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Everything posted by Horsemen1

  1. Basically I find it So weird that despite how much people Mod and alter the Wings on the Vampire lord, No one has given the vanilla or even the modded versions of those wings the Animated Dragon Wings treatment of being able to have them out when outside the Vampire lord form. Could someone do that, or is there some sort of problem blocking that kind of mod from coming to fruition?
  2. The Links are no longer working.... i was hoping to get a copy of the mod....
  3. Yeah that Mod is Gone. The Maker Hid the File so It's not useable anymore
  4. This worked for me but after some nasty problems with a mod I had to verify the Games cache and that Broke the FOSE setup. now the game doesn't start through steam anymore I get a box that says "(Missing Executable)" Even when I rename the FOSE loader "FalloutLauncher". Is there any way I can fix this?
  5. Ok I DON'T have this mod and yet I'm suffering from the Crash, Would FOOK2 Have something to do with this?
  6. So when I booted up NMM to click some ESMs I have manually installed, I was promted to update which I did, I then learned that NMM would jhave to uninstall and reinstall my mods which I let it did. Afterwards when I booted up New Vegas, I got a propmt stating some stuff was missing, even though when I checked all my mods were reinstalled and the ESPs/ESMs were checked. When I loaded the save EVE was missing.....COMPLETELY MISSING!!!!! all of my guns were back to vanilla models with vanilla effects and vanilla sounds. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I tried looking up missing mod info, Nothing worked. Now I fear I'll have to uninstall and reinstall a lot of my mods if it turns out it's not just EVE that's missing. has anyone else had this problem where the new version crippled their mods? ~~~~
  7. I tried that but Looking my my folder only to see that I HAVE no Characterassets folder in the Dragon folder.
  8. I'm having this problem as well now but unfortunatly..... the mod link is no longer valid the mod has been removed from nexus it seems.
  9. I was hoping to find a Mod that Alters the Crouching Animation to something more Military styled. I got the Flintlock Mod and I was hoping to be able to use a mod that when Crouching still, my character takes a Knee and when aiming they remain like that. Something like this:
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