Hello, I am looking for an armor/clothes mod I used back in the days when I played New Vegas. It was probably more than 10 years ago so my memories can be a little blurry, but I remember very well that it was the coolest outfit ever and I didnt want to use any other since I got this one.
It was a punk/goth raider style outfit for female characters, that was as lore-friendly as a punk outfit can be. Maybe a bit sexy but not one of those half-naked / too revealing clothing mods. It was more cool and badass than sexy.
If I remember well, there was a mask in the armor set, but you could wear it without the mask. I think there was a leather jacket, fishnet stockings, boots, and lots of spikes everywhere.
Also maybe there was something like "toxic" or "posion" or idk what in the name
Does anyone knows which mod i'm talking about by chance ?
edit : nevermind i found it it was Sinbloods venomous Armor