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About BrunKuMelk

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  1. FOV slider has been a complaint since FFXV and as far as I know it's never been done on that. I've tried looking up that mod before too. Changing playable character? Damn...lol. I love playing as Ella. But it would be cool to play as Cinta or someone too. Just don't know how that would work for animations, since Ella did all the in-game moves mo-cap and filming. She makes expressions and what not when casting.
  2. So, upon coming back? My game would no longer launch, presumably? Because I hadn't played since 1.3 and one or more of my mods broke it. I would keep clicking "Play," in Steam, and it would just act as if it was loading, then turn back in to a green "Play" button. So, I have begun re-updating all my mods and noticed there is now a RedMod, which seems to have been introduced in recent times. I found this out only because I was updating a couple dependencies that one of my (shirt) mods required, and those dependencies are Wardrobe and something I think that was called nim_manual_texture_override, which is now repackaged as a RedMod mod. So, since my outfit and literally every other mod I use is pre-RedMod and the override thingy is now RedMod packaged, if I launch the game, via, RedMod, I'm assuming my legacy mods won't show up? At least that's what it sounds like, according to an article I found, which stated that legacy mods don't show up in RedMod launcher.
  3. Would love to see the community engage with this game more and to see: 1. Hair color mods 2. Smaller sheath/ remove sheath or any mods that directly place the sword and shield on the back, daggers on hips (mid back may be better since she already animates to place her weapons there) etc. 3. The ability to play as Minerva, instead of Hilda (May be easy? Considering there's no speaking animations in this game, but maybe lack of combat animations might be a limitation in this idea). 4. Armor style/ color options I seen that someone had a sheath and hair color mod, but they were on some weird porn forum and the attachments were no longer available, nor was the sideloading mod which was required to make them work.
  4. I'm not even sure how phrase this in a Google friendly term, and, as such, have been unable to find a mod for it, but I know they must exist. Perhaps it's even a trainer. But how does one omit the need to wear specific costumes, to speak to the corresponding factions? Certain factions require you to wear a specific costume, and Paiti, in general, doesn't allow you to wear Lara's typical "huntress wear." This means you spend 80% of the game wearing some stupid peacock outfit, or whatever. I just can't find the mod that negates this need.
  5. Well, since I began playing Skyrim on PC, back around 2012, there's always been one issue I cannot to this day combat...vampire eyes. There's a crap ton of custom vampire eyes, but for the life of me every time I've ever used one (even if they are last to load) the moment I quit out of the game and load back in, the eyes are back to default (red) vampire eyes. This is whether I use Lok's eyes, Eyes of Beauty, Fangs and Eyes etc. No matter which I select in racemenu, once I either go into vampire lord form and revert out, or log out of the game they are back to default. The way I combated this in the past was by replacing the original vampireeyes01.dds and vampireeyes02.dds files with the specific one I want. That insures it sticks, but at the cost of every other single vampire in the game having the same eyes. You can't access the vampireeyes01.dds and vampireeyes02.dds without unpacking the BSAs, as far as I'm aware.
  6. So, I remember, a few years back, unpacking BSAs, so that I can replace specific, individual (vanilla) textures, but also for loading more quickly. I thought I did it the same way this last time but apparently I did not. So what I did was unpack the BSAs to the Data folder, but now when I load any save the game immediately crashes after a few seconds in the load screen. Was there another app I needed to use to make Skyrim SE load the unpacked files?
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