors. The only reason I am asking is because when I tried doing an armor replace mod that used Warzones Civil Unrest most of the soldiers were wearing the exact same armor even when I tried adding new combinations of armor to the level lists. Then again this team's ability is 100x better than what mine was so I am sure you guys will do a great job incorporating your armors into the game.
  5. Yeah I was really hype about this mod. Hopefully it isn't lost forever but who knows.
  6. Is that crossbow usable in game? Rather than just being a prop that is? Everything seems to be coming along well!
  7. I meant more along the lines of whether they would wear chainmail or lamellar armor. Not for all of them just for maybe 1 out of 5 or so.
  8. Those look incredible Luddemann! Do you have any idea on what kind of armor the better equipped stormcloaks will have? I really like the direction you guys are taking.
  9. That model is amazing! I absolutely love it! However... I would think about having the chest piece be a solid breastplate just because the helm's collar looks a bit weird resting on chainmail. It may just be because it doesn't have textures that i feel that way so don't worry about my criticism just yet as it may not accurately pertain to the piece when its finished. I am really impressed with your work MedievalsKnights!
  10. Im not sure if you guys saw but Omesean just released his Aesir armor and I noticed it has practically the same Bear Helmet that Credo's Ulfric armor had. I remember that you guys said you weren't able to get it looking right but anyways if it suits you then then you may be able to use his really good bear helmet for your mod. Just a thought. :wink: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35094/ p.s. I noticed to that in the Aesir armor mod there is the option to use additional pieces of armor to allow for a very unique combination of pieces. The additional pieces (belts, trophies, pauldrons) do not add armor value but are very ascetically pleasing. Because I am no modder I do not know how difficult this process is but I would like to know if something like this interests the team? Would it not be cool to be able to attach additional pieces to allow for many more possibilities for the character and NPC's.
  11. I believe the mod is going to be a full replacement mod for at least the faction armors in the game. I dont know if the new team is going to do non-faction armors (they will probably shed light on this at some point). And the old Ulfric armor was lost when the original mod creator, credo, had his computer crap out on him sadly. The new Ulfric is what the new team has made to be a replacement for the old Ulfric armor. I'm pretty sure that is correct but if Im wrong then... well... I guess im just wrong. New imperial armor is lookin really good though!!!
  12. That Ulfric Armor looks awesome Luddemann!
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