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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Thank you for your quick reply Thandal. I will do that then as soon as I figure out how to close my account. Thanks again!
  2. I am wondering if I should close my account and create a new one. I would like to use my gamer handle instead and remove my real name. I would hate to lose all my endorsments but since there is no change username option I think I would have to. To any admin reading this I ask is this ok or is there maybe something else I should do?
  3. I am having trouble with a little project of mine to add a couple weapons from mods to perks from the game. Specifically I added the new Millennia Colt M4A1 Assault Rifle to the Grunt perk from the Honest Hearts DLC and the Big Iron Revolver From the More Traits Mod to the Cowboy Perk from the base game. The method I used was to create a new ESP with a new quest starting on game start up then attaching a new script... scn aaaWeaponsAndPerksScript short iDoOnce BEGIN GameMode if (iDoOnce == 0) ListAddForm NVDLC02PerkGruntWeapons WeapMCM4A1 ListAddForm PerkCowboyWeapons DreeTraitBigIronNewWEAPON set iDoOnce to 1 StopQuest aaaWeaponsAndPerks endif END Apologies but I do not know how to make the little spoiler button to help make the post shorter. In any case this is the script I used. I borrowed most of it from Millennia, again I apologize if that offends anyone. I am trying to learn how to do this and having a good example really helps. The Problem I get is that as soon as I load the game I start getting all kinds of texture and mesh problems as you should be able to see in the picture I uploaded. I have textures changing as I move and merchants' heads floating around with no body even though sometimes the do have hands. Sometimes the mesh is missing completely and I will get a big red exclamation where a veteran ranger is standing/talking to me. If I uninstall the mod everything is back to normal. When I look at the mod in FNVEdit there are only two entries for it and those are for the quest and the script. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Oh and if it matters. The guns did get added to their respective perks. they were even kind enough to stay there after I uninstalled the mod, so there's that at least...
  4. I got this same thing happening after I tried to create a small mod to add a few weapons to perk lists. As soon as I started the game with my mod installed I got textures changing from one to the other depending on how close you got to an object or from what angle you looked at it. also a lot of textures were missing so I got purple faces and buildings and a few meshes were missing as well, I ran into an exclamation point that turned out to be a veteran ranger. As soon as I loaded up without the mod everything was back to normal. Could just be one of your mods acting up. I am going to try and get help with mine and see if I can get it working. good luck
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