when installing Nexus mod manager, it was installed in a different folder...i wanted installed the the steam folder, so i moved the folder into the steam folder but now nexus says i do not have the right files in the right folder, so i want to fix it all but i do not know the correct order to put them in...i checked my husbands but his is even more out of order then mine, in fact he has nexus inside nexus inside nexus...it is really confusing... in my osĀ© is games...in games is steam, then from there is a mess....so how is it suppose to go from there, n in what folder does nexus goes in okay in steam are these folders [ appcache, bin, config, controller_base, controller_config, depotcache, dumps, friends, graphics, logs, overwrites, package, public, remoteui, reslists, resource, servers, skins, steam, steamapps, tenfoot, userdata] then in steamapps is [common, downloading, sourcemods, app..] then in common is nexus mod manager, skyrim, n skyrim mods so i have no idea what is next...lol, can anyone help me, n tell me what goes inside the skyrim folder n in as well as nexus mod manager n then in what order