An addon that would hopefully help set some realism to Skyrim General Changes -Health no longer regenerates at it's current rate, it would be massively toned down, to almost be unnoticeable -Health would be set at a standard, (With non-humanoids having more/less depending) -Higher level enemies would have a sharper skill and gear increase to keep them challenging (Gear would be improved versions of standard gear to keep consistency) -Gear scaling would be toned down (Less dwarven/orcish/elven equipment on common bandits) -Higher tier gear would be made more rare and thus more expensive from merchants -Food no longer gives an instant health gain, the same with potions, making it no longer possible to pause and quaff 3 potions back to 100%. These items would instead give a bonus to regeneration, food being very gradual, while potions being more immediate. (If possible, an animation of drinking the potion whenever one is used would be awesome) -Potions would increase in rarity and value, no more having 467 health potions sitting in your inventory -Crafting skill would increase based on the level of the item made, and low level items would eventually no longer give any skill increase (Meaning you can't smith iron daggers to 100) Sleep -Players would require sleep to continue functioning without penalty -Lack of sleep applies a penalty to stamina and magicka regeneration, as-well as the overall stats being reduced -As the player continues to lose sleep effects apply to vision, blurring etc. -Overall damage suffers -NPCs without sleep cycles would receive them Hunger -Players periodically require food -If a player does not eat there is a penalty to stamina and magicka regeneration, as-well as the overall stats being reduced -Hungry players occasionally hear their stomach growling -Going long enough without food will cause death -Overall damage suffers Wounds -When a character is wounded, they receive penalties to their skills and/or damage -Wounds may continue to bleed if not stopped somehow (Thinking bandages) -Wounded character's have penalties to stamina and magicka regeneration, as-well as the overall stats being reduced -Possibility for infection from undressed wounds