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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by Rafaelbw

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFbLJCuGYS0


    So, this happens usually during foggy weather. I can't select it with the console. I searched everywhere about something like this, but found nothing.


    For some reason the archive with the load order is not appearing where is supposed to, so I am unable to provide you with a full load order, but the weather/lightining mods I am using are:


    Cathedral weathers and seasons

    True Storms SE

    Improved Rain and Fog for CW.


    ENB Light

    Lux, Lux Orbis and Via

    Ljoss preset for Lux+CW

    Obsidian Mountain Fogs

    Ethereal Clouds

  2. If you got Vesemir's swords, there is a mod to do that. And the book seller in Novigrad never had Witcher Gear maps to sell.

    The best way to check if there is mod residue, is to check which mods you had at some point(i.e: Folder where the mods you downloaded went), and check if there is any that is more than just drag and drop on the mod folder in the W3 directory. And check your mod folder too, see if there is anything wrong there.

    Script Merger may be welcome to see if this is a conflict of mods maybe.

  3. As well some of you might know, the Dye system don't work very well with the Grandmaster Feline armor, the chest piece don't get equally the color, more so with the Black Dye.

    I know, W3 is not Skyrim, but my experience modding Skyrim textures tells me that is something wrong with some parts of the armor don't getting the "full" color so to speak, happened something of the sort to me in Skyrim once, thus I believe this can be done by someone with knowledge of the Mod tools of W3. Any modder there who could do it?

    Thanks and sorry for the bad english.

  4. Yeah, I like Kaer Trolde too, but I don't know how you play, I only use the smith on Kaer Trolde to craft the initial part of the Ursine Gear, then when I finish the quests in Skellige I return to Novigrad then Velen to complete the Master Armorer quest. The thing with Fyke Isle is.. I don't know about you, but that place is creepy, only went there on the two quests that take place there. But I wish you luck on finding a modder to make this.

  5. Yeah, some of you maybe got the same problem that I have. I am a collector of items(swords and armors most). And I am really disappointed by the low number of weapon(and armor, by the way) stands on Corvo Bianco. When I arrived in Touissant, I had about 8 swords on my inventory/stash that I don't use. Winters Blade, Hjalmar's Blade, Fate, The Emmentaler, Teigr, and others, that I really like to hang about. It's a witcher house for gods sake, weapons and armors all around and that's that. Armors are more hard to find the space to put, I know, but the weapons are another matter, because there are those on the wall. So, if anyone could do it, would be much appreciated. Sorry for the bad english by the way.

  6. Hello.




    I love the look of the Nilfgaardian Saddle on the black horse, but I'm really annoyed by these white what the hell they are, and so I come here to ask, if anyone who know about modding on TW3 can remove this. I know, is not a great thing, its only visual, many people like this way and so on. But, if someone shares my feelings about this..




    And sorry for the bad english.

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