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About TheREALHummingBeard

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    TES games in general.

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  1. similar thing has been done with EFT, so i dont see why it wouldnt be possible if checked up on properly. hell, i would legit pay the full price of F76 to anyone willing to make such a version, no joke. my account got banned for cheating when all that happened was that my game was crashing non stop during the raiders vault heist. apparently, just my game crashing makes me a cheater....
  2. thank you. i just did what you said and hopefully will get it moved soon. thank you for you'r time kind sir or madam.
  3. i have tried for about 3 days to get it running with the mods i have and nothing works. i will attach the Papyrus log for the latest try i did. Mods i have and Load order they'r in: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 6 6 FISS.esp 7 7 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 8 8 SkyUI_SE.esp 9 9 Obsidian Weathers.esp 10 a SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 11 b CBE64.esp 12 c Purewaters.esp254 FE 0 FleshFX.esp 13 d Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 14 e MagnusGauntlet.esp 15 f ElderRobe.esp 16 10 Unlimited Charge for Unique Items.esp 17 11 Unique Uniques.esp 18 12 Unlimited Charge - Unique Uniques Compatibility Patch.esp254 FE 1 DBM_RuinsClutterImproved_Patch.esp254 FE 2 DBM_SMIM_Patch.esp 19 13 SimplyBalanced.esp 20 14 RaceMenu.esp 21 15 DawnguardArsenal.esp 22 16 Faction Crossbows.esp 23 17 PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp254 FE 3 DBM_RoyalArmory_Patch.esp 24 18 ktWeaponPackSE.esp 25 19 Radzig - Johnskyrim.esp 26 1a TrueAurielBow.esp 27 1b Eimar's Edge.esp 28 1c Volkihar Knight.esp 29 1d Black Mage Armor SE.esp 30 1e DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp 31 1f RaceMenuPlugin.esp 32 20 icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp 33 21 DustEffectsSSE.esp 34 22 DarkerNights.esp 35 23 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 36 24 MapleManor.esp 37 25 Triumvirate - Mage Archetypes.esp 38 26 Vampirelordroyal.esp 39 27 valkyrja.esp 40 28 ArtifactsOfBoethiah.esp254 FE 4 DBM_ArtifactsofBoethiah_Patch.esp254 FE 5 DBM_Apophysis_Patch.esp254 FE 6 DBM_ktWeaponPackSE_Patch.esp254 FE 7 DBM_DGA_Patch.esp 41 29 TW3Weaponry.esp 42 2a Hedge Mage Armor.esp 43 2b Better Vampires.esp 44 2c BVandRoyalBloodline_Patch.esp 45 2d Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp a bit incomprehensive, but still readable. i think. any help would be massively appreciated. had to make the log file txt as it did not allow me to pst log files directly.
  4. please help. i can't even build anything now. my game is fully vanilla. reinstalled the game and verified files. and suddenly i can't build at ALL. :(
  5. hey. i have a weird issue. the workshop menu works, kinda. the thing is. all the vanilla workshop items e.g Armor workstation/weapon Workstation can't be crafted. i have tried a lot of things. like reinstalling my mods one by one and deleting ALL mods (properly as well) and verified the files. nothing. what might have happened? PS: i dont have ANY of the CC mods at all. so that can't be it. any help would be apreciated.
  6. hey. i have lately been watching some youtube vids about skyrim. and i saw a video with the hearthfire houses but the exterior walls looked like log cabin'ish. can anyone tell me if this is a mod and if it is available. i can not find it whatsoever. i think it was a video from either MxR or Epicnate. any help would be apreciated. thanks in advance :D
  7. as the title says i need some help finding a explosion vfx. i'm making a implosion grenade mod and really want to find the vfx of legendary enemies yellow explosion effect. but can't find it. i was playing a bit when i saw a legendary enemy. i shot at him a couple of times and when he enraged into his legendary *form* he kinda let outwards a yellow pulse'ish explosion. i really want that one in my mod. any help would be apreciated. and if any of you find it for me i will credit you in my mod. :) thanks in advance.
  8. same here. really annoying. :sad: wonder what's going on... Edit: NVM! it's fixed now aparently.
  9. hey. i really would like a mod with a mod menu so i can change in percent how powerful potions are. i would love for this to be done with sliders. i have tried myself but ultimately given up because i dont know how to do it. so a mod like this would be amazing. :)
  10. hey. i REALLY want to make a mod with fallout NV old world blues style force fields as doors and walls to be created in the workshop. but i need a LOT of help. i suck at making mods like this. i can only make models (given enough time that is) but have some serious issues making this a reality. if someone can point me in the right directions or maybe help and even MAKE the mod for me (and others ofcourse) i would be very greatful :D
  11. i might be able to contribute with a Cheytac M200 Model. :) if you'r interested. :) spent about 1 year on the model. lots of stuff needed to be done tho. but details are (mostly) all there. :D send me a PM if you want it. :) i'll gladly give it to you for some credits in the mod description. :) PS: textures and animations MUST be made for it. i suck at texturing and animating...
  12. indeed it is. :) and thank you for the compliment. :P i dont know much about animating either. but i DO know how to make quality models. :P it takes time tho. been working on this for about 1 and a half years now.
  13. hey. as the title says i need help making a weapon for fallout 4. i have made the meshes but need help converting them propperly to NIF and allso need some help animating it. it's the Cheytac M200. i'll send the .obj file to those who wanna help. but DO NOT distribute it WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! if anyone wanna help that would mean a LOT to me. :D some pic's of the gun https://imgur.com/a/FhMt1
  14. hey. i'm trying to make some changes to one of the armors. i want to make it so that i can see the body instead of the armor plates. how? i've tried in blender and nifskope to no avail. i tried removing the armor piece itself from the mesh. did not work. tried the transparency change with the texture modification. still. my body is invicible. any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
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