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About 54yeggan

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    Whatever keeps my attention for more than 10 minutes
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    Fallout New Vegas [story] | Fallout 4 [graphics]

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  1. Ha ha ha ha... That was pretty funny, honestly. That sort of thing makes me both laugh and feel very sorry for that person at the same time. I can't in all seriousness imagine a man so traumatized by firing a gun with some of the lowest recoil be traumatizing... Shotguns have far more recoil, and can actually bruise your shoulder if you're really weak and untrained. Source: Shot guns when I was about 6. As for it being applied to the western world as a whole, safely? With education and proper training, yes. People too insane or deranged would be disqualified of course. As far as defending yourself, should you really feel the need to, taking up something physical, like martial arts or boxing can be just as rewarding, though more stressful on the body. Weapons in general don't require long weeks and months of training just to pick up and use, however. But like anything, from shooting a gun to throwing a punch, it takes time to master. If you want to defend yourself from crime, you're going to need to put in some dedication. Criminals always look for those too weak to fight back.
  2. When people are taught and even encouraged to responsibly defend themselves, including even training them in doing so, the populace becomes safer as a whole. Teach a village with a few thieves on how to fence and sword fight, the thieves will be less likely to rob or pick a fight with villagers who they know are trained on how to fight back. Give an entire state legalized allowance to carry firearms - assuming they are properly trained and certified in it (in most US states, handgun training is required to even possess handguns) and you have the small group of criminals who are now less likely to attack or rob people or businesses as they know they may be packing. Why take the risk of ending up dead or worse? I see it as a win, then again I am American, so it's understandable that others may see it differently.
  3. Hello, Nexus Community. Wondering if anyone here has any experience recreating the Atomic Tri-Radii Valence Accentuator / Valence Radii Accentuator from Fallout New Vegas' DLC Old World Blues. They seem basic enough to make - a transparent, holographic halo ring and atomic-shaped headwear that encircles the users head and makes them slowly regenerate health over time. I'm talking of course about that nifty little unique headwear you can find in the Big MT :smile: Would anyone be kindly willing to turn this into a Fallout 4 equipment mod? I would be super thankful and appreciative to anyone who could! ^^ Super big thanks in advance. :laugh:
  4. Hi, I'm currently looking for a way to batch export a bunch of .nif files from the game and converting them to another format. Is there any known method for doing this? Nifskope allows you to export one file only and in .obj format. I'm looking for something different. Does anyone know what I can use, or how I could go about doing such? Thanks!
  5. Hey, Try this on for size: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 Hope this helps Cheers, best regards :wink:
  6. It was due to an older version of windows. Update Windows 10 :)
  7. This game was made in REDEngine. We're still waiting for modtools to be released, which might be a couple years from now, at best. Don't rush them, but do keep an open mind, since eventually they released tools for TW3 ^^
  8. Hello. If you are here and you are reading this because you keep getting 'Woah! Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined!' Error, read on. I've tried almost every and all fixes that were described in the GOG, Steam forums and the official CDPR site. None of them worked. Even tried the unofficial hexedits that were for AMD users. Nothing seemed to work. It turns out, I was running a very dated Windows version and never bothered to update. (Yeah, I brought into the fear pandering in 2015 that windows would update in the middle of a game or work and you'd lose data.) So, if you're on Windows 10 and having issues running the game, try updating to the latest version of Windows 10. I'm now on 20H2. You can upgrade right now, it's free. Look up 'Windows 10 Update Assistant' on the Microsoft site. TL;DR; Update your Windows, people. Seriously. Windows 8 and 8.1 probably will get the same issues, so keep your OSes up to date! It only takes a second. Or at the worst case, half an hour to 2 hours of your time, and can be done overnight!
  9. As a noob, they nearly kicked my ass when they came out of nowhere with with shotguns, rifles and :D Blasted a few of them and then gtfo of there... easy to hide from at least
  10. Hi. Just installed CP2077. Tried everything I could think of. Getting Cyberpunk 2077 has flatlined error every time I try to start the game. Error reason: Unhandled exception Expression: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0xED5F70. File: <Unknown>(0) Please help, anyone else getting the same issue and have any ideas on how to fix??
  11. Hmmmm, try disabling one or some of your mods that alter The Pitt? I'd start with Pitt Fixes and DMPitt (since I have no idea what this is or does). I'd also suggest using LOOT to sort your load order, although I'd back it up first just to ensure you don't break something, more often than not some problems are created by the wrong load order... Best of luck!
  12. I would love to go out and play around in that snow, sweet, soft, frozen white. ❄☃
  13. Have you tried out the ignore user feature? It's in the Forum settings, click under your name, and hit 'Manage Ignore Prefs', add the persons username there, click the 'Show' button on every green one until it's red so it's set to 'Hide'. Hope that helps! ^^
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